Posts Tagged ‘dr. whitmire’

Stage Instructions

Monday, May 5th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I am really looking forward to tomorrow night. Please be on time at 6:30 pm. Allow time for traffic and parking problems. Sopranos, Tenor and Basses altos take your places on the seated risers at the back of the stage. Remember that all clappers should be on row one. Altos take a seat in the audience like last Tuesday. I want to rearrange you so that sitters do not feel isolated from their section.

On second thought, the alto riser arrangement will impact sopranos. So sopranos please take a seat in the audience at 6:30 pm. -DrW

Important Info

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Please pay close attention to the following information.

Course Evaluations
I have enjoyed having you in chorus this semester. It is very important that you complete an on-line course evaluation. Go to Do it right away as the evaluation period ends soon. Go to should you have any trouble.

New On-time Registration Policy
I would really like to have you in chorus and one of my other classes next semester. NOVA has a new On-time Registration Policy that requires all students to be registered by 11:59 pm on the day before the first class meeting. There will be no late-add period. Fall 2014 registration is already under way for continuing students, so register now. (It is not clear how this change affects seniors, but I am assured that the process has been improved.)

Chorus Schedule

Today 4/26 – 3:00 pm Full Rehearsal in AT130
– This Tuesday 4/29 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger
-Saturday 5/3 – no rehearsal
-Tuesday 5/6 – 7:30 pm concert in Schlesinger (6:30 pm call)
-Saturday 5/10, 2-6 pm Chorus Picnic at the Wulff home

Other Upcoming MUSIC AT NOVA Events

Today, April 26: Instrumental Recital, Tyler 130, 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 1: Dr. Patrick Cook Voice Studio Class, Tyler 132: 6-8:30 pm. All are invited.
Saturday, May 3: Voice Recital; Tyler 130; 5:00 pm
Saturday, May 3: Chamber Ensembles Recital, Tyler 130; 7:30 pm
Monday, May 5: Beginning/Intermediate Guitar Recital, Tyler 130, 8:00 pm

Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Spring 2014! Please sign in.

Next semester preview
Five Mystical Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Vespers of the Confessor (Mozart)

-This Thurs., April 24 – 7:45 pm rehearsal w/ Band (Stomp Your Foot)
-This Saturday 4/26 – 3:00 pm Full Rehearsal in AT130
– Next Tuesday 4/29 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger
-Saturday 5/3 – no rehearsal
-Tuesday 5/6 – 7:30 pm concert in Schlesinger (6:30 pm  call)
-Saturday 5/10, 2-6 pm Chorus Picnic at the Wulff home

Concert Order
The Road Not Taken
Come In
The Telephone
A Girl’s Garden
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Choose Something Like a Star

Sing Well

Stomp your foot

Friday, April 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Reminder- There is no  rehearsal tomorrow.
New important info: The Band will rehearse Stomp your foot this Thursday 4/24 in Schlesinger at 7:45 pm. It would be a big help if as many of you as possible could attend.
We will sing Stomp your foot on risers upstage (behind the band) so that the dancers have more room and are fully visible.
Have a great holiday weekend. See you on Tuesday. -DrW

Hand Clapping notes for “Stomp Your Foot”

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: We added some clapping to Stomp Your Foot. It will save us time if you can check out Debbie’s notes and mark your music in advance. Thanks


From Debbie: I hope I have everything recorded correctly and listed so it is easy to understand.  Information is below and in the attached word file.  Hopefully, there won’t be total confusion at rehearsal tonight.

Fred & Peggy, I’ve copied my alto alias.  Feel free to share with the rest of the chorus.


Hand Clapping in “Stomp Your Foot”

(From Saturday’s NOVA rehearsal)

Using page numbers, rehearsal square numbers, and words in measures.

Page 6, Rehearsal #18 –  clap on 2nd and 4th beats for 3 measures;  clap on 2nd and 3rd beat in the 4th measure just before we sing “Men must labor …”

Continuing to word…   “happy” – clap on 4th beat

Continuing to word….  “row”  – clap on 2nd and 3rd beats

Page 7, Rehearsal #19 –  4th measure after #19, (page 8) word…  “easy” – clap on 4th beat

Continuing to word… “cows”  –  clap on 2nd and 3rd beats

Page 10, Rehearsal #21 —  clap on 2nd and 4th beat for two measures

Continuing to word..  “measurement”  –  clap on 4th beat

Continuing to word.. “quilt” – clap on 2nd and 3rd beat

Page 14, Rehearsal #26  —  clap on 2nd and 4th  beats for 3 measures

Page 19, one measure after Rehearsal #29,  on word “dance”…  —  begin clapping on 1st and 3rd beats every measure to a last clap on the first beat of the last measure.

