Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Tenth Rehearsal Preview

November 8th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of the season.

I look forward to seeing everyone at tonight’s very important rehearsal. After tonight we have only 2 rehearsals before our Nov. 27 Dress rehearsal with orchestra.

Please sign in.

Four Carols for the Holiday concert have been emailed to you and they are on Black Board.

[Admin: Available on the music files page, listed on the tab above.]

Please carefully note our Upcoming Schedule

Sunday, November 27, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Dress Rehearsal with WMPO, Immanuel Church on the Hill

Sunday, December 4, 2016, 3:00 p.m. Concert with WMPO: Poulenc: Gloria, Church of the Epiphany

Tuesday, December 6, 2016, 7:30 p.m. Holiday Concert?Four Carols, excerpts from Gloria, SchlesingerCenter

Sunday, December 11, 3:00 p.m. Concert with WMPO: Francis Poulenc: Gloria, Masonic Memorial

This Saturday at 11:00 am – Men

Sing Well- DrW

Spring 201 – Register Now

November 8th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,

As you know, my tenure at NOVA is coming to an end. Next semester is our last together. No one could have had a more wonderful, joyful, satisfying job! That’s all because of you. Of course we’ll have a BIG party in May to celebrate. But in the meanwhile, let’s learn some more about music.

Here is what I hope for next semester:

-That all of you will be in chorus (goes without saying, right?)

-That you will contact all the singers who have sung with us in the past and get them back with us for one last hurrah

-That you will take some other classes with me:

Class Voice (for beginners and intermediates) – Mondays at 4 pm

Vocal Seminar (for more advanced singers and those who are taking private lessons) – Saturdays at 12:30 pm.

Guitar 1 (for beginners) – Fridays at 1:00 pm

Guitar 2 (for intermediates) – Mondays at 7:00 pm

Music Appreciation (World Music) – Fridays at 9 am

If you have ever thought about taking one of these classes, now is the time. Bring a friend with you. That will be even more fun.

If you are a senior who can afford to register as a paying student, that would be a big help. (I’ll never ask you to do this again.)
Registration begins today.


Ninth Rehearsal Preview

November 1st, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of the season.

Please sign in.

Four Carols for the Holiday concert have been emailed to you and they are on Black Board.

[Admin: Available on the music files page, listed on the tab above.]

If you have not yet printed them yet, you may borrow a “100 Carols for Choirs” for tonight only. Please do not take away. There are 30 copies now and need to be 30 at the end of rehearsal.

If you are unable to print at home, please take one of the 25 sets I printed.

Please carefully note our Upcoming Schedule

Sunday, November 27, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Immanuel Church on the Hill

Sunday, December 4, 2016, 3:00 p.m. Concert with WMPO: Poulenc: Gloria
Church of the Epiphany

Tuesday, December 6, 2016, 7:30 p.m. Holiday Concert, Four Carols, excerpts from Gloria Schlesinger Center

Sunday, December 11, 3:00 p.m. Concert with WMPO: Francis Poulenc: Gloria
Masonic Memorial

This Saturday at 11:00 am – Women

Sing Well- DrW

Four Carols

October 31st, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire [edited]: Dear Singers- Here are four carols for the Holiday Concert. We’ll rehearse them tomorrow. See you then.

Admin: Available on the music files page, listed on the tab above.

Post Concert Message

October 28th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What a amazing concert! Bravo/a! To Chris and David Hagan for their stunning performance!
And bravo/a! To you. I truly believe that we have never before created such a beautiful choral sound.
Thanks to you, we had a great audience .
Thanks to you. We generated the highest revenue ever. With ticket sales and donations, plus contributions from choristers who are seniors we, were able to pay the bills.
Go to novachorus.org (or my Facebook page) and see the video Agnes Malika provided of “How lovely.” You will be very proud, as am I.

[Admin: Link to video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agnes.malicka.5/videos/10207826394882735/]

I look forward to seeing men tomorrow at 11:00 am.

Excellent Rehearsal

October 21st, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Thank you for an excellent rehearsal on Tuesday. It is clear that this will be a outstanding concert.
NOW is the time to contact ALL your friends an family to let them know about your concert. They don’t want to miss it. Soprano Sarah Dudley Brown reports that she has sold 14 tickets! If everyone does the same, we could pay our bills and support our scholarship fund.
Tickets – Please turn is your ticket money or unsold tickets to your sections leader ASAP. Keep only tickets you intend to sell (or buy to give away).
Tomorrow- Women at 11:00 am
Tuesday- Call is 6:30 pm in Schlesinger. Please be on time as late arrivals are very disruptive.
I need several house managers/ushers to take tickets, sell tickets, oversee the donation bowl, etc. If you have a significant other that is willing to help, please let me know.


