Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Summer Break

May 20th, 2009

The chorus is now on Summer break. Updates, although infrequent, will continue to be posted during this time. Included below are Summer events and opportunities.

For archived Spring 2009 information, please see to the right-hand side of the page, under Archives.

For the Fall semester, NVCC classes begin on Monday, August 24. The first chorus rehearsal is Tuesday, August 25.

Please see below for previous postings regarding Fall 2009.

Two Concert with NOVA Chorus Singers

May 20th, 2009

From Fred: There will be two choral concerts on Sunday, June 7, at 4:00 PM. Both choirs have several singers from NOVA Chorus.

Philomela will perform a work they commissioned and helped write called “Change” at Vienna Baptist Church in Vienna, VA.

The Clerestory Choir of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA will perform a concert of Bach (Motet 3, Jesu, meine Freude) and Brahms (Leibeslieder, Opus 52).

Their fliers are attached: Philomela | Clerestory Choir

Two Concert with NOVA Chorus Singers

May 20th, 2009

From Fred: There will be two choral concerts on Sunday, June 7, at 4:00 PM. Both choirs have several singers from NOVA Chorus.

Philomela will perform a work they commissioned and helped write called “Change” at Vienna Baptist Church in Vienna, VA.

The Clerestory Choir of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA will perform a concert of Bach (Motet 3, Jesu, meine Freude) and Brahms (Leibeslieder, Opus 52).

Their fliers are attached: Philomela | Clerestory Choir

Picnic Photos

May 14th, 2009

Photo Gallery, from picnic on Saturday, May 9

Picnic Photos

May 14th, 2009

Photo Gallery, from picnic on Saturday, May 9

Summer Sings

May 8th, 2009

From Fred: Here is the lineup of Summer Sings at Western Presbyterian Church, 24th. & G st. NW, Washington, DC. It’s a great chance to experience singing works we have already sung or might sing in the future. You’ll be surrounded by 200+ experienced singers and directed by some of the other top choral conductors in this area. You even get a quick rehearsal of the tricky choral parts before the professional soloists come “on stage” for the performance. (that’s just after the break where you can purchase drinks and walk around)

I go and read along with the performance even if I have not sung it before.

JUNE 2 – MOZART REQUIEM Conducted by J. Reilly Lewis

JUNE 9 – BRAHMS REQUIEM (in German) Conducted by Tom Hall

JUNE 16 – MENDELSSOHN ELIJAH (in English) Conducted by Thomas Beveridge

JUNE 23 – FAURE REQUIEM Conducted by Robert Shafer

Admission for each event is $10; score rental, $2 (or bring your own score). Doors open at 6:45, rehearsal starts at 7:45. Parking is tricky. There is a small parking garage under the church which usually fills up by 7:15. Commercial parking a couple of blocks away. Foggy Bottom Metro is a good alternative.

See: www.westernpresbyterian.org

Summer Sings

May 8th, 2009

From Fred: Here is the lineup of Summer Sings at Western Presbyterian Church, 24th. & G st. NW, Washington, DC. It’s a great chance to experience singing works we have already sung or might sing in the future. You’ll be surrounded by 200+ experienced singers and directed by some of the other top choral conductors in this area. You even get a quick rehearsal of the tricky choral parts before the professional soloists come “on stage” for the performance. (that’s just after the break where you can purchase drinks and walk around)

I go and read along with the performance even if I have not sung it before.

JUNE 2 – MOZART REQUIEM Conducted by J. Reilly Lewis

JUNE 9 – BRAHMS REQUIEM (in German) Conducted by Tom Hall

JUNE 16 – MENDELSSOHN ELIJAH (in English) Conducted by Thomas Beveridge

JUNE 23 – FAURE REQUIEM Conducted by Robert Shafer

Admission for each event is $10; score rental, $2 (or bring your own score). Doors open at 6:45, rehearsal starts at 7:45. Parking is tricky. There is a small parking garage under the church which usually fills up by 7:15. Commercial parking a couple of blocks away. Foggy Bottom Metro is a good alternative.

See: www.westernpresbyterian.org

Chorus Picnic

May 8th, 2009

From Fred: We’ll get things ready by 2 PM because pop up t-storms are more likely later in the afternoon. You may come earlier and help set up tables and benches or just walk around. Weather permitting, I’ll mow the table area first and the volleyball field last.

Ul James said he would be here for the picnic if possible. Be sure and spend some time with him as our collective guest. Wendy Matthews (Band director) has a family committment or she would be here, too.


May 7th, 2009

Chorus Newsletter, May 2009

From Dr. Whitmire

May 7th, 2009

(5/6/09) Please publicize the following event in: Intercom, Events Calendar, overhead monitors, campus-wide e-mail, et al.

