Posts Tagged ‘dr. whitmire’

Sixth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 6th rehearsal of Spring 2013! Please sign in.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison
Alto-Debbie Peetz
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt
Bass-Ray Lombardi

Tonight we will rehearse the 5 spirituals and Britten # 7 & 8 with text.
9:30 pm – Small Chorus Women on #5
9:45 pm – Music Majors

Small Chorus
Soprano- Peggy, Terri, Jamaica, Judy R
Alto- Annette, Debbie, Jane, Pat
Tenor- DeMarcus, John, Bill R, Kris
Bass-Larry C, Bill B, Mike, Tom M

This Saturday 2/23 is Full Rehearsal at 3pm (attendance required). Joyce Garrett will be here.


Monday, February 18th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- the bookstore has all the spirituals. If you are using copies, please purchase  the actual music now.
Yours- DrW

It Don’t Mean a Thing

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Here is the music for It don’t mean a thing. One is large (.pdf). The other is small and formatted in booklet form (.pdf). Please print for yourself if possible. I will have several copies of the small format on Tuesday.

Black History Month

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire to chorus: Please attend these Black History Month events if you are able. If you go, please introduce yourself to my colleague Joe Windham. Tomorrow night and Tuesday at 2.
Yours- DrW

From Joe Windham to Dr. Whitmire: Hey Mark!
This is a wonderful invitation adn I will work diligently at filling that auditorium with students and friends throughout the area. I will also work on my piece with John and try to bring Fred Douglass to life for the audience!
Don’t forget that we have two events this week with:
A’Lelia Bundles of the National Archives and Madam CJ Walker’s GG Grandaughter and biographer tomorrow night at 7:30 PM in Bisdorf 196 on Emanciaption Proclamation (1863) & the March on Washington (1963).
Cameron McWhirter of the Wall Street Journal & author of Red Summer (Black Radicalization in 1919) Tuesday at 2:00 PM in 196.
Please encourage your students and colleagues to come!


Friday, February 15th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Hi Britt- Please put this invite and the flyer on the Facebook page as well as the webpage.

Cantata Academica

Friday, February 15th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Cantata Academica Errata
Men-at mm 11-12 the word should be ar-ca-na (not a-re-a-na)
Women at 17-18 the word should be ar-ca-na (not a-re-a-na). It should look like

Alto- at M24 (2 before square 45) the notes should be G – A (not B – A)
All- rehearsal square 46 should be moved five measures forward, to m. 38
All- At rehearsal square 46 (m. 38) the syllable is “-lus” (not –lis)
All- Add one measure before the final “saeculorum”
Tenor and Bass:
M. 72-73. < FLO-REAT-STU-DI-UM>
M. 155.     <TA-TI-TU-U>
Tenor  M.52;  ALTO M81, 86, 87
<CO-PI-IS-LO-CU-P(I)ES>   (in the music).
<CO-PI-IS-LO-CU-P(L)ES > (in the translation)
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
M. 15:
Alto, Tenor, Bass
M. 36-38  Soprano, Alto, Tenor,  Bass

Cantata Academica Notes
Structural elements in #8
-The opening melody employs all 12 notes of the chromatic scale. (Britten tips his hat to serialism)
-The successive fugal entrances starting with the basses at reh square 27 begin on each note of the chromatic scale: G F Eb E F# A D Bb C Db Cb (B) Ab
-beginning at rehearsal square 29 the exact same series of pitches reappears, now in stretto (close succession).
-Moreover, opening 12-tone theme of #8 dictates the overall structure of Cantata Academic, as each movement has as its key or tonal center the successive notes of the theme.
I-G, II-F, III-Eb, IV-E, V- F#, VI-A, VII-D, VIII-Bb, IX- C, X-Db, XI-Cb, XII-Ab, XIII-G
One of my singers said, “the notes seem so random.” I know what she means, but, as your see, thev are systematically structured and actually couldn’t be less random.
At the end we are using optional words (saeculis saeculorum) that Britten provided to make the piece less specific to Basle University, who commissioned the piece.

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Spring 2013! Please sign in.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison
Alto-Debbie Peetz
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt
Bass-Ray Lombardi

Tonight we will rehearse the 5 spirituals and Britten # 1 & 2 with text.

Thanks to those who auditioned for the Small Chorus in Cantata Academica.
I heard some well-prepared singers, but not enough. (Someone said that the Saturdayrehearsals scared folks away). So I have added additional singers (Music majors and others whose voices I know well) that did not audition for the Small Chorus. To make it easier, we will rehearse on Tuesdays at the end of rehearsals, starting March 4. Let me know if you do not want to be a part.
Soprano- Peggy, Terri, Jamaica, Judy R
Alto- Annette, Debbie, Jane, Pat
Tenor- DeMarcus, John, Bill R, Kris
Bass- Alan B, Bill B, Mike, Tom M
Our four soloists Cantata Academica will be Lika Bozhich, Claire Dubas, Francisco Robles, Matt Relton

Music Majors
plan to stay after to rehearse.

is women’s rehearsal at 3 pm.