Reminder and New Info

Monday, April 14th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

-Tomorrow  4/15 I will dismiss men at 8:45 pm and rehearse women only until 9:30 pm.

-Here is a schedule change: There will be no Saturday rehearsal on 5/3

-Here is a schedule addition: The Annual Chorus Picnic will be Sat. 5/10, 2-6 pm, at the home of Judy and Fred Wulff (Fred will confirm this time and send directions and additional info)

Saturday schedule
4/19    Men
4/26   All (last Saturday before Tuesday Dress Rehearsal)


Saturday, April 12th, 2014

From Lawrence Ries: Dear Mark and members of the NOVA Community Chorus,

I’m just beginning to come down from the high I have been on from the performances of Sea Surface Full of Clouds.

First, Mark, words are totally inadequate to express my thanks for all you did personally to make the performances happen.  I am humbled and gladdened by your very kind words about my music, and all of your time, energy, and musical skills you put into rehearsals and performances.  I am especially grateful for your suggestions for improving the music.

Second, words also fail me to express my appreciation for all the effort the chorus members put into making the performances successful.  It’s one thing to hear the music in your head, but to actually hear the parts sung by live human beings is so much more satisfying and rewarding.  It’s been a dream of mine to hear Sea Surface performed for almost 30 years.  Now that dream has come true.  I am one of the most fortunate people in the world to have had that happen.

Finally, I am aware of all of the extra effort many of the chorus members made to sing Sea Surface well.  I’m afraid the music was not so easy for them.  But I am humbled by their expressions to me of how much they liked the piece and how much they enjoyed the challenge of learning it.  Their enthusiasm for it surprised and pleased me very much.  My only regret is that Sea Surface has so little music in it for the chorus.  As a current church choir member and a former chorus singer myself, I know what a joy it is to sing choral music.  Perhaps the next time I will have more music for the chorus.

Please feel free to share this email with the chorus so they know how much I appreciate the wonderful effort you and they made on behalf of Sea Surface Full of Clouds – A Cantata.

With deepest thanks,

Lawrence Ries


Monday, April 7th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Wow! Who could have imagined how wonderful you would sound last night? It was a truly beautiful performance.Thanks for your commitment, focus and hard work.
-If you missed the concert for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have previously informed me of your absence, please contact me to remind me.
-Thanks to all who bought tickets. I know many of you wrote checks just to support the orchestra. It is certainly a worthy recipient of you generosity. If you have ticket money or donations, please turn them in tomorrow night, as the WMPO need to pay their bills.
-Tomorrow I will dismiss women at 8:45 pm and rehearse men only until 9:30 pm. Next Tuesday 4/15 I will dismiss men at 8:45 pm and rehearse women only until 9:30 pm.
-Here is our Saturday schedule (no changes)
4/12    Women
4/19    Men
4/26   All (last Saturday before Tuesday Dress Rehearsal)
5/3     All (last Saturday before Tuesday Concert)

See you tomorrow-DrW

Reminder: If you have a copy of Stomp your foot (Copland), please bring it tomorrow.

Concert Instructions

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Tomorrow’s rehearsal begins at 2 pm. Please arrive by 1:45 pm so that you are ready to take the stage.
-All who are able please position yourselves on the risers as last Sunday. (Sopranos stage right; men in center with tenors forward; altos stage left.)
Singers on the risers will stand throughout (we will not try to get up and down as I had said).
-There will be one row of chairs in front of the risers for sitters. There will also be a row of chairs stage right (in front of the west transept) for sitting sopranos; sitting altos will sit in the east transept (behind the double basses)
-With Cherry Blossoms tomorrow I imagine I will arrive after 3 pm. So I need everyone to be a problem solver. Listen to Matt and Francisco when extra guidance is needed.
Matt and Francisco- Please arrive as early as you can to make sure chairs are in place.
-After the rehearsal we will go to the Parish Hall and remain until we go on.
-You have worked very hard to bring this new music to life. Let’s not let the logistics distract us from making music.

Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire:
Dear Singers-
Check out these videos of Sunday night.. I only had time to watch movement 1, but it sounded pretty good!
See you tonight. Please don’t be absent.


