Posts Tagged ‘dr. whitmire’

Bach Magnificat

Monday, June 18th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: New pdfs of Bach Magnificat
Magnificat 1, 4
Magnificat 7, 11, 12


Monday, June 18th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Our Fall music is quite wonderful, but quite challenging (anyone surprised?). I’ d like to try something new: quartets. It’s a system that I experienced in both high school and college and it proved very helpful. It’s pretty simple—you learn your music so well, that you are able to perform in a quartet. You get together periodically and work as a quartet to make sure you are solid. If each quartet is solid, you can imagine how music easier the music will be for everyone.

I can tell already (not really) that many of you like the idea, so let’s get started. As a start, I have created ten quartets below. Don’t worry—If you are in a quartet and don’t want to be, let me know and I will take you out. If you are not yet in a quartet and want to be, let me know and I will put you in.

Some of our most challenging music will be the double choruses by Gabrielli and Monteverdi so that’s where we’ll begin. I have created five chorus I quartets and five chorus II quartets (.pdf).

The sheet music (.pdf) and a recording (.mp3) are attached. Also, here is a great site where you can hear (and see!) the music.

If you like the idea I’ll send the other double choruses later. If the system works, all the quartets will know the music by our first rehearsal on August 28.

We have made great musical strides recently. I think this may help take us to the next level.


Early Material

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I know many of you like to get an early start, so here is some material for you. As you know, I am moving away from CDs, since everyone has a computer. (Besides, the planet has too much plastic, right?) I ordered music in the bookstore, but this music is public domain. So here are PDFs. In this message you get sheet music, note learning sites, and Youtube links. Enjoy.

Bach Magnificat
Magnificat 1 (.pdf)
Magnificat 2 (.pdf)

learning tracks


Beethoven Choral Fantasy
Choral Fantasy (.pdf)

learning tracks (this site sounds a little harsh, but you can get your notes)


2012-13 Season

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers- I hope you are having a great summer. I have been working on our exciting 2012-13 season, and want to get you the latest info regarding repertoire and dates.
NOVA Community Chorus Calendar (.pdf)

Magnificat in D, BVW 242, By J.S. Bach, Boosey & Hawkes (#M051321407)
I will provide Antiphonal Choruses by Gabrielli and Monteverdi
Fantasy, Opus 80, By Ludwig Beethoven, Edition Peters (#8723)

If you know good singers who would like to join us, bring them! Its going to be a great year.

Ode to Joy

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Here is a great opportunity to sing Ode to Joy with orchestra and to be a part of Maestro Dingwald Fleary’s 40th anniversary season as conductor of The McLean Symphony. Contact Felicia Kesse-Crawley [703.725.5042 or fkcrawley [at] gmail [dot] com} if you would like to participate.

Urgent Request for Choral Singers in All Voice Categories, with a special call for Tenors and Basses . . . to perform Next Saturday, June 2nd (.pdf)

Flyer attached (.pdf)


Chorus Picnic

Friday, May 11th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please don’t miss our Chorus Picnic tomorrow Saturday, May 12, at 3:00 pm at Barcroft Park. Barcroft Park is on Four-Mile Run between George Mason and Walter Reed. Park in the lot and take the footbridge over the creek. We are in the shelter near the playground and volleyball court. If you bring beer or wine, be very discreet, i.e. have a plastic up.

I will have CDs of Chichester Psalms, Jazz Mass and Songs of Sunset. $5 each. Cash or checks to NVCC foundation.
I will also have DVDS of Jazz Mass. $10 each. Cash or checks to NVCC foundation.

Yours- DrW

Chorus Picnic

Monday, May 7th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please don’t miss our Chorus Picnic this Saturday, May 12, at 3:00 pm at Barcroft Park. Barcroft Park is on Four-Mile Run between George Mason and Walter Reed. Park in the lot and take the footbridge over the creek. We are in the shelter near the playground and volleyball court. A map is attached (.pdf). Bring meat for yourself and a side dish to share. If you bring beer or wine, be very discreet, i.e. have a plastic up. Please let me know if you are coming so we can make sure our ducks are in a row.

I will have CDs of Jazz Mass and Songs of Sunset. $5 each. Cash or checks to NVCC foundation.
I will also have DVDS of Jazz Mass. $10 each. Cash or checks to NVCC foundation.

Yours- DrW

Fourteenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 14th and final rehearsal of Spring 2012!  Please sign in.

This has been a great year. Chichester Psalms, Civil War, Liturgy of St. John, Jazz Mass, Songs of Sunset and now Bernstien Barber and Sondheim. We have really made music this year!

Next Fall will include Mozart’s Mass in C minor, Antiphonal choruses by Gabrielli and Monteverdi, and more. Dates will be announced soon.

Sponsor WMPO– For the past several years the chorus has been a benefactor of the Washington Philharmonic Orchestra. I hope we can support this most worthy organization again this year. If you would like to contribute, please bring you contribution this week. Make checks to NVCC Foundation and we will write a single check from us to the WMP.