Piano Duo Christine and David Hagan will present a recital on Saturday, May 16, at 7:30 pm in the Tyler Recital Hall. The program will include music by Mozart, Schubert, Warlock, Brahms and Gershwin. Tickets are $20 (under 18 – $10). Proceeds benefit NOVA Community Chorus. Seating is limited. Information: 703.845.6097 or mwhitmire@nvcc.edu

PDF flyer. (Better quality than previously posted)

From Dr. Whitmire

May 7th, 2009

(5/6/09) Dear Singers-

Tonight: 7:30 Honors Recital

Tomorrow: Concert

The call is 6:30 pm in the Choral Room (At 130). At 7:00 pm we will set-up and rehearse briefly in Schlesinger.

Saturday: Chorus Picnic, 3:00 pm at the Wulff

Chorus Picnic

May 7th, 2009

(5/6/09) From Fred: For the rain it rain-eth ev-ry day (why doth that go thru my head over and over and…

None the less, our picnic will go on.

We expect the sun to shine and the beer and wine to flow.

From Dr. Whitmire

May 5th, 2009

Dear Singers – As I announced earlier, my summer vocal seminar will be 1 credit, first 6 weeks. The changes have been made with the registrar. Please register if you are interested. We need 20 to make a class. If you already registered for 2 credits a refund will be issued.

Update: I should have checked all my e-mail. It looks like those have already registered for summer vocal seminar will need to re-register. Sorry for all the trouble.

From Dr. Whitmire

May 5th, 2009

(5/4/09) Dear Singers –

Reminder: There is no rehearsal tomorrow night.

You are invited to attend the Applied Voice Recital at 7:30 pm.

Leipzig Singers- I would like to rehearse our concert pieces briefly following the recital with those who are present.

From Dr. Whitmire

May 4th, 2009

(5/1/09) At 3:00 on Sunday afternoon, June 14, 2009, The McLean Symphony will perform on the main stage of the Center for the Arts at George Mason University as part of the Summer Festival of the Arts… click here (.pdf) for more information.

From Dr. Whitmire

May 4th, 2009

(5/1/09) At 3:00 on Sunday afternoon, June 14, 2009, The McLean Symphony will perform on the main stage of the Center for the Arts at George Mason University as part of the Summer Festival of the Arts… click here (.pdf) for more information.

Security Advisory

April 29th, 2009

Attention users: If you viewed this site between April 22 and April 28:

Security of this website was compromised during the noted time period. Downloaded files, such as .pdf, .jpg, .mp3, were not affected. The server on which this website resides has since been scoured clean.

Thank you to those choristers that promptly reported these issues. With these reports, the issues were able to be immediately resolved.

Let this serve as a reminder to all users to keep their computer security and virus definitions up to date.

New flyer for Benefit Recital

April 29th, 2009

Chorus Benefit Concert

Sat. May 16, 7:30 pm

Christine and David Hagan, Piano Duo

Recital Hall (AT130), tickets $20; $10 – under 18


From Dr. Whitmire

April 28th, 2009

Please publicize the following event in Intercom, Events Calendar, overhead monitors, campus-wide e-mail, et al.

A pdf flyer is attached.

The Alexandria Band and NOVA Community Chorus will present their Spring Concert on Thursday, May 7, at 8:00 p.m. in the Schlesinger Center. Band music will include “Dizzy Fingers” and “Italian Rhapsody.” The chorus will present poems by William Shakespeare, set to music by the jazz composer George Shearing. Also on the program are selections sung be members of the chorus at the Leipzig Choral Festival in Germany last summer, and Gershwin

From Dr. Whitmire

April 26th, 2009

(4/25/2009) Dear Singers –

We had a fantastic rehearsal with the men today. We worked on 4. Spring because it is unaccompanied. We uncovered some pitch insecurities. Please make sure you can sing it with total pitch security. We also worked on 5. Who is Sylvia? Make sure you know exactly where the breaths are, and that you are singing sustained, shaped phrases.

Concert on Thursday, May 7

We will not sing from Oklahoma. We have only 20 minutes in the Hall and we’ll need to use it with the jazz group on Songs and Sonnets.

The call is 6:30 pm in the Choral Room (At 130). At 7:00 pm we will set-up and rehearse briefly in Schlesinger.

Chorus Benefit Concert

Sat. May 16, 7:30 pm

Christine and David Hagan, Piano Duo

Recital Hall (AT130), tickets $20; $10 – under 18

Tickets will be available this Tuesday. Limited seating.