Concert Dress

October 18th, 2016

[Admin Reposting] Please review the concert performance attire guidelines as listed in the Performance Advice (.pdf) document, always posted to the right.

Men’s Concert Dress
A tuxedo, white dress shirt or formal shirt with black bow tie, black shoes and socks. If you don’t own a tux and don’t wish to rent one, a black or dark blue suit is permitted in this chorus. You can often pick up used tuxedos at rental stores or secondhand locations.

Women’s Concert Dress
Dress Options
Floor length dresses or separates (top with floor length skirt or formal dress slacks)
Floor length means to the ankle/top of the shoe.

Black matte finish

Modest, unadorned “V” neckline. No ruffles, no flounces, no collar, no cleavage

Long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves

Black shoes with black hosiery

Jewelry should be unobtrusive–modest, not flashy.
[Purses should not be brought on stage. Options are to lock it in your car or in a room identified for such use at the performance venue. If you choose a skirt or slacks with pockets, you may be able to carry all you need there. If you are using a ring binder for your music, a pencil case clamped in with your music can hold keys, a comb and lipstick.]

The following are NOT be acceptable:
Slacks: Leggings, chinos, denim jeans, khaki-style, any pant that would expose the midriff
Fabrics: Velvet, satin/shiny fabrics, sheer/see-through fabrics like chiffon or lace, sequined fabrics, heavily patterned fabrics

Please refrain from wearing scented products, including perfumes, some hair sprays, etc. Also be mindful of oral hygiene.
We often do not have changing or secure storage facilities backstage. Bring only what you intend to have with you onstage.
When filing onto stage, climb the risers at the end, and then walk to your place.
Keep your music at your side while walking.
While standing, do not lock your knees. If you feel faint, alert the singers on both sides and sit down on your own riser with their help.
Be careful when stepping off risers. You can easily trip and fall.
When filing off of the stage, do not walk to one end and jump off.
Listen carefully for the location of the post performance party. Follow someone there.
Caution: water is not allowed on stage during performances. Cough drops in your pocket are a good emergency measure for performances.

Chorus members are encouraged to look at websites of vendors specializing in outfitting ensembles to get an idea of the overall look of formality we are trying to achieve. If you need to purchase garments to fit the profile, the following websites are just a few we looked at that have appropriate clothing choices. The profile is basic enough that you may be able to find “the right stuff” at a local department store. You may already own an outfit that fits the profile, or you may be able to borrow one from a friend or family member.

schedule change: normal 11:00 am time tomorrow

October 14th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I hope you had a nice break. I know many of you got together and worked last Tuesday. I really appreciate that.

In order to make best use of your time, I am changing the rehearsal time for tomorrow. You may come at the normal 11:00 am time.

10:00 am piano concerto
11:00 am Nachtlied
11:30 am How lovely
11:45 to 12:15 am Miriam’s Song

We will not rehearse beyond 12:30 pm in any case.

I have attached the program. Please make sure your name is there and is correct. If your see any other errors, please let me know.

Please don’t miss this crucial rehearsal.

Spread the word. Sell your tickets. We want to have a great crowd for this great music.


Press Release

October 4th, 2016


Event: Annual Chorus Benefit Concert: Ein Liederabend

Date/Time: Tuesday, October 25, 7:30 p.m.

Place: Schlesinger Concert Hall, Alexandria Campus

Description: music by NOVA Community Chorus

Admission: no tickets required for NVCC students faculty and staff

Contact: 703-845-6097

The NOVA Community Chorus (Dr. Mark Whitmire, Director) will present its Annual Chorus Benefit Concert on Tuesday, October 25, at 7:30 p.m. in Schlesinger Concert Hall (AL). This year’s concert, “Ein Liederabend,” features Mendelssohn’s Concerto for Two Pianos, performed by Christine and David Hagan. The chorus will sing Miriam’s Song of Triumph by Franz Schubert, Nachtlied, by Robert Schumann, and the famous How lovely is thy dwelling place from the German Requiem by Johannes Brahms.
No tickets are required for NVCC students faculty and staff. A donation is requested. For information, email mwhitmire@nvcc.edu or phone 703-845-6097.

