Posts Tagged ‘rehearsals’
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Thanks for a good rehearsal last night.
We covered the following:
Concert I
I’m gonna sing till the Spirit moves
Soon-ah will be done
Ain’t a that good news
We shall walk through the valley
Concert 2
Movement 1
Movement 8
Movement 11 (worksheet 1)
Next week we will rehearse #2 and continue to work on 1, 8, 11
Please spend time reviewing the musical ideas we worked on. Learn your notes.
This Saturday at 3 pm –men.
Auditions for the Britten Small Chorus will be Feb. 5.
5 (Women), 7, 12
Tags: auditions, dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Second Rehearsal Review
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Here is a preview of tonight’s sign
Welcome to our 2nd rehearsal of Spring 2013! Please sign in. If you are new, give your phone and e-mail. Be sure to write clearly.
Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison
Alto-Debbie Peetz
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt
Bass-Ray Lombardi
The Bookstore has ordered more Spirituals. In the meanwhile go to and print them out.
(My Lord what a morning, Soon-ah will be done, We shall walk through the valley
Ain’t-a that good news!, I’m gonna sing till the spirit moves in my heart)
Inside the Choir Room
RehearsalCD and choral score of Britten’s Cantata Academica ($10)
RehearsalCD for the Spirituals ($5)
Cash or check payable to NVCC Foundation
You will also need Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter.
Order online a We will sing
21. Anvil Chorus
23. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
28. Triumphal Scene
30. Bridal Chorus
31. Pilgrim’s Chorus
Tonight I will dismiss at 9:30 pm to meet with Music Majors.
Tags: attendance, dr. whitmire, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, resources, section leaders, sheet music
Posted in Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Second Rehearsal Preview
Monday, January 21st, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I have ordered 20 more set of spirituals. I have attached PDFs of the music to use only until your copies arrive. Please print out the attachments for tomorrow’s rehearsal.
Kate- Please put these on the website temporarily.
Stand by-More to come.
Editor: All files are posted to the Music Files page.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals, sheet music
Posted in Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Spirituals
Wednesday, January 16th, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-What a glorious first rehearsal we had last night! There was a wonderful, joyous feeling in the room, and you sounded fantastic.
-We had a great group of new members. If any of you felt lost or overwhelmed at all, I encourage you to give yourself time to get into the swing of things. I know it takes time. Once you have listened to your CDs, let me know if you need extra help. We have a number of singers who are excellent tutors. We are very happy you are with us.
-For this week please use your CDs to learn the five spirituals. I would like you to just listen to the Britten and soak up the musical language. Your might want to read along with the translation I put in the front of your choral score. When you are ready, you might want to learn #7.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Spring 2013 | Comments Off on First Rehearsal
Monday, January 7th, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: I am really looking forward to next Tuesday, January 15–our 1st rehearsal of Spring 2013. It is going to be a great season.
If you are not registered, please register now for Chorus (MUS 137 or 237).
Please pick up the following music in the Bookstore before our first rehearsal.
My Lord what a morning
Soon-ah will be done
We shall walk through the valley
Ain’t-a that good news!
I’m gonna sing till the spirit moves in my heart
I will provide a rehearsal CD and choral score of Britten’s Cantata Academica ($10)
You will need Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter.
Order online a
We will sing
23. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
28. Triumphal Scene
30. Bridal Chorus
31. Pilgrim’s Chorus
I look forward to seeing everyone next week.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, sheet music
Posted in Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Next Tuesday
Saturday, December 22nd, 2012
Regular NOVAConnect registration for all 2013 Spring semester sessions is under way. Classes begin on Monday, January 14. The first chorus rehearsal is on Tuesday, January 15.
Chorus is MUS 137 001A (subject MUS, catalog number 137, section 001A).
For previous postings regarding Spring 2013, under Archives on the right-hand side of the page, click on “Spring 2013”
For archived Summer or Fall 2012 information, please see to the right-hand side of the page, also under Archives.
Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (Great refresher for current members, too)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips
Performance Guidance (includes concert dress guidelines)
Join the Chorus
Tags: class schedule, rehearsals, resources
Posted in Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2012 | Comments Off on 2013 Spring Semester
Monday, December 17th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I hope this message finds you enjoying a wonderful holiday. Let’s all try to sustain the wonderful, transcendent sense of peace and joy that you created when we sang Sicut cervus on November 6.
Music for Spring Semester
-music for our 2/27 concert is in the campus bookstore.
