Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

From Dr. Whitmire

October 13th, 2009

(10/10/09) Dear Singers –

Last Tuesday

Rehearsal #7 on Tuesday was very productive. Movements # 7 and #1 are really taking shape.

Today: Saturday, October 10

Women’s Rehearsal 1:40-3:00 pm; Christine will be in charge as I will be at a wedding.

This Tuesday

There is no rehearsal this Tuesday, October 13. College is closed. Work with your Cd.

Next Saturday, October 17

Saturday, October 17 is an important full chorus (SATB) rehearsal. It is important that everyone be there. It has been on your schedule since August. Unless you made prior arrangements with me, I expect everyone to attend.

Saturday, October 24

Saturday, October 17 is an important first Dress Rehearsal. It is important that everyone be there. It has been on your schedule since August. Unless you made prior arrangements with me, I expect everyone to attend.


Please sell all five of your tickets. You may want to write a check for them and give tickets as gifts. Make checks to NVCC.


PS- Please remember, our website [www.novachorus.org] is a wonderful source of information. Our new poster is up.

Seating Chart

October 6th, 2009

Seating Chart (.pdf), for performance on October 27 (updated 10/7)


October 6th, 2009

Chorus Newsletter, (.pdf) October 2009

From Dr. Whitmire

October 2nd, 2009

(10/1/09) Dear Singers –

Last Tuesday

Rehearsal #6 on Tuesday was very productive. I am sorry that I didn’t rehearse what I told you to prepare. As I studied the score during the week I found some problem areas that had to be addressed. We did some very important work on pp.65-72 regarding breaths. Double-check that you have marked all breaths here and elsewhere in the Requiem.

Saturday, October 3

Men’s Rehearsal 1:40-3:00 pm

This Tuesday, October 6

This Tuesday, October 6 is our last regular Tuesday rehearsal before our performance. We are far from ready but can get there if everyone keeps working. We will rehearse 7, 1, 2, 3,

Music Majors

Mid-term exam will be this Tuesday, October 6 at the end of rehearsal. Be prepared to sing excerpts from #6.

Saturday, October 17

Saturday, October 17 is an important full chorus (SATB) rehearsal. It is important that everyone be there. It has been on your schedule since August. Unless you made prior arrangements with me, I expect everyone to attend.

Saturday, October 24

Saturday, October 24 is an important first Dress Rehearsal. It is important that everyone be there. It has been on your schedule since August. Unless you made prior arrangements with me, I expect everyone to attend.


Please sell all five of your tickets. You may want to write a check for them and give tickets as gifts. Make checks to NVCC.


PS- Please remember, our website [www.novachorus.org] is a wonderful source of information. Our new poster is up.

Rehearsal Files

September 29th, 2009

Rutter and Willcocks rehearsal music files have been added to the Music Files page.

Corrected Brahms Soprano files finally updated.

From Dr. Whitmire

September 28th, 2009

(9/25/09) Dear Singers –


We had an excellent rehearsal on Tuesday. I have allotted a total of 8 regular Tuesday rehearsals for the Brahms Requiem. Last Tuesday was rehearsal #5. Now we are in another stage – one in which we only polish and refine. Every singer must now know every note. There can be no followers. If some notes are still eluding you, have a marathon session with your CD this weekend.

Weekly Assignment

Movements 3, 4, 5


Women’s Rehearsal 1:40-3:00 pm


Please sell all five of your tickets. You may want to write a check for them and give tickets as gifts. Make checks to NVCC.

NOVA Coffeehouse

Mark your calendar for NOVA Coffeehouse on Saturday, November 7. Please plan to prepare some homemade pastries for the event. It will be great fun. Jonathan Vassar and the Speckled Bird will be back!

Carmina Burana

I am planning to do Orff’s Carmina Burana at our Spring Concert on May 4, 2010. If you know good singers who might like to join, tell them about it.

Music Majors

Mid-term exam will be Tuesday, October 6 at the end of rehearsal. (I have a wedding on Oct. 10). As of today, music majors are [edited for privacy]:

I encourage everyone to become a music major. It is a very rewarding experience. However, if you are on this list and do not intend to graduate, it is best that you contact Josh Richey (jrichey [at] nvcc [dot] edu) and change your major to non-curricular. If music majors never graduate, it is not good for the program.

Yours – DrW

PS – Please remember, our website [www.novachorus.org] is a wonderful source of information. Our new poster is up.

Color Brahms Poster

September 24th, 2009

From Dr. Whitmire:

Color Brahms Poster, (.pdf) original file size (3,045 KB)

Color Brahms Poster, (.pdf) reduced file size (401 KB)


September 22nd, 2009

Regarding the Alto rehearsal CD:

From Chorister Grace: This may have already been noted and I missed it, but the rehearsal CD has a wrong note on Page 34, top system, last measure, where it repeats the whole note G instead of moving to the F on the next to last quarter note. Thought I mis-remembered it until I actually listened with the score in hand 🙂

Regarding ticket sales:

From Chorister Ellie: Checks should be made payable to “NVCC.”

