Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Stage Direction – December 3 Concert

November 17th, 2009

From Fred: We will begin the concert at 7:30 pm with the Rutter Gloria and 5 Christmas Carols. Chris will accompany us. We’ll be on standing risers in front of the stage with chairs in front. We’ll return to our seats in the front rows of the audience.

The band will play their concert. Then we’ll file back onto the risers and sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the Band. (Don’t Worry!! The music will appear.) Last year we invited the audience to sing with us and a surprising number did.

Rehearsal begins at 6:30 pm. Be in your designated chairs in the audience before then.

The band will warm up. We’ll go on the risers and rehearse the Hallelujah Chorus with them. They leave. We warm up some more and return to our chairs as our audience comes in.

We’ll go on the risers at 7:30 and the concert begins. If the audience is late we’ll stay in our audience seats until told to go up.

See you tonight.

Poster from our Art Dept. attached: (updated 5:30 pm) Poster, original file size (6.3MB) | Poster, reduced file size

From Dr. Whitmire

November 14th, 2009

Dear Singers- Our very own Kimberly Young will present her Graduation Recital today at 4:00 pm. I hope you can come. Yours-DrW

From Dr. Whitmire

November 14th, 2009

(11/13/09) Dear Singers- I am still amazed by the wonderful crowd that you brought to our October 27 Brahms Requiem concert. Dr. Ryland said there were 500! on a Tuesday night! In the rain! Amazing! As you can imagine, I want to do it again. Our partnership with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic is a key element in our program, and it is built on our ability to generate an audience. We have a fantastic track record of doing just that, and I am counting on you to do it again.

I have an idea. I have printed small green invitation cards. Pick some up at rehearsal. Put as many in your coat pocket as you have friends, and when you see a friend tell them how much you hope they can come to the concert and give them a card. Be sure to write their name and yours on the card to make it personal. I’ll have some at NVCC tomorrow, [they will be] put them on the web as well.

Invitation Cards (.pdf)

This is just one idea, You guys can come up with even better ones. The important thing is that we get busy. There are many concerts in December, and we want our friends to come to ours.

Women’s Rehearsal tomorrow at 1:40 pm. Solo auditions to follow.


Black Folders

November 11th, 2009

From Fred: Our Rutter Gloria book is about 1 mm longer than a standard, 11.5 inch, 3-ring binder. You may use a standard 3-ring binder but be sure to center the 3 holes in your music book so that less than 1 mm appears above the top or below the bottom. You’ll need to visit Kinkos or other print shop to get those holes punched in your music.

Other folder options include a 14.5 inch, 3-ring binder ($10 at Staples); $25+ large chorus binder at Foxes; black cardboard binders with elastic straps for 2 or more books. We will be standing very tightly on risers at all 3 of our venues, so smaller is better if you will be on a riser.

Black folders are required at our dress rehearsal. Concert dress is not. Please use your black folder with both books in it at our next rehearsal to become accustomed to holding it.


November 11th, 2009

Soprano Kimberly Young is giving her voice major recital this Saturday, after the women’s sectional rehearsal.

From Dr. Whtimire

November 11th, 2009

(Posted at door 11/10/09) Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Fall 2009! Please sign in.

This Saturday Nov. 14 – Women, 1:40 pm-3:00 pm, AT130

This Sunday, Nov. 15, Rehearsal (optional) with orchestra, 6:00 pm (note time change)

Bishop Ireton High School, (201 Cambridge Rd, Alexandria)

Saturday, November 21, Full Rehearsal-SATB, 1:40 pm-3:00 pm, AT130

Sunday, November 22, Dress Rehearsal (mandatory), 5:00 pm, Bishop Ireton HS

Saturday, November 28, No Rehearsal

Thursday. December 3, Chorus/Band Holiday Concert, 7:30 pm; 6:30 pm call

Schlesinger Center

Saturday, December 5, Concert, 3:00 pm; 2:00 pm call

Church of the Epiphany, (1317 G Street NW, Washington DC)

Sunday, December 6, Concert, 3:00 pm; 2:00 pm call

Bishop Ireton High School

NOVA Coffeehouse was a great event. Thanks for your support.