-music for our 3/17-3/24 concert, Cantata Academica (B. Britten), is available at
I recommend this complete score, but since it is expensive ($44.00), I will make a choral part for those who cannot afford it.
-music for our 5/2-5/3 concerts will be selected from Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter. It is available at (Many of you already own this collection).
We will work on all this music for the beginning of the semester on January 15, so be sure to have all your music by the first rehearsal on January 15.
Until then, I wish you
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals, resources, sheet music
Posted in Fall 2012, Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Spring Music
Saturday, December 8th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I look forward to seeing everyone today at 12:30 pm.
I need some able-bodied folks to to come at 12:10 to help me move the digital pianos back from Schlesinger. Let me know if you can help.
Please turn in you ticket money today. If you haven’t sold you tickets, there is still time-make some calls. Your friends and family don’t want to miss the Magnificat.
The call tomorrow is 2:00 pm at Bishop Ireton HS. Please be on time. On Thursday we had too many late arrivals.
There is no rehearsal on Tuesday, December 11.
This has been a wonderful semester. Next semester will be equally exciting and challenging, as you will see below (.pdf). We will celebrate Black History Month, the 100th Birthday of Benjamin Britten, and the 200th Birthdays of Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner.
Tags: attendance, class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals, schedule
Posted in Fall 2012, Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Rehearsal and Performance
Friday, December 7th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Last night was a highlight in all my years of directing the NOVA Community Chorus. Your commitment to the chorus and to that beautiful music were a wonderful gift to our audience and to me. Thank you.
One of our members, Jessi Calzado-Esponda, learned last night just before our concert that her mother, who is in the final days of her battle with cancer, has slipped into a coma. Jessi wants to go home to Cuba to be with her and a fund has been set up to help. Here is the link.
Now, back to Bach. I am so happy that we have two more opportunities to make music together in 2013. See you on
Saturday at 12:30 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm.
Tags: dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Performances
Tuesday, December 4th, 2012
Dear Singers-
I am listening to Magnificat right now. Your singing was awesome. The first movement is simply wonderful.
If you missed Sunday’s Concert for any reason, please contact me immediately.
Tonight we rehearse in Schlesinger at 7:30 pm. Please arrive by 7:20 pm so we can get started on time.
Tags: dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Rehearsal
Tuesday, November 27th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2012! Please sign in.
Tickets – I hope that each singer will sell five tickets at $10 each (Half price). Cash or checks to WMPA.
Flyers– Post them everywhere. Send them electronically to everyone you know.
Tonight is Music Majors Final Exam
-Tues. 11/27 Music Majors Final Exam
-Sat. 12/1 Full Rehearsal ⏎ Please do not miss this rehearsal
-Sun. 12/2, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call, Epiphany ⏎ Note new call time
-Tues. 12/04, 7:30pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/06 Concert, Schlesinger
-Thurs. 12/06, 7:30 pm Concert, 6:30 pm Call, Band/Chorus Concert, Schlesinger
-Sat. 12/8 Full Rehearsal
-Sunday 12/9, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call, with the WMPO, Bishop Ireton HS
Hallelujah Chorus
We will rehearse the Hallelujah Chorus tonight. If you do not own a Messiah score, please print the pdf I sent last week and bring to rehearsal. Here is a link to learning tracks:
Tags: attendance, class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, resources, sheet music
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Eleventh Rehearsal Preview
Wednesday, November 21st, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Thanks for a great rehearsal last night. We are on track for three great concerts!
-Please find time in the midst of the weekend festivities to work on your music. We are too close to lay off now.
-Be sure to invite your friends to our concerts. Our audience will be made of people we bring.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 20th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Fall 2012! Please sign in.
Tickets – See your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets at $10 each (Half price). Cash or checks to WMPA.
Flyers – Post them everywhere. Send them electronically to everyone you know.
Thanks to all who attended rehearsal with the orchestra on Sunday. The tempos that I took are the same as on the recording I gave you. Work with your recording.
-Sat. 11/24 No Rehearsal
-Tues. 11/27 Music Majors Final Exam
-Sat. 12/1 Full Rehearsal ⏎ Please do not miss this rehearsal
-Sun. 12/2, 3:00 pm Concert, 1:30 pm Call, Epiphany
-Tues. 12/04, 7:30pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/06 Concert, Schlesinger
-Thurs. 12/06, 7:30 pm Concert, 6:30 pm Call, Band/Chorus Concert, Schlesinger
-Sat. 12/8 Full Rehearsal
-Sunday 12/9, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call, with the WMPO, Bishop Ireton HS
Hallelujah Chorus
We will sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the band at our 12/06 concert. A PDF is attached. If you do not own a Messiah score, please print it and bring to rehearsal. Here is a link to learning tracks:
Tags: attendance, class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, resources, sheet music
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Tenth Rehearsal Preview
Friday, November 16th, 2012
Update: Woops! I look forward to seeing all of the women tomorrow at 12:30 pm.