Dr. Mark Whitmire is Director of NOVA Community Chorus and Professor of Music at Northern Virginia Community College. Dr. Whitmire has received numerous grants and awards, including a scholarship for post-graduate studies at the Britten-Pears School in England (where he studied with Sir Peter Pears), and a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for research and writing on the music of Benjamin Britten. He was been named “Outstanding Faculty of the Year” by the college in 1999 and 2010, and in 2004 he was awarded the “President’s Sabbatical.” He has been conductor-in-residence at Gloucester Cathedral (2003), Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral (2006) in England. In 2008 he conducted performances in Leipzig, Germany, including a performance at the famed Gewandhaus. He led a choral tour of France in 2010, conducting performances at Chartres Cathedral, Rouen Cathedral, La Madeleine (Paris) and Notre Dame Cathedral. In 2013 Dr. Whitmire led performances at San Marco Basilica (Venice) and St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome). In summer 2015 he directed the NOVA Community Chorus in performances at the Salzburg Choral Music Festival in Austria. In summer 2016 he will was conductor-in-residence at Worcester Cathedral in the UK. Dr. Whitmire attended Abilene Christian University, the University of Texas, and the University of Maryland, where he received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree. This season marks Dr. Whitmire 33th year as choral director at NVCC Alexandria.

NOVA Community Chorus is a one-hundred-voice ensemble that combines singers from the NVCC Music Program and the surrounding community. The chorus performs regularly with the Alexandria Band, the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic and the Alexandria Symphony. Special engagements in past years have included Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center and the National Theater. The chorus toured Spain and performed at the 1992 World’s Fair in Seville. Members of the chorus sang in England (2003 and 2006), at the Leipzig International Choral Festival in Germany (2008), in France (2010), and in Italy in summer of 2013. In the summer of 2015 members of the NOVA Community Chorus performed at the Salzburg Choral Music Festival in Austria.

Seventh Rehearsal Preview

October 4th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of the season.

Please sign in.

I’d like all first-semester singers to sit on the first two rows tonight.

Next Tuesday is Fall Break so no rehearsal. I hope that many of you will plan to get together and work on your music. I need everyone to work on your music on your own.

Our next Full rehearsal is Saturday, October 15 at 10:00 am with orchestra. I need everyone to be there.

Please carefully note our Upcoming Schedule
Saturday, October 8, 11:00 am – Men in AT130
Tuesday, October 11, No Rehearsal College Closed
Saturday, October 15, 10:00 am-12:00 pm; Full Rehearsal, AT130
Tuesday, October 18, 7:00 pm, Rehearsal with Orchestra, Schlesinger
Tuesday, October 25, 2016?7:30 p.m. Concert: 6:30 pm Call Schlesinger

Tickets – Please sell your 5 tickets (or more) to our concert. Or you can buy them and give them to your friends. Cash or check made to NVCC Foundation.

This Saturday at 11:00 am – Men

Sing Well- DrW

Poulenc for Soprano

September 30th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I have heard that the Poulenc soprano CD is missing movement 3. here it is.

Admin: Available on the music files page, listed on the tab above.

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

September 20th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire, Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of the season.

Please sign in.

Please have your music at all rehearsals
Poulenc Gloria
Miriam’s song of Triumph
How lovely is thy dwelling place

This week we will rehearse Nachtlied, Miriam,
How lovely is thy dwelling place, Poulenc Gloria Movement 5

Schedule Correction- Our December 4 and December 11 concerts begin at 3 pm (not 5 pm). The call for both is 2 pm. Please mark you calendar/schedule. [posted 9/10]

Senior Registrations – Thanks to all who registered as paying students. If you are registered as a non-paying senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Attendance – Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Please notify Section Leaders of absences
Soprano-Peggy peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Alto-Debbie Peetz debhome34 [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net

Saturday at 11:00 Rehearsal – Men

Sing Well- DrW

Miriam’s Song of Triumph solos

September 16th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Thanks to the fine group of women who auditioned for solos in Miriam’s Song of Triumph. Here are the results:

Terri LaGoe pp. 1-6, 37-39
Peggy Harrison pp. 7-11
Jennifer Weger pp. 18-26
Debbie Peetz pp. 31-32

I really appreciate everyone who auditioned. It is always a difficult task to choose among so many fine singers.


Miriam’s Song of Triumph solos

September 16th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire:
Dear Singers-
Thanks to the fine group of women who auditioned for solos in Miriam’s Song of Triumph. Here are the results:

Terri LaGoe pp. 1-6, 37-39
Peggy Harrison pp. 7-11
Jennifer Weger pp. 18-26
Debbie Peetz pp. 31-32

I really appreciate everyone who auditioned. It is always a difficult task to choose among so many fine singers.