From Larry Ries:
Hi everyone,

Thought you might like to see videos of last Sunday’s performance of Sea Surface. Click on the Watch Videos link in the box below, and when prompted for a password, copy and paste


into the password field.

FYI: Parts 1, 2, & 3 were filmed with my camera on a tripod. Parts 4 & 5 were filmed by my wife with a handheld camera. I screwed up and didn’t capture parts 4 & 5 with my camera. That’s why you’ll see some differences in the videos.

To Play the Videos: You can see the title of each video by hovering your mouse over the thumbnail on the landing page. Click on each thumbnail to start Playback (ignore the “Slideshow” bar at the top) You can make the video full screen after you click on the “play” arrow by clicking on the rightmost icon at the bottom of the playback window.

Thanks again to everyone for a wonderful world premiere!



Monday, March 31st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks for last night. Your performance was everything I had hoped it could be: you sang with commitment and beauty. We’ll iron out movement 5 tomorrow night and our performance next Sunday at Epiphany will be stunning I am sure.

Several of you have asked about my daughter Elizabeth. She return to haiti early this morning.She has been in Haiti for a year now Haiti, working between St. Joseph’s home for Boys in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, and Wings of Hope, in Fermathe. These two homes work with orphaned children, former child slaves, and children and adults of all ages with varying physical and mental disabilities. You can follow her travels on her blog,, or her youtube channel, where she documents some of everyday life in the third world.

See you tomorrow.


Saturday, March 29th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Ul want to start rehearsal tomorrow a little earlier. Please be in the TC Williams HS auditorium by 1:45 pm tomorrow. Be very attentive to Francisco and Matt as they help you get into place.

Reminder- No rehearsal today.

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Spring 2014! Please sign in.

Thanks for your focus and hard work at Sunday’s Dress Rehearsal. If you missed the Dress Rehearsal for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have previously informed me of your absence, please contact me to remind me. We learned many lessons that we will put into place tonight.

Tonight we will rehearse
Sea surface full of clouds, Frostiana
Be sure to have all your music

Tickets– Please see Section Leaders today to pick them up. Even if Sea Surface is not your favorite piece of music, I hope you will buy and/or sell tickets to support the orchestra. As musicians we need to support the creation of new music. We are honored to be a part of the premiere of this new piece.
Please note this change: Cash or check payable to WMPO

Check out the good press we got on our Black History Month Celebration
Listen to recordings at

Schedule (These dates have been on your schedule since the start of the semester; please do not be absent)

Sunday, 3/30/14,3:00 pm, 2:00 pm call
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
T. C. Williams High School, 3330 King Street, Alexandria
Reiss: Sea surface full of clouds (World Premiere)

Sunday, 4/06/14,3:00 pm, 2:00 pm call
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G. Street NW, Washington DC
Reiss: Sea surface full of clouds


Saturday Rehearsal

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers-
-I look forward to seeing you today at 3:00 pm.
-I have tickets for our upcoming concerts. Please see Section Leaders today to pick them up. (I will need an alto to fill in for Debbie).
-Even if Sea Surface is not your favorite piece of music, I hope you will buy and/or sell tickets to support the orchestra.
-As musicians we need to support the creation of new music. We are honored to be a part of the premiere of this new piece.

Seventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Spring 2014!

Please sign in.

Thanks to all who got together in groups last Tuesday rehearse Sea Surface. It will make a big difference.

Tonight we will rehearse
Sea surface full of clouds with Ul James; Frostiana
Be sure to have all your music

Women– I am adding Come In (SAA) to our Frostiana Concert. Women – Please pick up a copy here. Go to to learn your notes.

I hope you got Black History Month Celebration photos I sent. Don’t forget to listen to recordings at

Schedule (These dates have been on your schedule since the start of the semester; please do not be absent)

Saturday, 3/21/14, 3:00 pm
Full (SATB) rehearsal

Sunday, 3/23/14, 5:00 pm
Dress rehearsal with orchestra
Masonic Temple, Old Town Alexandria

Sunday, 3/30/14, 3:00 pm
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
T. C. Williams High School, 3330 King Street, Alexandria
Reiss: Sea surface full of clouds (World Premiere)

Sunday, 4/06/14, 3:00 pm
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G. Street NW, Washington DC
Reiss: Sea surface full of clouds



Saturday, March 15th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Please make sure you this info on you calendar:

Sunday, 3/23/14, 5:00 pm
Dress rehearsal with orchestra
Location TBA

Sunday, 3/30/14, 3:00 pm
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
T. C. Williams High School, 3330 King Street, Alexandria
Reiss: Sea surface full of clouds (WorldPremiere)

Sunday, 4/06/14, 3:00 pm
Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G. Street NW, Washington DC
Reiss: Sea surface full of clouds


Concert Photos

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Friends- Here is a PDF of photos from our February 25 Black History Month Celebration.