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I have just learned that Sunday’s rehearsal with the orchestra has been moved to 6:00 pm due to activities at the school. I hope that you can attend.
I look forward to seeing all of the men tomorrow at 12:30 pm.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Sunday Rehearsal
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Fall 2012! Please sign in.
Tickets – See your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets at $10 each (Half price). Cash or checks to WMPA.
Flyers– Post them everywhere. Send them electronically to everyone you know.

Click image for .pdf
Rehearsal this Sunday
I will be rehearsing the Bach Magnificat with the orchestra this Sunday, November 18, at 5:00 pm, at Bishop Ireton High School. I would like it if as many singers as possible to attend. I would especially like my Music Majors to be present for this educational opportunity.
-Sat. 11/17 Women
-Sun. 11/18 5:00 pm rehearsal with orchestra at Bishop Ireton HS ⏎ new entry
-Sat. 11/24 No Rehearsal
-Tues. 11/27 Music Majors Final Exam
-Sat. 12/1 Full Rehearsal
-Sun. 12/2, 3:00 pm Concert, 1:30 pm Call, Epiphany ⏎ note time change
-Tues. 12/04, 7:30pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/06 Concert, Schlesinger
-Thurs. 12/06, 7:30 pm Concert, 6:30 pm Call, Band/Chorus Concert, Schlesinger
-Sat. 12/8 Full Rehearsal
-Sunday 12/9, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call, with the WMPO Bishop Ireton HS
Tags: class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals, schedule
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Ninth Rehearsal Preview
Tuesday, November 6th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2012! Please sign in.
Thanks to all who attended our make-up rehearsal on Saturday.
Women’s Auditions for Suscepit Israel are tonight. I would especially like my Music Majors to audition.
Schedule Notes
I will be rehearsing the Bach Magnificat with the orchestra on Sunday, November 18, at 5:00 pm, at Bishop Ireton High School. I would like it if as many singers as possible to attend. I would especially like my Music Majors to be present for this educational opportunity.
Please Note: The call on December 2 at Epiphany is 1:30 pm. The concert (now billed as an informal concert – with tickets) is at 3:00 pm.
-Sat. 11/10 Men
-Sat. 11/17 Women
-Sun. 11/18 5:00 pm rehearsal with orchestra at Bishop Ireton HS ⏎ new entry
-Sat. 11/24 No Rehearsal
-Tues. 11/27 Music Majors Final Exam
-Sat. 12/1 Full Rehearsal
-Sun. 12/2, 3:00 pm Concert, 1:30 pm Call, Epiphany ⏎ note time change
-Tues. 12/04, 7:30pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/06 Concert, Schlesinger
-Thurs. 12/06, 7:30 pm Concert, 6:30 pm Call, Band/Chorus Concert, Schlesinger
-Sat. 12/8 Full Rehearsal
-Sunday 12/9, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call, with the WMPO Bishop Ireton HS
Tags: auditions, class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Eighth Rehearsal Preview
Thursday, November 1st, 2012
From Chorister Cindy:
I am not sure how to send an email out to the entire chorus, but I would like to propose a small group rehearsal this Friday from 2:30 to 3:30 in the Tyler building. Can you please pass this message on for me?
Tags: rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Friday
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
As you may know, the college is closed, so we will not have rehearsal tonight.
I hope that many of you will get together in sections and small groups to work. I hope that all of you will spend at least two hours working on your music individually.
We will have a Full Rehearsal this Saturday, 12:30-1:45 pm. Please plan to attend. There is much to do
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Closed
Saturday, October 27th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I will be rehearsing the Bach Magnificat with the orchestra on Sunday, November 18, at 5:00 pm, at Bishop Ireton High School. I would like it if as many singers as possible to attend. I would especially like my Music Majors to be present for this educational opportunity.
Men- We have rehearsal today at 12:30 pm.