From Dr. Whitmire

September 18th, 2009

(9/16/09) Dear Singers – I was very proud of your hard work at rehearsal last night. It was very rewarding to sing Movement 4 with the words at the end of rehearsal, wasn’t it? But it also showed how much concentration it will require to maintain the clear, shimmering sound we achieve working with ‘lu-lu-lu.’

This week’s assignment: (1) Brahms Requiem Movements 7, 1 and 2.

We have a Men’s Rehearsal this Saturday 1:40-3:00 pm

Be sure to post you Brahms Requiem flyers in prominent place in the community.

This is going to be a beautiful and emotional concert. Each of us has someone who has died that we will be thinking of. The Brahms Requiem will be a strengthening, healing experience. Your friends and family will be glad they came. Try to sell all five of your tickets. You may want to write a check for them and give tickets as gifts.

Mark your calendar for NOVA Coffeehouse on Saturday, November 7. Please plan to prepare some homemade pastries for the event. It will be great fun.

Cutting edge news: I am planning to do Orff’s Carmina Burana at our Spring Concert on May 4, 2010. We haven’t done it since the Schlesinger opening, and the time is right, don’t you think?


PS- Please remember, our website [www.novachorus.org] is a wonderful source of information.

Rehearsal Handout

September 14th, 2009

Brahms Worksheet #5, (.pdf), from Dr. Whitmire

From rehearsal on September 9

From Dr. Whitmire

September 11th, 2009

Dear Singers-We had another excellent rehearsal this week. We continued to work on music reading, plus establishing a rhythm and pitch discipline that will lead to a clear, shimmering rendition of the Brahms Requiem. We will keep working with ‘lu-lu-lu’ for several weeks to learn to sing with an easy, focused, shimmering sound.

This week’s assignment: (1) Brahms Requiem Movements 5 and 6, (2) Worksheet 5

(1) With your Rehearsal CD and score, work on movements 5 and 6 over the week-end.

1. Just listen as you follow along in the music (listening without the score is less helpful).

2. Sing through the movements (on ‘lu-lu-lu’)

Find the problems spots and begin to focus on them.

(2) Locate the passages of music in the worksheets on your Rehearsal CD. Practice singing the pitches and rhythms with the CD.

If everyone completes this week’s assignment, we will have another excellent rehearsal next week.

I have ordered 15 copies of the Brahms. However they will not be here in time. I have permission to make 15 photocopies pending the arrival of the scores. Now I need a volunteer to make the copies. I will pay the cost. Let me know asap if you can help.

Alto Rehearsals

September 11th, 2009

From Alto section leader Debbie: Dear All,

Alto extraordinaire, Ellie Briscoe is offering to host ‘extra’ rehearsals for interested altos. These are not required and attendance is totally optional.

If you are interested in any of the dates listed below, please reply to [the e-mail message, or contact Ellie]. Thanks and keep singing, Debbie

Ellie writes: If there is any interest, I will host practice sessions for the Brahms Requiem, and looking ahead, for the Rutter Gloria.

Allergy warning: I have two cats. Let me know if you prefer that I sequester them. One of them is excessively friendly.

Brahms: Sunday, Sept. 20; Monday, Sept. 28

Rutter: Sunday, November 1; Monday, November 9

Time for all: 7:30 to 9 p.m.

Brahms Scores

September 11th, 2009

(9/10/09) From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers – If for any reason you have had to drop out of chorus this semester, please bring me your Brahms Requiem score. I will gladly pay you for it. Please let me know if will do this. It would be a big help. Thanks

Brahms Flyer

September 6th, 2009

For the performance of the Brahms Requiem, a promotional flyer (.pdf), provided by Dr. Whitmire.

PBS: Never Stop Singing

September 4th, 2009

From Chorister Grace:

Something our members might find interesting and worth having a link to find: Minnesota Public Broadcasting has produced a documentary called “Never Stop Singing”. It was featured on the CBS Sunday Morning program a month or so ago. You can view the CBS features with clips from the documentary or listen to a feature done on Minnesota Public Radio about it from http://www.neverstopsinging.org. I searched the web sites for WETA and Maryland Public Television and don’t see anything listed to indicate either of them plan to air the documentary. Maybe if people inquired about it they would schedule it 🙂

To New Mailing List Members

September 3rd, 2009

(9/2/09, 6:33 pm) From Peggie and the NOVAChorus Mailing List:

For those of you I just added to the mailing list, below is the message the Dr. Whitmire sent to the chorus earlier today.

From Dr. Whitmire

September 3rd, 2009

(9/2/09) Dear Singers –

What had another excellent rehearsal we had last night. We continued to work on learning and improving our music reading skills, plus establishing a rhythm and pitch discipline that will lead to a clear, shimmering rendition of the Brahms Requiem. We will keep working with ‘lu-lu-lu’ for several weeks to learn to sing with an easy, focused, shimmering sound.

This week’s assignment: (1) Brahms Requiem Movements 3 and 4, (2) Worksheet 4

(1) With your Rehearsal CD and score, work on movements 3 and 4 every day.