Sixth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 6th rehearsal of Spring 2014!

Thank you once again for a splendid Black History Month Celebration.
If you haven’t already, check out
You were fabulous!

Please sign in.

Tonight we will rehearse
Sea surface full of clouds
Be sure to have all your music

This Saturday’s 3:00 pm rehearsal is for Men

This Saturday at 5:00 pm
Voice Recital featuring Jason Moon, baritone, and Ja-Hye Koo, pianist, performing Franz Schubert’s song cycle Die Winterreise. I hope that you can attend.

Next Tuesday March 11 the college is closed. I strongly encourage you to get together in groups and rehearse Sea Surface. At our next Tuesday rehearsal on March 18 Ul James, conductor, and Larry Reiss, composer, will be here. Let’s be ready.


Audio Files from Tuesday’s Concert

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Check this out!!! You guys are awesome!

From Ayal Sharon: Profs. Whitmire, Kocur, and Galvan:

I been having problems with my video editing software (which keeps crashing), so I did edited the audio from Tuesday’s concert instead.

I’ve uploaded the songs and speeches (but not the tap dancing or the play) to the following link on the SoundCloud web site:

I’ve turned off the ability to download the songs as mp3 files, but if you want the mp3s I can send them to you.

I tried to keep my edits to a minimum, but some of the speakers and chamber singers were so quiet that I had to increase the volume. I know this ruined the dynamics, but otherwise it would have been inaudible.

I was also tempted to compress some of the drum sounds, but ended up leaving that as-is.



Saturday, March 1st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: I hope to see all the WOMEN today at 3.

Rehearsal CDs

Friday, February 28th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I will have rehearsal CDs ($5) for Frostiana for those who prefer working with a CD.
I still have rehearsal CDs ($5) for Sea Surface for those who did not get one.
Tomorrow’s 3:00 PM rehearsal is WOMEN.

Excellent Singing

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Thanks again for your excellent singing on Tuesday. You sounded great and looked great as well. You communicated a lot of joy and made me very happy.
-Unfortunately, we have no time to rest on our laurels. We have only two rehearsals (March 4 and 18) before our Sea Surface Full of Clouds Dress Rehearsal on March 23. I encourage everyone to get together with members of your section on March 11 (Spring Break) to practice. This has worked very well in the past.
-We will start on Frostiana this Saturday at Men’s Sectional. Bring your music. Here is an excellent website to learn your notes. Type this URL into your browser and scroll across the Alphabet to “T” for Thompson.

Black History Month Celebration 2014

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Friends-
Thanks to everyone for a great night last night. I think Dr. King would have been pleased.
More than 150 students participated–Actors, dancers, 100 singers, jazz musicians, plus twelve of my faculty colleagues, and our Dean. Thanks to everyone for all for your help in celebrating Black History Month.

Concert Reminders

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers-

-The call on Tuesday is 6:30 pm in Schlesinger. Please be seated at the front of the hall at that time.
-Dress: Men–Tuxes (or dark suit, white shirt and black bow tie); Women- black long v-neck dresses (or black blouse and black slacks)
-At concert time chorus is seated at the back of the hall (except Go down Moses singers)
-At intermission chorus takes the stage:
Altos stage left, all rows; sopranos stage right, all rows; tenors center front; basses center back (we’ll work out details at 6:30 PM)
-There is a  slight change in the Jazz Mass order. Please mark and arrange your music accordingly.

Jazz Mass for Dr. King
This is the day
reading: Bernie Cohen
reading Dorothea Kamara
Love is the unfamiliar name
reading: DeMarcus Bolds
Agnus Dei
Precious Lord

This is going to a great. Invite your friends and family today!

Message to choristers who are in my Tuesday Night Class Voice

Monday, February 17th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- We will not meet tomorrow night as Chris will be rehearsing with our guest soloIsts. Hopefully we can get together another time later in the semester.