Posts Tagged ‘rehearsals’

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:

Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Spring 2011!

Please sign in.

Tonight-Verdi 182-211 and 124-156, Beethoven 22-28

Next week– Verdi 124-156, 167-181; Beethoven 29-47

This Saturday
at 1 pm – men

– It is now just a month until our concert with the ASO. If you are going to order clothing from one of the costume sites, you should place your order soon. It is fine to where something you already have, but be sure to look at the guidelines.

Verdi Sanctus– it has been requested that we split on the Sanctus. Therefore:
Chorus I – S1, A1, T1, B1
Chorus II- S2, A2, T2, B2
We will look at this tonight

Conflicts-If you are going to miss any part of the Verdi, rehearsal or concert, please send me a message. If you are a Music Major and will be away during Spring Break you may be excused from the rehearsals and concert only if you inform me now. If you do not inform me now and miss the rehearsals or concerts, you will receive a failing grade for the semester.

For your Calendar
-Saturday, February 19, 3:00 pm, AT130
Lecture/Recital: Kathy Kessler Price
-Tuesday, March 1, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 1st Exam (Verdi pp. 186-205)
-Tuesday, March 22, at 9:15 pm.
Auditions for solos in Ode to Joy (May 3 performance)
-Saturday, March 26, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Steven Rich
-Saturday, April 2, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Francisco Robles
-Tuesday, April 5, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 2nd Exam (Beethoven pp 28-36)
-Saturday, April 16, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Nicole Derksen
-Saturday, April 30, AT130
2:00 pm Applied Voice Recital
3:00-5:00 pm Applied voice Juries (required of Voice Majors)
-Saturday, May 7 ¬ note date change
3:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s

Rehearsal Reminder

Friday, January 14th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Reminder- There is a rehearsal for tenors and basses tomorrow (01/15) from 1:00-2:15 pm (not required, but strongly encouraged).
Have a great weekend!

First Rehearsal Recap

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

Handouts from last night’s rehearsal:
First Rehearsal Welcome, (.pdf)
Schedule, Spring 2011, 2 pages (.pdf)
Verdi text and translation, 3 pages, previously posted on December 30, (.pdf)
Beethoven text and translation, 2 pages, (.pdf)

Also noted:
Verdi Latin diction, previously posted on December 30, (.mp3)
Gramophone article: Composer Eric Whitacre on why British choirs are best, direct weblink, or PDF of article

Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (.pdf)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips (.pdf)
Performance Guidance (.pdf)
Join the Chorus (.pdf)

Verdi Text and Diction

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers,
Attached is the Verdi Requiem Text and Translation (.pdf) plus an mp3 of the Latin diction. Knowing that many of you cannot open attachments, I’ve sent this message to Kate who will have it up at very soon.

I have CDs of our December 12 performance of Judas Macabbaeus. It sounds fabulous! I will be in my office this Tuesday, January 4, from 1 -6 pm if you would like one.  If you can’t make it, I will have them at our first rehearsal on 1/11. $10 cash or check made to NVCC Foundation.

Many of you have not registered for chorus. Please do so asap. Also encourage other good singers to join us. We’ll need all of us and more for the Ninth in April!

Remember, our chorus can only be as good as its members.
If you want to improve your singing, register for MUS131-01a Beginning Class Voice (MT, 6-7:15 pm)
If you want to learn more about music, sign up for MUS101-01a Basic Musicianship (Sat, 10 am -12:45 pm)
Both these classes are taught be me, and both are scheduled to sync with our chorus rehearsals.

Happy New Year!

Verdi Schedule

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I trust that this message finds you enjoying a wonderful holiday season. Knowing how busy you are, I thought it best to send you our upcoming schedule (.pdf) as early as possible. Be sure sure to mark your calendars. (Note that the Verdi Requiem comes up during the college Spring Break.) This is going to be the most exciting season ever! I look forward to seeing you on Jan 11.

Peace on Earth-DrW

From Dr. Whitmire

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Dear Singers- What a wonderful job you did last night! You have never sounded better. What a treat it is that we get to singing this music two more times.

If, for any reason, you did not attend last night’s concert, please send me an explanation. If you told me about it in advance, please send me a reminder.

Tomorrow’s rehearsal is in Schlesinger at 7:30 pm. The riser arrangement from Sunday should work. The program is only 25 minutes.