Berkshire Choral International contest

September 14th, 2016

From Chorister Grace: Our members might be interested in this – Berkshire Choral International is conducting a social media competition for a free spot at their week in Asheville next year. The week is June 4 – 11, the work is Mozart’s Mass in C Minor plus Mozart opera choruses, and the conductor is Erin Freeman from Richmond.

Info is at http://www.berkshirechoral.org/sing-with-us/social-media-competition/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=sasocial&utm_campaign=sasocialbci. Videos may be submitted to BCI’s Facebook page 🙂

Other BCI weeks next year that may be of interest are in Budapest (August – Brahms’ Requiem; Heinz Ferlesch, conductor) and in Sheffield, MA (July – Mahler Symphony #8; Kent Tritle conducting and Verdi’s Requiem, Tom Hall conducting).

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

September 13th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of the season.

Please sign in.

Please have your music at all rehearsals
Poulenc Gloria
Miriam’s song of Triumph
How lovely is thy dwelling place

This week we will rehearse Nachtlied, Miriam,
How lovely is thy dwelling place, Poulenc Gloria, Movement 4

Soprano Poulenc CDs- It has been reported that the CD is missing Movement 3. I will post the missing track on Blackboard and Novachorus.org as soon as I can.

Schedule Correction- Our December 4 and December 11 concerts begin at 3 pm (not 5 pm). The call for both is 2 pm. Please mark you calendar/schedule.

Senior Registrations – Thanks to all who registered as paying students. If you are registered as a non-paying senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Attendance – Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Please notify Section Leaders of absences
Soprano-Peggy peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Alto-Debbie Peetz debhome34 [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net

Saturday at 11:00 Rehearsal – Women

Sing Well- DrW

Third Rehearsal Preview

September 5th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 3rd rehearsal of the season.

Please sign in.

Please have your music at all rehearsals
Poulenc Gloria
Miriam’s song of Triumph
How lovely is thy dwelling place

This week we will rehearse
How lovely is thy dwelling place
Poulenc Gloria, Movement 3

Senior Registrations – Thanks to all who registered as paying students. If you are registered as a non-paying senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Please notify Section Leaders of absences
Soprano-Peggy peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com>
Alto-Debbie Peetz debhome34 [at] gmail [dot] com
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net

Saturday at 11:00 Rehearsal – Men

Sing Well- DrW

October 25 Poster

September 3rd, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- It’s never too soon to start spreading the word. (Okay, may it’s still a little too soon.) Attached is the poster for our October 25 concert.
Yours – MW

Click image for Flyer PDF

Second Rehearsal Preview

August 30th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 2nd rehearsal of the season.

Please sign in. Please make sure your name is on the roster.

In the Bookstore (Please have your music at all rehearsals)
Poulenc: Gloria
Schubert: Miriam’s song of Triumph

In Course Documents (Blackboard)
I have a few copies for those who were not able to print.
Schumann: Nachtlied
Brahms: How lovely is thy dwelling place
Schubert: Miriam’s song of Triumph

The Poulenc Gloria score that many of you bought is the complete score with piano accompaniment – not the less-expensive choral part without piano accompaniment. If you would like to return your copy for a refund, you have one more week to do so. Your can print a copy of the choral part here:


This week we will rehearse
Poulenc Gloria, Movement 1

Rehearsal CDs for all our music are available ($10 total, cash or check to NVCC Foundation). Rehearsal Tracks are available at www.novachorus.org for free.

Senior Registrations-Thanks to all who registered as paying students. If you are registered as a non-paying senior, please consider making a donation toNVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Sing Well- DrW

Fall Schedule

August 29th, 2016

Posted to Blackboard, and class handout from Dr. Whitmire:

NOVA Community Chorus Fall 2016 (.pdf)

Fall 2016

Saturday, October 15, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Rehearsal with Orchestra

Tuesday, October 18, 7:00 pm
Rehearsal with Orchestra

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Annual Chorus Benefit Concert

Schubert: Miriam’s Song of Triumph; Nachtlied; How lovely is thy dwelling-place

Schlesinger Center

Sunday, November 27, 2016
5:00 p.m.
Dress Rehearsal with WMPO

Immanuel Church on the Hill

Sunday, December 4, 2016
5:00 p.m.
Concert with WMPO: Poulenc: Gloria

Church of the Epiphany

Tuesday, December 6, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Winter Concert