Chorus Picnic

Sat. May 8 May 9; 3:00 pm at the Wulff’s home

Basic Musicianship – If count-singing or any other aspect of music theory is giving you trouble in chorus, consider taking my online Basic Musicianship (MUS 101 01a) over the summer. It is a very effective course that covers rhythm, pitch, scales harmony, intervals, chords, ear training, and many other aspects of music. The material is presented in a very engaging way, and you can complete the course from the beach!

Summer Class for Singers – If you want to improve your solo singing, consider MUS 198 02a Seminar and Project, an intensive vocal performance seminar emphasizing technique, style, diction, and interpretation. It provides an opportunity to perform and perfect the songs that you study in voice lessons.

6 sessions:

Tuesday 5/12, 7:30-9:30 pm

Tuesday 5/19, 7:30-9:30 pm

Tuesday 5/26, 7:30-9:30 pm

Saturday 5/30, 12:00-2:00 pm

Monday 6/1, 7:30-9:30 pm | (4/27/09) Update: Tuesday 6/2, 7:30-9:30 pm

Tuesday 6/9, 7:30-9:30 pm

(4/28/09) Update: The vocal seminar for summer will be a 6 week, 1 credit course.


From Fred

April 24th, 2009

(4/23/2009) We have only one Tuesday night rehearsal (April 28) and one Saturday rehearsal (May 2 at noon) before our concert on Thursday May 7. There is no rehearsal on Tuesday, May 5 (Applied Voice Recital). And no dress rehearsal that I know of.

It is important that we continue to work with our rehearsal CDs, keyboards, etc. to master those difficult places in the music. You know – those spots you’ve circled and added up or down arrows because your guess doesn’t match the singer on either side of you.

We can’t guess those notes. We have to KNOW them. We have to OWN them.

One more thing. Concert dress is still Concert Dress – and that includes black folders. Practice using them at our next rehearsal.

Update: There is also a rehearsal for men on Saturday, 4/25, 12 – 1:15, on the schedule. The rehearsal on Saturday, 5/2 is (SATB) and is 12 – 1:15.

From Dr. Whitmire

April 24th, 2009

(4/22/2009) Dear Singers –

Thanks for all your calls and expressions of concern related to my recent bad health. Thanks to Chris and Nick for carrying on in my stead on Tuesday.

Fred called to say that folks would like a status report. Personally, I am not so sure you want too much medical information of this sort. But since I always do what Fred suggests, here goes:

<Edited for privacy>… Today I am back home and writing to you courtesy of Ozycontin [sic]. In the morning I return to the hospital… Shortly after that I expect to be good as new…

I fear that all this seems very self-indulgent. I know many folks deal with health issues that are so much more worrisome than mine. I also know that very few people enjoy the support and loving-kindness that I recieve. I am very thankful.


From Dr. Whitmire

April 21st, 2009

(4/20/2009) Dear Singers – I have spent most of the day in the hospital with what appears to be a kidney stone attack. I will not be able to come to rehearsal. I leave you in the capable hands of Chris, Nick, and Peggy. Sing Well.

Chorus Picnic

April 20th, 2009

Our annual NOVA Chorus picnic will be on Saturday, May 11 (correction: May 9) in the afternoon (2:00 pm).

The address is 6551 Columbia Pike: between the stoplights at Sleepy Hollow Road and Whispering Lane and directly across from Belvedere Elementary School. See attached map. You may park along the access road, Fitzhugh Drive, or along Sulky Lane.

It is a pot luck affair on an old farm lot (4 acres).

We supply: tables, a cabin with bathroom and kitchenette, ice chest, paper plates, cups, spoons/forks/kinves, a few benches and chairs. Also coffee, tea, filtered water, etc.

We also have croquet and volleyball equipment which you can set up and use.

Singers bring their favorite picnic food and drink to share.

We look forward to seeing you.

Links (.jpg files): Map, Croquet Photo 1, Croquet Photo 2

From Fred

April 20th, 2009

(4/19/2009) I asked the director of our Band, Dr. Wendy Matthews, what they would play in our concert on May 7. This is her reply. I recommending including this information whenever you tell your friends and family about our joint concert.

We are playing a great piece called Italian Rhapsody featuring familiar Italian tunes, but written in a stunningly brilliant way. It is a brand new piece that was premiered in Dec. All the military bands are playing it.

We are also doing a Gershwin piece with Sue Billadeau, (she is in the chorus) the NOVA Idol winner. We also have Dizzy Fingers a clarinet feature, and a piece arranged for us by the arranger in our band Marty Tousignant. The brass band version of this piece won a brass composer competition last month at Ohio State.