Selections from
Judas Maccabaeus
G. F. Handel

Duet: Come ever smiling liberty!
Peggy Harrison, soprano; Carol Pelenberg, alto
Chorus: Lead on

Duet: Sion now her head shall raise
Terri LaGoe soprano; Debbie Peetz, alto
Chorus: Tune your harps

Duet and Chorus: Hail, Judea! Happy land
Alex Berman, soprano; Cindy Gossman, soprano

Duet: Oh! Never bow we down
Francisco Robles, tenor; William Brown, bass
Chorus: We never will bow down

Chorus: Father of Heaven

Chorus: See the conquering here comes

Chorus: Sing unto God
Annette Reilly, alto; Andrew Scott, tenor

Stage Instructions

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:
I have attached my instructions (.pdf) for the Bishop Ireton performance and Mark’s original riser diagram (.pdf). Although it seems complicated, we have fewer complications about leaving the stage and re entering from the other side for different opera choruses like the last time.

I believe that first impressions are important. That’s why going on and off the risers like professionals who have done this a million times works in our favor.

Our Schlesinger Center dress rehearsal on Tuesday and the performance on Thursday will be casual in comparison. We will sit in the front rows of the audience by section so that we can stream onto the risers with minimum confusion. The back row on the risers will be in the front of audience chairs and so on.

See you on Sunday at 1:55 in the hall. (Mark will have been rehearsing since 1:30.)
Please park along the back rows of the parking lot so our audience gets prime parking.

13th Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 13th rehearsal of Fall 2010!

Please sign in.

Tonight- In addition to Judas, we’ll sing through Verdi Dies Irae first section and On with the snow.

Thursday night 12/2, 8-8:30 pm. Rehearsal with the band in Schlesinger

Sunday night 12/2 – Concert at Bishop Ireton; 2:00 pm call

Next Tuesday 12/7- Rehearsal in Schlesinger; 7:30 pm

Next Thursday 12/9- Concert in Schlesinger; 6:30 pm call

Music Majors- Final Exam is tonight following rehearsal

As you know, Judas Maccabaeus is going to be a wonderful concert. Bring your friends and family. Everyone will be glad it was a part of their of their holidays.
Sing Well-DrW

12th Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Fall 2010!   Please sign in.

I could not have been more pleased and proud of you at Sunday night’s dress rehearsal. You were attentive, patient, and sang with a beautiful full tone in every section. Our soloists did a fabulous job.

Tonight– In addition to Judas, we’ll sing through Verdi Dies Irae first section and On with the snow.

Rehearsal with the band on Thursday night, December 2, 8-8:30 pm.

If you can, please plan to rehearse On with the snow with the band.

Music Majors– Final Exam is next Tuesday, November 30

Our next Rehearsal is next Tuesday, November 30

As you know, Judas Maccabaeus is going to be a wonderful concert. Bring your friends and family. Everyone will be glad it was a part of their of their holidays.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Sing Well-DrW

Notes on Dress Rehearsal

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Happy Saint Cecelia Day (Patron Saint of Musicians)!
Brava/o! I could not have been more pleased and proud of you at last night’s dress rehearsal. You were attentive, patient, and sang with a beautiful full tone in every section. Our soloists did a fabulous job. We had only a few rhythmic issues in the fast spots. We’ll sort them out tomorrow night. We’ll also sing through Verdi Dies Irae first section.

If you can, please plan to rehearse On with the snow with the band on Thursday night, December 2, 8-8:30 pm.

See you tomorrow night.


Friday, November 19th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Tomorrow (Sat 11/20) – Rehearsal at NVCC; 1-2:15 pm
Sunday (11/21) –  Rehearsal at Bishop Ireton, 6-8:30 pm [I’ll need several able bodies to help Steve set up risers. If you can help, show up at 5:30 pm)

Tomorrow I will have more Verdi Alto CDs for those who didn’t get one.

I’ll also have more copies of “On with the snow.”
Don’t forget to make the correction: mm 35-37 words are “No man, but you can do the job when you’re in town ”
Unfortunately the midi file for this has gone awol so there won’t be any notes for you unless it shows up. It’s very simple and familiar.

Performance Tips

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:  Wow, I forgot how useful the document “Performance Tips” found on our chorus web site is. There are key requirements and suggestions in these simple “Tips.” which we have refined over the years.

Admin:  Here is a reminder that Frequently Used Documents are always posted on the right-side of the page.

The Performance Tips document (.pdf) offers all kinds of advice including performance dress code, dress rehearsal procedure and more.  This should address questions for new members and serve as a refresher for seasoned choristers.

11th Rehearsal Notes

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2010!
Please sign in.

At this table, take note of word correction to On with the Snow.

If you were absent last week, pick up Verdi Requiem Rehearsal CDs. The 2-CD set is $10. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Thanks to the great group who attended Sunday’s rehearsal with orchestra. I was happy to have you there.

This Saturday (11/20) we have a Full Rehearsal 1:00 to 2:15 pm here in AT130. Please plan to attend.

This Sunday (11/21) is our Dress Rehearsal at Bishop Ireton High School (201 Cambridge Rd). This rehearsal is mandatory. THE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 6:00-8:30 PM.