Women- Auditions for Suscepit Israel will be this Tuesday after rehearsal. I encourage my Music Majors to prepare and gain this audition experience. Your notes can be found at
Please note this time change:
The call on December 2 at Epiphany is 1:30 pm. The concert (now billed as an informal concert – with tickets) is at 3:00 pm.
Tags: auditions, class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Update
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Fall 2012! Please sign in.
Be sure to check out
Women’s Auditions for Suscepit Israel will be next Tuesday. The music is attached. Kate will post it (.pdf) at I will have a few copies for those who can’t print.
What a great Chorus! How can we reach our potential?
(1) Every member take personal responsibility for knowing your parts. Use your CD.
(2) Come to Saturday sections as often as you can
(3) Get together in small groups and practice
(4) Make every possible effort not to miss Tuesday rehearsals
-Sat. 10/27 Men
-Sat. 11/3 No Rehearsal
-Sat. 11/10 Men
-Sat. 11/17 Women
-Sat. 11/24 No Rehearsal
-Sat. 12/1 Full Rehearsal
-Sun. 12/2, 2:00 pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/9 concert, Church of the Epiphany
-Tues. 12/04, 7:30pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/06 Concert, Schlesinger
-Thurs. 12/06, 7:30 pm concert, 6:30 pm call, Band/Chorus Concert, Schlesinger
-Sat. 12/8 Full Rehearsal
-Sunday 12/9, 3:00 pm concert, 2:00 pm call, with the WMPO Bishop Ireton HS
Tags: attendance, auditions, class schedule, dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Seventh Rehearsal Preview
Saturday, October 20th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I look forward to seeing WOMEN today at 12:30 pm.
EVERYONE- Please look over the attached antiphonal chorus chart (.pdf).
As you see we are 96 singers strong, including 40 men! The sky is the limit in terms of our potential as an ensemble. Here is how we can reach that potential:
(1) Every member take personal responsibility for knowing your parts. Work with your CD
(2) Come to Saturday sections as often as you can
(3) Get together in small groups and practice
(4) Make every possible effort not to miss Tuesday rehearsals
Tags: attendance, dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Antiphonal Chorus
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Tonight is our 6th rehearsal of Fall 2012!
Once again, let me thank you for a great Beethoven concert on Oct. 2.
You looked great and sounded great. We had a great crowd and received over $1000.00 in donations. Special thanks to Chris and David, and to our outstanding soloists-Cindy, Lika, Jane, Mike, Francisco, Matt, Ellie and Ray.
If you missed the concert for any reason, Please make sure you have spoken to me about it since October 2.
If you are a Music Major and missed the Mid-term on Saturday, please stay after rehearsal tonight.
Extra Rehearsal CDs are here for free. Everyone must be practicing with the rehearsal tracks every week (even every day)
Schedule Changes
We will have Women’s rehearsal this Sat. at 12:30 pm
(there was previously no rehearsal scheduled.
There will be no Sat. rehearsal (Women) on Nov. 3.
There will be no Sat. rehearsal on Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving)
Tags: attendance, class schedule, dr. whitmire, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, schedule
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Sixth Rehearsal Preview
Monday, October 8th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Music Majors-
As promised, your mid-term exam will be this Saturday, October 13, 2:00-4:00 pm, following Women’s rehearsal. We will meet as a group and I will ask you to sing in quartets. You will be asked to sing (1) an excerpt from a movement of the Bach Magnificat, and (2) and excerpt from one of the Italian antiphonal choruses: Jubilate Deo, Diligam te, or Laudate Jerusalem. Assessment will be as follows:
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct pitches (0-30 points)
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct rhythms (0-30 points)
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct words (0-20 points)
-overall tone quality (0-10 points)
-overall musicality (0-10 points)
According to my records, the following students are Music Majors. If you want to receive a degree in music, but are not on this list, please let me know. [See e-mail for list]
Once everyone has finished singing, let’s stay for a brief social hour. I will order pizza and sodas.
Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Music Majors
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What a perfect concert last night. Every minute was thoroughly enjoyable. You looked great and sounded great. I hope you felt the same- I know our audience did.
Of course our most heartfelt thanks and applause goes to Chris and David. What a tour de force! It was a delight to be on stage for such incredible music-making.
If, for any reason, your were not present last night, please contact me immediately. If you had previously informed me of you absence, please contact me again to remind me.
I look forward to seeing all the men this Sat. 10/06 at 12:30 pm.
We have no rehearsal next Tuesday 10/09, but I am counting on each of you to work on your Italian Choruses.
Tags: dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Concert Review