Please remember: Saturday 2/23 is Full Rehearsal (attendance required). Joyce Garrett will be here.

Audition Tracks

Friday, February 8th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Here are the tracks I’ll use for Small Chorus auditions tomorrow.
Track 5 (.mp3)
Track 12 (.mp3)

Cantata Academica Errata

Friday, February 8th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-I look forward to seeing Men tomorrow at 3 pm.
-Auditions for the Small Chorus will be at 4:15 pm. Subsequent Small Chorus rehearsal will take place on Saturdays.
-Thanks to Peggy, Jane , Larry, Bill and others for helping me ferret out errors in my Cantata Academica chorus part. I look forward to more corrections.

Cantata Academica Errata
Men-at mm 11-12 the word should be ar-ca-na (not a-re-a-na)
Women at 17-18 the word should be ar-ca-na (not a-re-a-na). It should look like
Alto- at M24 (2 before square 45) the notes should be G – A (not B – A)
All- rehearsal square 46 should be moved five measures forward, to m. 38
All- At rehearsal square 46 (m. 38) the syllable is “-lus” (not –lis)
All- Add one measure before the final “saeculorum”

Concert Flyer

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Here is a letter-size flyer (.pdf) that will be easiest for you to use. I am having 400 copies printed of the large poster (.pdf) for you to post throughout the community. Start now! Spread the word!

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Spring 2013! Please sign in.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison
Alto-Debbie Peetz
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt
Bass-Ray Lombardi

we will rehearse the 5 spirituals and Britten # 12 & #13 with text.

Auditions for the Small Chorus in Cantata Academica is this Saturday 2/9, following the Men’s Rehearsal. The audition selection will be #12 mm 1-35 plus #5 for women.  I will select the Small Chorus from those singers that are able to rehearse on Saturdays. The Small Chorus will rehearse 4:15-4:45 pm on 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9.

Starting March 4 you will also need Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter.
Order online a We will sing
21. Anvil Chorus
23. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
28. Triumphal Scene
30. Bridal Chorus
31. Pilgrim’s Chorus

Music Majors plan to stay after to rehearse.

Saturday is Men’s rehearsal at 3 pm.

Attached is our Black History Month poster (.pdf). Start spreading the word!

Women’s Rehearsal

Friday, February 1st, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers (women)-
We will also work of #7 tomorrow using this track. Try it out please.


Friday, February 1st, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Small Chorus Audition
I wrote previously that the audition for the Small Chorus in Cantata Academica would be Tuesday, February 5. I have moved the audition to Saturday 2/9, following the Women’s Rehearsal. The audition selection will be #12 mm 1-35 plus #5 for women.  I will select the Small Chorus from those singers that are able to rehearse on Saturdays. The Small Chorus will rehearse 4:15-4:45 pm on 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9.

Cantata Academica Analysis (feel free to ignore if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea)

I have talked about some of the structural elements in #8

-The opening melody employs all 12 notes of the chromatic scale. (Britten tips his hat to serialism)

-The successive fugal entrances starting with the basses at reh square 27 begin on each note of the chromatic scale: G F Eb E F# A D Bb C Db Cb (B) Ab

-beginning at rehearsal square 29 the exact same series of pitches reappears, now in stretto (close succession).

-Moreover, opening 12-tone theme of #8 dictates the overall structure of Cantata Academic, as each movement has as its key or tonal center the successive notes of the theme:

I-G, II-F, III-Eb, IV-E, V- F#, VI-A, VII-D, VIII-Bb, IX- C, X-Db, XI-B, XII-Ab (G#), XIII-G

One of my singers said, “the notes seem so random.” I know what she means, but, as your see, thev are systematically structured and actually couldn’t be less random.

I am expecting a load of donated books to be dropped off this Saturday at 2:50 pm. If there are able-bodied women who could help me transport them, I would appreciated it.

Rehearsal Review

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

-Thanks for a good rehearsal last night. It was great to add some musical moments to our pieces.
-Our February 27 concert has only 5 pieces. You should know them securely by now. If not, please learn them this week.
-Here is a link to a performance of We shall walk in peace that demonstrates what I was talking about last night.
-We have Women’s rehearsal this Sat. at 3. We will work on # 8 beginning at reh square 27.
-Chris will not be there, so we will spend part of our time working with these tracks. There are 3 tracks, each progressively faster. Have fun!
[Admin: Number 8 Slow, Medium, Fast]

Third Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:  Tonight is our 3rd rehearsal of Spring 2013!