12/5-12/12 Soloists please stay after rehearsal tonight.

Orchestra Rehearsal

Saturday, November 13th, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:  Chorus:

Mark will direct “our” orchestra for the first time this Sunday at 5:30 PM in the Bishop Ireton HS Cafeteria. It is their rehearsal but it provides an opportunity for us to get to know them, too. If you are new to the chorus, it is a great time to find your way to the high school for the first time (rather than wait until the dress rehearsal) and to experience how it will sound with this particular orchestra (they are learning it, too).

It is at 201 Cambridge Road in Alexandria,  just north of Duke Street up on the hill.
If you approach it via Duke St, going East, Cambridge Rd. (traffic light for left turn) is two  streets past Quaker Lane (traffic light). Park in the first parking lot (over looking Duke St.) and go straight into the building by the most obvious doors. We will be in the cafeteria which is to your left. So are the rest rooms. The auditorium and band rehearsal room that we will use for the concert are to your right.

Sit in sections (Soprano, Alto, etc.) and be quiet. It is the orchestra’s rehearsal.

[Admin: For those who prefer Google Maps:  Bishop Ireton High School]

Alto Rehearsal Update

Friday, November 12th, 2010

(11/10/2010) From Chorister Debbie:  Here’s the schedule of extra Alto rehearsals at Ellie Briscoe’s home:
Dec 21, Dec 28, January 4
(Ellie also plans to create a flyer with this information.)

From Ellie:
Altos: optional Verdi learning sessions
Where: Ellie Briscoe’s home, about ten blocks from NVCC campus
When:7:30 – 9:00 pm on three Tuesdays: December 21, 28, January 4
Allergy warning: I have cats.  Non-altos are welcome also but we will be using the alto practice CD.

Directions from NVCC to 1709 Stonebridge Road, Alexandria
Go east on Braddock from campus. Go up the hill (through a traffic light), down the hill and under 395 (and through a second light), and up the next hill to the third traffic light, turn right onto Howard St. Take the fourth right onto Loyola; go to the end and turn right onto Stonebridge. 1709 is the first house on your right on Stonebridge, two-story brick-fronted house with a porch, and a rock by the curb that says “1709.”
If coming north on Howard from Seminary, Loyola is the first left. Note that you cannot see the Loyola street sign behind the BIG tree.

In case you get lost: phone is  703 461 7383.

10th Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Fall 2010! Please sign in.

At this table
, take a copy of On with the Snow

Inside pick up Verdi Requiem Rehearsal CDs. The 2-CD set is $10. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Absentee Auditions Tonight
If you have miss more than two rehearsals as of tonight, please stay to audition for me to demonstrate preparedness. If you are not sure of your absences, see your Section Leader.

All Soloists please stay after rehearsal tonight.

Optional Alto Rehearsals

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

From Section Leader Debbie:  Ellie has suggested and offered to host VERDI rehearsals… See
below.   Please let me know your interest in participating by reply to: deborah_peetz [at] rand [dot] org

From Ellie:  Since we know most people don’t have standing commitments on Tuesdays, how’s about in December after chorus is over, I host Tuesday “Verdi” sectionals, to sing through the Requiem and get somewhat familiar with it?  People will already have the practice CD.  I could open that to sopranos, too, or even
anyone who wants to come; then maybe we’d have half a dozen folks show up.

Or, I could set them up for Mondays, and begin next week; if he keeps telling us which movements he’s going to work on we can anticipate them.

We have I think four class sessions left before the end of chorus, and the second performance of “Judas” is after the last one.

9th Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,
Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Fall 2010! Please sign in.

Thanks again to all the Men who auditioned last Tuesday.
Duet # 48
Robles, Francisco; Brown, Bill

Men’s Chorus  #50
Connors, John; DeHart, Jon; Gerbracht, Bob; Goldschmidt, Larry; Reilly, Bill; Robles, Francisco; Scott, Andrew; Brown, Bill; Bunner, Alan; Clark, John; Homayouni, Brandon; Kennedy, Richard; Krause, Alan; Robertson, Al

Solo # 58
Scott, Andrew

Tonight’s Rehearsal – #4 to #25

AuditionsTonight (11/2) at the end of rehearsal I will hear auditions from WOMEN for #18, #30 and #58 (alto)

Absentee Auditions –Next Tuesday 11/9
If you have miss more than two rehearsals as of next week, please prepare to audition for me to demonstrate preparedness. If you are not sure of your absences, see your Section Leader.

Soprano Rehearsal

Monday, November 1st, 2010

(10/30/2010) From Chorister Sara: Hi all, Since this afternoon during the women’s rehearsal Mark suggested that he would like the sopranos to get together and rehearse before Tuesday evening, I am inviting all sopranos to meet at our house (Bob G. and Sara D. B.) on Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. I’ll supply the iPod and speakers, piano backup, and some goodies for a refreshment break during rehearsal. There is plenty of on street parking, plus you can park in our driveway. Our neighbors won’t complain if you park in front of their houses.