Youtube – Our first performance of Songs of Sunset is on Youtube. Check it out:

Photos – As you may have noticed, we had a professional photographer at the concert. His photos are available for viewing and purchase at

– I will have CDs of Chichester Psalms, Jazz Mass and Songs of Sunset next week. They will be only $5 each (cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

The Spring Concert music files are posted at  I have CDs for those who prefer ($5 – cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

Order of Music for our April 26 concert
Sure On This Shining Night
Not While I’m Around
Send in the Clowns
Life Is Happiness Indeed
Make Our Garden Grow

This Thursday, April 26 – Spring Concert, 6:00 6:30 pm Call, 7:00 7:30 pm concert

Other calendar items

Friday, April 27

4:00 pm – Voice Master Class by Dr. Karen Murphy, Professor of Collaborative Piano at Mississippi State University; Singers: Michelle McHugh, Terri LaGoe,
Jon DeHart, Brandon Homayouni

7:30 pm – Voice Recital by Jonathan Price, tenor, Masters candidate at New England Conservatory (son of former NVCC faculty Kathy Price)

Saturday, April 28, 3:00 pm

Graduation Voice Recital by Stacy Dumas, soprano (former chorus member)

Saturday, May 5, 5:00 pm
Applied Voice Recital

Saturday, May 12, 3 pm
Annual Chorus Picnic at Barcroft Park

Sing Well-DrW

Performance Flyer

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-Several of you have requested a flier.

Here it is!
See you soon.

Saturday Rehearsal

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
I look forward to seeing everyone at today’s important full rehearsal (satb) at 1:00 pm.
For the past several years the chorus has been a benefactor of the Washington Philharmonic Orchestra. I hope we can support this most worthy organization again this year. If you would like to contribute, please bring you contribution this week. Make checks to NVCC Foundation and  we will write a single check from us to the WMP.

Song of Sunset Performance

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  Hello Dr. Templin, Dr. Maphumulo, Dr. McClellan and Dr. Matthews-
I recently conducted two performances of Songs of Sunset by Frederick Delius, performed by the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic and the NOVA Community Chorus (AL) with soloists Grace Gori and Aurelius Gori. The concert was given as a part of the international celebration of the 150th anniversary of the composer’s birth, and was featured in the Delius Society’s Journal, published in the UK. A professional photographer took this shot that I thought you might enjoy seeing. One of the performances can be seen on Youtube at


Saturday, April 14th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Reminder: men’s rehearsal today at 1:00 pm

Correction to my last message: Our April 26 Concert begins at 7:30 pm, 6:30 pm call (as printed on your schedule)


Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Photos – As you may have noticed, we had a professional photographer at the concert. His photos are available for viewing and purchase at
They are beautiful.

Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Spring 2012!. Please sign in.

Too many absences – This has been a great year. Let’s end strong. Don’t miss rehearsal.

Youtube – Our first performance of Songs of Sunset is on Youtube. Check it out:

Photos – As you may have noticed, we had a professional photographer at the concert. He will have photos available soon.

CDs – I will have CDs of Chichester Psalms, Jazz Mass and Songs of Sunset next week. They will be only $5 each (cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

Spring Concert music files are posted at  I have CDs for those who prefer ($5 – cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

Order of Music for our April 26 concert
Sure On This Shining Night
Not While I’m Around
Send in the Clowns
Life Is Happiness Indeed
Make Our Garden Grow

Thursday, April 26 – Spring Concert, 6:00 6:30 pm Call, 7:00 7:30 pm concert

Save the date– Our Annual Chorus Picnic will be Saturday, May 12, starting at 3 pm. We are planning to have it at Barcroft Park on four Mile Run, just minutes from NVCC. (We’re not having it at the Wulff’s this year so that Fred can rest and get well.) More details to follow.

Other calendar items

Friday, April 27
4:00 pm – Voice Master Class by Dr. Karen Murphy, Professor of Collaborative Piano at Mississippi State University; Singers: Michelle McHugh, Terri LaGoe, Jon DeHart, Brandon Homayouni
7:30 pm – Voice Recital by Jonathan Price, tenor, Masters candidate at New England Conservatory (son of former NVCC faculty Kathy Price)

Saturday, April 28, 3:00 pm
Graduation Voice Recital by Stacy Dumas, soprano (former chorus member)

Sing Well-DrW

Songs of Sunset

Monday, April 9th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  Check this out:


[April 7, 2012] An amateur recording of the March 31 performance is posted on YouTube:

Women’s Rehearsal

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Reminder: women’s rehearsal today at 1 pm

Performance Recording

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Here is a the finale of Songs of Sunset (.mp3) from Sunday afternoon. We will have CDs available.

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Spring 2012! Please sign in.

Thanks for your magnificent singing on Saturday and Sunday. You really captured the warmth and longing of the music. Moreover, thanks for keeping faith while we brought to life a piece of music that is not easily accessible. It could not have been more rewarding for me—I hope the same for you.