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison
Alto-Debbie Peetz
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt
Bass-Ray Lombardi

The Bookstore has 3 of the Spirituals is stock.  In the meanwhile you must go to and print them out. Please do not come with out all your music. (My Lord what a morning, Soon-ah will be done, We shall walk through the valley, Ain’t-a that good news!, I’m gonna sing till the spirit moves in my heart)

Starting March 4 you will also need Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter.
Order online a We will sing
21. Anvil Chorus
23. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
28. Triumphal Scene
30. Bridal Chorus
31. Pilgrim’s Chorus

Tonight I will dismiss at 9:30 pm to meet with Music Majors.

Saturday is Women’s rehearsal at 3 pm.

Admin: All music files are posted to the Music Files page.

Replacement Files

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Attached a replacement files for
Cantata Academica #7 soprano
Cantata Academica #7 tenor


Admin: All files are posted to the Music Files page.


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: There were are few who didn’t get the Britten. Please print.

Admin: All files are posted to the Music Files page.

Second Rehearsal Review

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks for a good rehearsal last night.
We covered the following:

Concert I
I’m gonna sing till the Spirit moves
Soon-ah will be done
Ain’t a that good news
We shall walk through the valley
Concert 2
Movement 1
Movement 8
Movement 11 (worksheet 1)

Next week we will rehearse #2 and continue to work on 1, 8, 11
Please spend time reviewing the musical ideas we worked on. Learn your notes.

This Saturday at 3 pm –men.

Auditions for the Britten Small Chorus will be Feb. 5.
5 (Women), 7, 12

Second Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Here is a preview of tonight’s sign

to our 2nd rehearsal of Spring 2013! Please sign in. If you are new, give your phone and e-mail. Be sure to write clearly.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison
Alto-Debbie Peetz
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt
Bass-Ray Lombardi


The Bookstore
has ordered more Spirituals. In the meanwhile go to and print them out.
(My Lord what a morning, Soon-ah will be done, We shall walk through the valley
Ain’t-a that good news!, I’m gonna sing till the spirit moves in my heart)

Inside the Choir Room
RehearsalCD and choral score of Britten’s Cantata Academica ($10)
RehearsalCD for the Spirituals ($5)
Cash or check payable to NVCC Foundation

You will also need Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter.
Order online a We will sing
21. Anvil Chorus
23. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
28. Triumphal Scene
30. Bridal Chorus
31. Pilgrim’s Chorus

Tonight I will dismiss at 9:30 pm to meet with Music Majors.

Cantata Academica

Monday, January 21st, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Tenors- Your Cantata Academica rehearsal CD is missing #7. Here it is.

Admin: All files are posted to the Music Files page.

I’m gonna sing ‘till the spirit moves

Monday, January 21st, 2013

From. Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Your Black History Month rehearsal CD does not have I’m gonna sing ‘till the spirit moves. (Instead, it has Every time I feel the spirit, which we are not singing.)

Her come the tracks.

Admin: All files are posted to the Music Files page.


Monday, January 21st, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I have ordered 20 more set of spirituals. I have attached PDFs of the music to use only until your copies arrive. Please print out the attachments for tomorrow’s rehearsal.
Kate- Please put these on the website temporarily.
Stand by-More to come.

Editor: All files are posted to the Music Files page.

First Rehearsal

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

-What a glorious first rehearsal we had last night! There was a wonderful, joyous feeling in the room, and you sounded fantastic.

-We had a great group of new members. If any of you felt lost or overwhelmed at all, I encourage you to give yourself time to get into the swing of things. I know it takes time. Once you have listened to your CDs, let me know if you need extra help. We have a number of singers who are excellent tutors. We are very happy you are with us.

-For this week please use your CDs to learn the five spirituals. I would like you to just listen to the Britten and soak up the musical language. Your might want to read along with the translation I put in the front of your choral score. When you are ready, you might want to learn #7.

Next Tuesday

Monday, January 7th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: I am really looking forward to next Tuesday, January 15–our 1st rehearsal of Spring 2013. It is going to be a great season.

If you are not registered, please register now for Chorus (MUS 137 or 237).

Please pick up the following music in the Bookstore before our first rehearsal.
My Lord what a morning
Soon-ah will be done
We shall walk through the valley
Ain’t-a that good news!
I’m gonna sing till the spirit moves in my heart

I will provide a rehearsal CD and choral score of Britten’s Cantata Academica ($10)

You will need Opera Choruses, edited by John Rutter.
Order online a
We will sing
23. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
28. Triumphal Scene
30. Bridal Chorus
31. Pilgrim’s Chorus

I look forward to seeing everyone next week.

Cantata Academica

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-Just a note to thank you once again for a wonderful Fall…the best ever!

Just to whet your appetite, I have attached the opening movement (.mp3) of Cantata Academica. If you like Carmina Burana, you’ll love this.

I  wish you a joyous and peaceful holiday.
