Posts Tagged ‘dr. whitmire’

Noon Rehearsal

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Please make every effort to attend today’s noon rehearsal. We will rehearse all-together.  Next Sunday (11/24) is our Dress Rehearsal with orchestra!

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:

Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thanks for your good work with Chris while I was in Haiti last Tuesday.
Thanks also to all who attended to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday.

Next week is our last Tuesday rehearsal before our November 24 Dress Rehearsal with orchestra. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 1

Auditions for solos in our 12/10 concert will be next Tuesday Nov. 19
Gloria – bass p. 19 on; Sanctus – alto p. 54 Gloria – sop, alto, tenor, bass p. 71

A Poster for our December 1 and 8 concerts is attached (.pdf). Spread the word!

I hope to have Tickets next Tuesday.


Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm -Note: repertoire added (10-29-13)
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
from Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War), Haydn
Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei
Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, We wish you a merry Christmas

Click image for flyer PDF

Ninth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thanks to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 3 more Tuesday rehearsals before our November 24 dress rehearsal with orchestra.

Pick up a copy of three carols for our 12/10 concert.

Auditions for solos in our 12/10 concert will be Nov. 19
Gloria – bass p. 19 on; Sanctus – alto p. 54; Gloria – sop, alto, tenor, bass p. 71

Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm              -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm              -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm             -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm                   -Note: repertoire added (10-29-13)
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
from Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War), Haydn
Agnus Dei
Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, We wish you a merry Christmas


Saturday, October 26th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please make every effort to attend today’s noon section rehearsal.

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thank you again for your splendid performance last Tuesday night. What a rich, romantic sound you made! Our soloist and small groups did a wonderful job. Special thanks to Chris and David for their magnificent playing.

If, for any reason, you did not sing at our concert, please see me tonight. If you had already spoken to me of your absence, please remind me.

Thanks as well to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 4 more Tuesday rehearsals before our November 24 dress rehearsal with orchestra.


Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm                  -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm                  -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm                  -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert

Thank You

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks you for your splendid performance on Tuesday night. What a rich, romantic sound you made! Our soloist and small groups did a wonderful job–adding a nice variety of texture and tone to the Liebeslieder.

Special thanks to Chris and David for their magnificent playing. It was artistry of the highest order. Such a generous gift to us and to our audience.

We will have sectionals at noon on Saturday. I cannot be there as I am needed to help my daughter Brie get back on her feet. I would like for section leaders to take you through as much of the Haydn mass as they can until 12:45 pm. Then Chris will meet you in the choir room and take you through with piano until 1:15 pm. It’s going to be fun.

Section Leaders- Try to have a boom box and the your reh CD. Should you be unable to be there, be sure to get a substitute. If I nee to help with that , let me know.

Amended Schedule

Friday, October 11th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Bishop Ireton HS has just made a decision not to allow outside groups to perform in the auditorium. Here is our new, amended schedule (.pdf).

Free Parking

Friday, October 11th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Great news! There will be free parking in the deck for our concert on Tuesday. Miracles never cease.
Please make every effort to be at tomorrow’s noon rehearsal.

Drafted Program

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Singers- Please look over the program roster (.pdf) and make sure you are listed. I don’t mind if there are names of people who are not sing–just don’t want to leave off anyone who is.

here are corrections I have noticed:
Christine Hagan and David Hagan, pianists  (instead of pianist)
Caress, Ed (instead of Ed Caress)

Also- I’d like to list
Christine Hagan and David Hagan, pianists
again after the Neue Liebeslieder

NOVA community Chorus
Dr. Mark Whitmire, Director
Christine Hagan and David Hagan, pianists

Seventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Tonight (10/8) is our 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Do not miss this rehearsal.

This Saturday (10/12) will be a combined (SATB) rehearsal at noon with piano. Please make every possible effort to attend.

This is going to be a great concert. Invite your friends and family to our Tuesday 10/15 Concert.

Remember, It was a lover and his lass, will be sung by memory.

Please bring your Haydn Mass tonight. I hope to have time to rehearse Kyrie and Sanctus.

Sixth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 6th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Tonight is our last Brahms rehearsal in the chorus room.

This Saturday (10/5) will be a combined (SATB) rehearsals at noon with piano. Please make every possible effort to attend.

Next Tuesday (10/8) is our 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Do not miss next week.

Next Saturday (10/12) will be a combined (SATB) rehearsal at noon with piano. Please make every possible effort to attend.

Flyers are here (attached) (.pdf). Invite your friends and family to our Tuesday 10/15 Concert.

Pick up a copy of our encore piece: It was a lover and his lass.


Saturday, September 28th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Attached is our 10/15 concert flyer (.pdf). Please bring your friends. If each of us brought 6 people, we would have a nice crowd. If each of us brought 12 people, we would have a full house.
I hope to see you today at noon.