Holiday Songs, excerpts from Gloria

Schlesinger Center

Sunday, December 11
5:00 p.m.
Concert with WMPO: Francis Poulenc: Gloria

Masonic Memorial  

Saturday Rehearsals
11:00 am -12:15 pm (except 10/15)
8/27 Women
9/3 no rehearsal – Labor Day Holiday
9/10 Men
9/17 Women
9/24 Men
10/1 Women
10/8 Men
10/15 Full (SATB) Rehearsal (10 am to noon)
10/22 Women
10/29 Men
11/5 Women
11/12 Men
11/19 Full (SATB) Rehearsal
11/26 no rehearsal – Thanksgiving Holiday
12/3 Full (SATB) Rehearsal

Miriam’s Song of Triumph

August 27th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
A pdf of Miriam’s Song of Triumph is now in Course Documents. If you didn’t get a copy from the bookstore, print the pdf and use it until more copies arrive. If you are unable to print, I have a few printed copies. You may pick one up today (8/27).

Admin: Also available on the music files page, listed on the tab above.

A Wonderful First Rehearsal

August 24th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers- Thank you for a wonderful first rehearsal. What a great spirit filled the room. And what wonderful sounds you made. i hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

As I mentioned last night, the Poulenc Gloria score that many of you bought is the complete score with piano accompaniment. What I thought I ordered was the less-expensive choral part (without piano accompaniment). I now realize that I could have furnished the bookstore more details, so I must accept part of the blame for the error. If you would like to return your copy for a refund, you have two weeks to do so. Or you may want to keep it and enjoy your more complete version of the score. Your can print a copy of the choral part here:


I look forward to seeing Women this Saturday at 11:00 am. We will rehearse
Poulenc Goria, Movement 1


August 19th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: (Posted to Blackboard on: Friday, August 19, 2016 4:30:11 PM EDT)

Welcome to NOVA Community Chorus. It is going to be a great season. We are glad you are here.

Our First Rehearsal is Tuesday, August 23 at 7:00 pm in AT130.

In the Bookstore (Please have your music at all rehearsals)
Poulenc: Gloria
Schubert: Miriam’s song of Triumph

In Course Documents (Blackboard)

Schumann: Nachtlied
Brahms: How lovely is thy dwelling place

Rehearsal CDs for all our music are available ($10 total, cash or check to NVCC Foundation). Rehearsal Tracks are available at www.novachorus.org for free.

Be sure to check www.novachorus.org for more info, especially if you are new.

After rehearsal get-together tonight!
I’ll dismiss early so can go to Clydes for a refreshing beverage. If you are a new member, your first beverage is on my tab.

Senior Registrations-Thanks to all who registered as paying students. If you are registered as a non-paying senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at] rand [dot] org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net


message for MUS 198 Vocal Seminar Students

August 18th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Vocal Seminar Students- As I reported earlier, MUS 198 should have been listed as a 2 credit class as in the past. However it was listed as 1 credit when you registered. They have corrected the error. Now I need you to pay for the additional credit right away. I am sorry for the trouble. We will meet Saturdays 12:30 – 2:30 pm as in the past. We will not meet on Labor Day Weekend. I will get this and other info up on Blackboard as soon as I can.

CDs and help please

August 17th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I hope everyone is having a great summer. Virginia, the girls and I are just back from our annual sojourn to Texas and Oklahoma to visit family. I will be on campus tomorrow and will have rehearsal CDs for both the October (Liederabend) and December (Poulenc Gloria) concerts. I will be in and out of the office, so if you will let me know you are coming, I’ll leave CDs on my door for you. You can pay ($5 each) later.

As I haved said many times before, the best way for our chorus to improve is for each of us to become a better singer. The best way to become better is to take MUS 131 Class Voice. You can learn all you need to know about breathing, resonance, vowels, etc, and it’s fun! Presnetly there are only 5 enrolled and it will be cancelled tomorrow if the number does not increase dramatically. If this appeals to you, register now. If you later find its not your cup of tea, your have plenty of time to withdraw and get all your money back.

In the Spring will will do an environmentally focused program, with an emphasis on clean water. I would like to invite a prominent public/government person to to speak. If anyone has connections with a clean water advocacy organization please let me know. I will need a committee of interested folks to help with this project. let me know if you are interested.

I look forward to seeing you at 7:00 pm (note new start time) next Tuesday, August 23. I am looking forward to it.
Bring your friends! Its going to be a great year.

P.S. From Peggy: To follow up on Dr Whitmire’s email, here is info needed to register for class voice.

MUS 131. Class voice
Class number 11600. section 001A, Mondays 4:00-6:00 pm, Rm. AT130. 8/22/16-12/18/16