1. Just listen as you follow along in the music (listening without the score is less helpful).

2. Sing through the movements (on ‘lu-lu-lu’)

Find the problems spots and begin to focus on them.

(2) Locate the passages of music in the worksheets on your Rehearsal CD. Practice singing the pitches and rhythms with the CD.

If everyone completes this week’s assignment, we will have another excellent rehearsal next week.

Yours – DrW

PS – As always, Kate Cantrell has done as incredible job with our webiste (www.novachorus.org). Check it out.

From Dr. Whitmire

August 28th, 2009

Dear Singers-

The Brahms Requiem (Bullock edition) is in the bookstore for pick-up. The price is around $20.

I have requested that the bookstore not mail any pre-ordered copies since thy might not arrive by Tuesday. Everyone must pick-up in person.

Question to DrW: Why have you selected a different edition than we used before?

Answer: The Bullock translation is widely considered the truest to the original German text. Its Preface will give an extensive explanation.

Question to DrW: Why are we singing in English?

Answer: Brahms wrote his Requiem not in Latin, but in the language his listeners could understand. We will sing in the language our listeners understand,

I regret that the Brahms Requiem (Bullock edition) is more expensive that some others (though not compared to may daughter’s $215.00 calculus book). I hope that your copy will get many years of use.

From Fred

August 28th, 2009

(8/27/09) Singers: See the (online) flyer, here.

This is a lucky break for us to have an opportunity to actually sing the Brahms German Requiem, for fun, in English, with Piano 4-hands accompaniment, this MONDAY, surrounded by experienced singers. This usually happens years after you have learned it with your own chorus.

Bring your own music if you have a copy or rent from them. Any English language version will do (I checked with them). Don’t know it? You can attend a wonderful concert, on stage with the chorus, in your voice section and even hum along with them. It really beats a practice CD. Arrive Early. They sent notices out to every chorus in this area.

www.fairfaxpresby.com/about/direct.html <------------ for directions. Did I mention this is my all time favorite piece of music?

From Dr. Whitmire

August 27th, 2009

Dear singers – I am afraid there is a problem with the soprano reh CD (It is actually the alto part) I will bring new soprano reh CDs on Saturday. If your would like to practice in the meanwhile, go to www.cyberbass.com

From Dr. Whitmire

August 27th, 2009

(8/26/09) Dear Singers – What a wonderful first rehearsal we had last night. It was great to meet so many new singers and equally great to see so many familiar, smiling faces.

We got some excellent work done as well. We are not only learning and improving our music reading skills, but establishing a rhythm and pitch discipline that will lead to a clear, shimmering rendition of the Brahms Requiem. We will keep working with “lu-lu-lu” for several weeks to learn to sing with an easy, focused, shimmering sound.

This week’s assignment: (1) Brahms Requiem Movements 1 and 2, (2) Worksheets 1-3

(1) With your Rehearsal CD and score, work on movements 1 and 2 every day.

1. Just listen as you follow along in the music (listening without the score is less helpful).

2. Sing through the movements (on “lu-lu-lu”)

3. Find the problems spots and begin to focus on them.

If you do not have a score, go to the Choral Public Domain Library, and use the score; http://www.cpdl.org/wiki/images/c/c8/JB45-Ein_deutsches_Requiem.pdf

(2) Locate the passages of music in the worksheets on your Rehearsal CD. Practice singing the pitches and rhythms with the CD.

If everyone completes this week’s assignment, we will have an incredible rehearsal next week.


Rehearsal Handouts

August 26th, 2009

Chorus Schedule (.pdf) for Fall 2009, from Dr. Whitmire

Brahms Worksheets #1 – 4, (.pdf), from Dr. Whitmire

Link Repost: Choral Public Domain Library [www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Brahms], to download .pdf files of the complete Requiem or selected movements.

Music Files

August 26th, 2009

Brahms rehearsal music files have been added to the Music Files page.

Rutter and Willcocks coming soon.

Link to iTunes

August 26th, 2009

Dr. Whitmire mentioned a professional recording of the Brahms Requiem by Harry Christophers and the Sixteen. Please find below an iTunes link to this recording.

iTunes allows users to preview songs for free by offering 30 second samples of each track. Users can also purchase individual songs and albums.

Please note: When a user clicks on an iTunes link, the web browser will try to detect whether the user already has iTunes installed on their computer. If they do, the user will go directly to your intended destination on the iTunes Music Store. If they don\0xEDt, they will automatically be directed to the iTunes download page.

The Sixteen Harry Christophers - Ein Deutsches Requiem Ein Deutsches Requiem, composed by Johannes Brahms. Recorded by Harry Christophers and the Sixteen.

Naxos Library

August 26th, 2009

Info on the NVCC Naxos Music Library, as located on the Music Files page:

Go to www.nvcc.edu/library

Select "articles and more" and from the drop-down menu, select "more"

Under the heading "Fine Arts", click on "Music and Performing Arts"

Click on "Naxos Music Library"

Enter your NVCC username and password

In the "Keyword Search" window type Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony (or other text)

Pick a recording and enjoy.