If you missed the either concert for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have already spoken to me about your absence, please remind me.

Tickets– Be sure to turn is your checks and cash or tickets to your section leader. Basses, you may give any outstanding checks and cash or tickets tom me as Ray will be out tomorrow night.

The Spring Concert music files are now posted at Hurray Kate.

I have CDs for those who prefer ($5 – cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

Please bring your music for our April 26 concert.
Make Our Garden Grow
Life Is Happiness Indeed
Not While I’m Around
Send in the Clowns
Sure On This Shining Night

Late Spring 2012 Schedule
Thursday, April 26, 7:30 pm Band/Chorus Spring Concert, Schlesinger Center
Other Calendar items
Friday, April 27
4:00 pm – Voice Master Class by Dr. Karen Murphy, Professor of Collaborative Piano at Mississippi State University; Singers: Michelle McHugh, Terri LaGoe, Jon DeHart, Brandon Homayouni
7:30 pm – Voice Recital by Jonathan Price, tenor, Masters candidate at New England Conservatory (son of former NVCC faculty Kathy Price)

Donate Music

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

From. Dr. Whitmire: Dear singers- If you would be willing to donate of loan a copy of Chichester Psalms or the Rutter Gloria, please bring the music tomorrow night.
Thanks. -DrW

After Concert

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks for your magnificent singing yesterday. You really captured the warmth and longing of the music. Moreover, thanks for keeping faith while we brought to life a piece of music that is not easily accessible. It could not have been more rewarding for me—I hope the same for you.

Be sure to turn is your checks and cash or tickets to your section leader. Basses, you may give any outstanding checks and cash or tickets tom me as Ray will be out tomorrow night.

The Spring Concert music files are now posted at Hurray Kate.
I will bring more CDs for those who prefer ($5).



Friday, March 30th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please find a couple of hours between now and 2:00 pm tomorrow to practice Songs of Sunset. It will make all the difference.
Tomorrow I will give Kate the rehearsal tracks for our 04-26-12 concert and she will post them at I will bring CDs tomorrow for those of you who prefer CDs. $5 cash or check to NVCC Foundation.

Summer Class

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: SINGERS

If you are a singer who would like to improve your performing skills, register for my Vocal Repertoire.

MUS 198  |  Seminar And Project Vocal Repertoire  |  1.00 cr  |  Six Week – First
11299  |  040A  |  T 7:30PM – 9:55PM  |  AT-0130  |  Alexandria  |  Whitmire, Mark A

Topics will include vocal technique, musical style, and expression.

The course will include one individual 25-minute coaching session with Dr. Whitmire to be arranged before and after the class meeting time.

Class will meet May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12, June 19
The course will be limited to twelve students.
Christine Hagan will be the accompanist.
If you have any questions, contact
Dr. Mark Whitmire
703-845-6097 or

Tenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Spring 2012! Please sign in.

Thanks for a great Dress Rehearsal on Sunday night. I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to hear our excellent soloists, Grace and Rex Gori.

If you missed the Dress Rehearsal for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have already spoken to me about your absence, please remind me.

Thanks also for your patience and professionalism in dealing with the crowdedness. At our Saturday concert at Church of the Epiphany there will be much more room, since we will bring the sopranos and altos around the sides of the stage. At our Sunday concert at Bishop Ireton. I would like to have the first six sopranos go beyond the riser and stand on the floor. Likewise we’ll have six altos stand on the floor next to the risers. The timpani will move over.

Tickets for Songs of Sunset are here. See your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets. You might consider buying them and giving them to friends. Our tickets are half the price at the door.

Please bring your music for our April 26 concert.
Make Our Garden Grow
Life Is Happiness Indeed

Not While I’m Around (not the same version as in years past)
Send in the Clowns (not the same version as in years past)
Sure On This Shining Night
We will not sing Under the Greenwood Tree. Hold on to it and I will try to program it for a future concert.

Late Spring 2012 Schedule
Saturday, March 31, 2:00 pm Call; 3:00 pm Concert at Church of the Epiphany
Sunday, April 1, 2:00 pm Call; 3:00 pm Concert at Bishop Ireton HS
Thursday, April 26, 7:30 pm Band/Chorus Spring Concert, Schlesinger Center

Other Calendar item
Friday, April 27
4:00 pm – Voice Master Class by Dr. Karen Murphy, Professor of Collaborative Piano at Mississippi State University
7:30 pm – Voice Recital by Jonathan Price, tenor, Masters candidate at New England Conservatory (son of former NVCC faculty Kathy Price)

Dress Rehearsal

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  PLEASE NOTE
This Sunday, March 25, our Dress Rehearsal  will be 7-9:00 pm.

More Info

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  More info

Tickets for Songs of Sunset are here. See your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets. You might consider buying them and giving them to friends. Our tickets are half the price at the door.

I will bring copies of our flyer and bring them on Saturday for those who don’t have color printers.