Click image for Flyer PDF


Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers— Our Art Department has made a beautiful poster for our Oct. 15 concert. I hope to have it to you digitally by the weekend and printed copies next Tuesday. In the meanwhile, start spreading the word. Chris and David have chosen some fantastic music. See you tonight. -DrW

from Souvenir de Russie, Op. 151, No. 3 Johannes Brahms
Romance de Warmaloff
(published under the pseudonym G. W. Marks)

from Divertissement à la Hongroise
Franz Schubert

Hungarian Rhapsody No. 14
Franz Liszt

Neu Liebeslieder Waltzer, Op. 65 Johannes Brahms

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

-All the Brahms choruses
1-count-singing; 2-on neutral syllable du; 3-with German text
-Haydn Sanctus

I will dismiss at 9:10, except soloists and small groups
#3b alto Ellie, Debbie, Carol P, Annette, Jane, Carol U
#4 bass DeMarcus, John, Mike, Bill R, Francisco, Miguel, Matt
#5 alto Ellie, Debbie, Carol P, Annette, Jane, Carol U
#6 sop Jessi, Peggy, Michelle, Terri, Amanda
#9 sop Jessi, Peggy, Michelle, Terri, Amanda
#10 ten DeMarcus, John, Mike, Bill R, Francisco
#11 sop Michelle
#13 sop/alto Amanda/ Carol U

All singers must either (1) be present, or (2) have notifoed your Section Leader in advance of your unavoidable absence. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Our 2nd Saturday Rehearsal was another great success. Thanks to the Section Leaders for their invaluable help. Everyone is encouraged to attend this Saturday at noon.



Thursday, September 19th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please plan to attend our noon rehearsal on Saturday. I will be away leading a choral workshop. Section leaders and Chris will be in charge.
Altos meet n the Choir room, sopranos next door in Rm 131, tenors in a practice room and basses in a practice room (code 186). I’d like you to work on the Haydn mass from 12 noon until 12:45 pm. Then all gather in the choir room and sing through the Brahms with Chris. My CD player is on the computer table in Rm 131. There is a player in the Choir Room. I need several of you to bring boom boxes and CDs so that we are sure to have what we need. Let me know if you have any question.

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

Monday, September 16th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

-Worksheets (these can be found on Blackboard or; bring them them every class.)
-All the Brahms choruses; learn German text to # 8, 12 and 14. Please prepare by listening to the diction on your CD.
-Haydn Credo, Sanctus

Thanks to all who auditioned last week. Here is my plan:
#3b alto Ellie, Debbie, Carol P, Annette, Jane, Carol U
#4 bass DeMarcus, John, Mike, Bill R, Francisco, Miguel, Matt
#5 alto Ellie, Debbie, Carol P, Annette, Jane, Carol U
#6 sop Jessi, Peggy, Michelle, Terri, Amanda
#9 sop Jessi, Peggy, Michelle, Terri, Amanda
#10 ten DeMarcus, John, Mike, Bill R, Francisco
#11 sop Michelle
#13 sop/alto Amanda/ Carol U

All singers must either (1) be present, or (2) have notifoed your Section Leader in advance of your unavoidable absence. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Our first Saturday Rehearsal was great success. Thanks to the Section Leaders ( and subs) for their invaluable help. Everyone is encouraged to attend this Saturday at noon.


Saturday Rehearsal

Friday, September 13th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-I hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow at noon for our first Saturday rehearsal. Each section will meet in a separate room and rehearse with CDs. Chris and I will come around and help with problem spots.
-Attached is a Worksheet (.pdf) for Brahms #15. We had a hard time counting is 9/4. This will help.

Second Rehearsal Recap

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Thanks for another very good rehearsal on Tuesday. The Haydn Agnus Dei sounded wonderful, as did the Brahms 15. Zum Schluss (In Conclusion).
-On Tuesday we will work on all the Brahms choruses. We will add the German text to # 1, 2 and 7. Please prepare by listening to the diction on your CD.
-At 9:15 pm we will have auditions for the small groups and/or solos in the Brahms (#3 4 5 6 9 10 11 13). Learn the piece that you would enjoy singing. All Music Majors are required to audition.
-We have a great group this season. Good numbers and nicely balanced. But we must do better with attendance. Of our roster of 86, there were 22 absences on Tuesday. I know some were still on vacation. All singers must either (1) be present, or (2) notify your Section Leader in advance of your unavoidable absence.
-We are a team. We count on every player every week.

Second Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 2nd rehearsal of Fall 2013! It is going to be a great season.

Please sign in. If you are new and weren’t here last week, give your phone and e-mail. Be sure to write clearly.