If you can, please let me know if you are coming so I can put plenty of chairs out. We can seat 20+ fairly easily (we have lots of family and grandchildren).

Directions are attached to the original e-mail. [Admin: edited for privacy. Please contact sdbg [at] cox [dot] net for more information.]

See you on Monday evening.

8th Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2010! Please sign in.

Brava! for the 12 women who gave 2 fine performances of The Planets. Special thanks to Chris who subbed in on soprano I on the second performance.

Thanks again to Chris and David Hagan
for their wonderful program last Tuesday and to each of you for to showing up with your friends and supporting the Vocal Scholarship so generously. We raised over $2000.00! We will be able to provide a full scholarship to one of our voice majors again next year.

Tonight – Judas #25 to the end

AuditionsTonight (10/26) at the end of rehearsal I will hear auditions from MEN for #48, #50 and #58 (tenor)
Next week (11/2) at the end of rehearsal I will hear auditions from WOMEN for #18, #30 and #58 (alto)

Absentee Auditions –Tuesday 11/9
If you have miss more than two rehearsals as 11/9, please prepare to audition for me to demonstrate preparedness. If you are not sure of you absence, see your Section Leader [Admin: See Performance Tips for contact information].

Sing Well -DrW

Judas Maccabaeus Auditions

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers,
As you know, the following solos in Judas are open to members of the chorus, who will be selected by audition.
44 | 18 | Duet (S-A)* | Come, ever-smiling Liberty
80 | 30 | Duet (S-S)* | Sion now her head
127 | 48 | Duet (T-B)* | O never bow we down
139 | 50 | Air (5 men)* | Father of Heaven
155 | 58 | Duet (A-T)* | Sing unto God

Auditions for men [Father in Heaven, and Sing unto God (tenor), and O never bow down]will be this Tuesday 10/26. We will go through them briefly this Saturday following the men’s rehearsal for those who are interested in auditioning.

Auditions for Women [Come ever smiling liberty. Sion now raise, and Sing unto God (alto)] will be next Tuesday 11/02.

I will be looking for well-prepared singers who have solo-quality voices that can reach over a full orchestra.

I hope that many of you will audition.

Recital Follow Up

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-What a wonderful recital on Tuesday night. Thanks to Chris and David for a unbelievable program! And what a wonderful group of people you are to show up with your friends and to support the Vocal Scholarship so generously. My goal was to raise $2000.00 and you raised $2030.00! We will be able to provide a full scholarship to one of our voice majors again next year. Thanks!

We have a Men’s Rehearsal this Saturday 1:00-2:15 pm
We have a Holst Rehearsal (12 women) this Saturday 2:30-3:00 pm

Alto Rehearsal

Monday, October 18th, 2010

From Chorister Ellie:  The time for next Sunday has not changed, only the location, so my original
proposal stands:  Rehearsal at my house for Judas from 2 – 4 pm.

Note about “See the Conquering Hero”:  I have written Soprano on the top line and Alto on the second line in my
music so, unless there has been a change, all of the women are singing about Conquering Heros.

Revised Schedule

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

Dear Singers- Good morning! Below [linked] is a revised schedule (.pdf). Please take particular note of changes marked in red. See you later today.

Rehearsal Reminder

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

-Please do not miss our Judas Maccabeaus rehearsal this Saturday 1:00-2:30 pm.
-Don’t forget, our Scholarship Fundraiser, a recital by Chris and David Hagan, is this Tuesday, October 19 at 7:30 pm. I’d like each of you to bring at least 2 guests. They will be glad you did.

Women’s Chorus for Holst
By all accounts, Sunday’s Dress Rehearsal was a disaster. Therefore I must take steps to give us the best chance for a credible performance. I am reducing the choir to two on a part. I am very sorry to have to cut some of my women from the concert, but I am forced to resort to drastic steps. The Reduced Women’s Chorus that you see below will rehearse this Saturday at noon. You must attend to sing in the concerts. If you are in the Reduced Women’s Chorus below, please respond and let me know that you will be at this rehearsal.

Choir I
Soprano 1- Terri LaGoe (10/17), Chris Hagan (10/24), Michelle McHugh
Soprano 2-Peggy Harrison, Lene Jensen
Alto-Debbie Peetz, Dorothea Kamara

Choir II
Soprano 1-Jill Meyer, Judy Robb
Soprano 2-Shellie Grant, Barbara Lowrey
Alto-Ellie Briscoe, Annette Reilly

I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday. We will rehearse all of Judas.