From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Fall 2010! Please sign in.
Tonight’s Rehearsal – Judas 26, 30, 34, 43
Next Week – 49, 50, 56, 58, 66
The Planets– The Planets rehearsals have been moved to Tuesday at the end of rehearsal. If you think you might want to sing, stay and check out this beautiful music. There will be no Planets rehearsals on Saturdays.
Please remember this rehearsal that I added to our schedule (.pdf) on 9-14-10:
Saturday, October 16, 1-2:30 pm: Full Rehearsal
Please plan to attend this very important rehearsal. Begin now making arrangements at work and at home so that you don’t miss it.
Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot]com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at] rand [dot] org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, ray2408 [at] comcast [at] net
(Update: Bass Section only: Please note that Ray Lombardi’s E-mail address is rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net)
Please remember the NOVA Community Chorus in your charitable giving.
Tax-deductible contributions can be made to the NVCC Foundation.
Sing Well
[Admin: Section leader contact information is always included in each of the Frequently Used Documents, listed on the right: Performance Tips | Info for New Members | Join the Chorus (.pdfs)]