Registration. If you are registered as a senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh @, 703-609-6540
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz @, 703-931-2872
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 @, 703-527-7447
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 @, 703-524-5761

Liebeslieder 14, 15
Haydn Agnus Dei

If you do not have the materials handed out at rehearsal 1, please go to and print them for tonight’s rehearsal.
1. Count-singing
2. Worksheets
3. Schedule

In the Bookstore
Haydn: Mass in time of war

Inside the Choir Room
Choral score Brahms Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer ($5)
Rehearsals CD for Haydn and Brahms ($10)
Cash or check payable to NVCC Foundation

You can still sign up for my Vocal Seminar. First Class is September 14. Let me know if you might be interested.

Don’t forget, our Saturday noon rehearsals begin September 14.


First Rehearsal Recap

Friday, August 30th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Thanks for a good first rehearsal on Tuesday. A special welcome to our new members.

I hope you like the music as much as I do. It’s challenging of course, but equally rewarding.

Be sure to work with your CDS before rehearsal # 2 on this Tuesday.

The Alto Haydn Mass CD has an error. It has the bass track for Agnus Dei instead of the alto track. I have attached the alto track (.mp3) to this message, and it will be posted on I will also make some new alto CDs for those who need them. I’ll have them at NOVA tomorrow 10 am-4:00 pm.

Have a great weekend. See you on Tuesday.

Saturday Rehearsals

Saturday, August 24th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I would like to have rehearsals every Saturday 12 noon – 1:15 pm beginning September 14 (except Nov. 30). We will divide by section S-A-T-B with the Section Leaders leading the rehearsal using rehearsal CDs. When a Section Leader is absent, he or she can appoint someone to lead or Chris or I will step in. We’ll meet in the classrooms and practice rooms. We’ll try it this way at least until we havelearned the notes. We used this format this summer and it seemed to be veryproductive. As you know, Saturday rehearsals are optional. I know you can’t come every week–just come as often as you can. We will evaluate thisplan mid-semester, and make changes as necessary. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Vocal Repertoire

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:


If you are a singer who would like to improve your performing skills, register for Vocal Repertoire.

Mus19801a Seminar and Project: Vocal Repertoire
(74673) Saturdays 2:00-4:30 pm

Topics will include vocal technique, musical style, and expression.

The course will include one individual 25-minute coaching session with Dr. Whitmire.

Class will meet
Sept.14, Sept.21, Sept.28, Oct.5, Oct.12, Oct.19, Oct.26, Nov.2, Nov.9, Nov.16, Nov.23, Dec.7 (10:00 am until 12:30 pm on 12/7 only)

The course will be limited to twelve students.
Register now.

Christine Hagan will be the accompanist.

If you have any questions, contact
Dr. Mark Whitmire
703-845-6097 or

Office Hours

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- My schedule has changed. I will not be in tomorrow. I will be in on Friday. If you plan to come get materials let me know so we can make arrangements. Yours -DrW

Brahms Music

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Here is a PDF of Brahms’ Liebeslieder Waltzer. If you plan to print for yourself, use this so you will have translations. measure numbers and other markings.

Please be sure to get your Haydn Mass in time of war at the bookstore. We will rehearse it at our first rehearsal.

[Admin: All music files will be posted to the music files page (see menu bar above) as they become available.]

Fall Music

Monday, August 12th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

I hope that you are enjoying the final days of a great summer.

I will be on campus this Thursday from 1-4 pm. I will have rehearsal CDs of

Brahms: Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer (including German pronunciation, and a great recording) -$5

Haydn: Mass in Time of War (including a great recording)-$5

I will also have sheet music for Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer (including translations) -$5

Sheet music for Haydn: Mass in Time of War is in the campus bookstore.

If you want to learn your music online instead go to

Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer>

Mass in Time of War

If you want to print Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer for yourself, go to
Sheet music (.pdf)

Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer has 7 choruses and 8 solo movements. I plan to use an auditioned group for the solo movements. This will give experienced singers a small group- or possibly solo opportunity, and make the task of learning the music and German more manageable for newer singers. Altos may audition for soprano solos and vice versa; tenors may audition for the bass solo and vice versa. All Music Majors must audition. 3-sop, 4-bass, 5-alto, 6-sop, 9-sop, 10-ten, 11-sop. 13-sop/alto

Please note the Revised Fall Schedule:

Tues, 10/15/13, 7:30 pm
Chorus Concert with Christine and David Hagan
Brahms: Neue Liebeslieder Waltzer

Sunday, 12/01/13, 5:00 pm
Dress Rehearsal with Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Bishop Ireton High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War (Paukenmesse)
(This is Thanksgiving weekend; please make every effort to adjust you plans so that you are present)

Saturday, 12/07/13, 3:00 pm
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Bishop Ireton High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War (Paukenmesse)

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War (Paukenmesse)

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert

Please register now if you have not done so. If, for any reason, you cannot sing this semester, please let me know. If you know good singers who would like to join us for this great season, please invite them. I look forward to seeing all of you at our first rehearsal on Tuesday, August 27.


[Admin: All music files will be posted to the music files page (see menu bar above) as they become available.]