Sing Well -DrW


November 11th, 2009

(11/10/09) From last year’s winner, NOVA chorus alto Susan Bilodeau:

The Nova Idol auditions were last Monday and last Monday was too busy for way too many people. Tonight after chorus I will have my camera along with a form and a box for a 10 dollar fee for those that just want to try out for nova idol with it just being me, a 2 minute reminder, and yourself and me alone with my camera.

Doc Brenda Lewis Holmes loves this chorus and all of us and was hoping for those who chose to participate would again have a chance that has now gone by for many. I told her that I believed auditions were short and sweet, but tough for many to attend.

Please help me to remind all, that this really is about having fun and for us sharing beautiful music with our campus, but it doesnt hurt that top prize is 4000 dollars, 2nd is 2500 and 3rd is 1000 dollars.

I am hoping you all will sing as It so happens that I know for a fact that many, many of you truly have a gift from god that this show needs to hear..

[Admin] http://www.nvcc.edu/novaidol

Bernie Cohen

November 9th, 2009

Monday, November 16, 6:00 pm & 7:30 pm, Free admission.


Groucho was, like Milton Berle, Red Skeleton, Jack Benny, and Bing Crosby, a “founding father” of our popular culture – successful in vaudeville, radio, movies and TV. Tonight we learn of his life with his brothers, mother, several wives and children – and the personal aspirations which brought him joy and remorse. [chorister] BERNIE COHEN stars in DANIEL MONT\0xEDs script, directed by ED STARR. http://www.nationaltheatre.org/monday/monday.htm; Bernie’s Flyer


November 9th, 2009

Facebook Users – The Chorus Page has been updated to include the December performances. Please share with friends and family.

Event messages can be sent to anyone via e-mail, even if not on Facebook.

Facebook Page

From Dr. Whitmire

November 9th, 2009

(11/8/09) Dear Singers – Thanks to everyone who was a part on NOVA Coffeehouse last night. It was a very cool event. We have so many talented song-writers and poets in our midst; thanks for supporting them. Special thanks to our hospitality crew: Pat, Cathy, Desta, Therese, Ellie and Carol and everyone who brought goodies for the event. See you on Tuesday.


Stage Instruction

November 9th, 2009

(11/7/09) From Fred –

1. Our cluster of dress rehearsals and performances begin only two weeks from now on Nov. 22. Your music must be in a black folder to perform with us. Please have your Rutter and Willcocks books in one black folder, in that order, by Nov. 22 or earlier. If you have questions, ask your section leader. Stage management of our most recent concert went so well because you let us know your problems and suggested solutions. Keep it up.

2. Our optional rehearsal with the WMP (Bishop Ireton High School, 11/15/09, 5 pm) is fun if you know your music. We choristers sit in the audience by section. Mark directs the orchestra up on the stage and we sing along without direction. It is a good time to learn what the orchestra does while we are singing and while we are counting measures before we sing. Park in the lot closest to Duke St. Pass through the large doors to the right of the little traffic circle. The auditorium is on your right. Check out the WMP at www.wmpamusic.org.

3. Current planning: We sing the Rutter and Willcocks, in that order, in the first half of our concerts with the WMP. We take a short break after our warmup rehearsal and then go sing the performance. The concert continues after the intermission with Mendelssohn’s Reformation Symphony and a new composition by Charles Barnett. We can stay or go home quietly.

4. If you are new to NOVA Chorus, I recommend carpooling with an experienced member of the chorus. Many of us already carpool to performance venues, saving parking fees and stress. Ask around.

5. Church of the Epiphany is at 1317 G ST. NW, Washington DC. Go to www.epiphanydc.org to see what it is like. Click on “Parking” to get an idea of how to get there and where to park. Metro Central is only a half block away.

Driving by yourself? Go via 14th. Street. Turn right on G. St. Go 1/2 block and turn left into the PMI Garage next to the church. You can’t miss the church. It is a standard old church sandwiched between tall buildings.

KEEP YOUR PARKING TICKET. Get a parking voucher inside (we’ll help you find one). That way it will only cost $8 instead of $16. Lose either one or use a credit card and it is $16. Have your money, parking ticket and voucher in your hand when you get to the one and only checkout kiosk. There will be 20 cars behind you and we would really like you to wisk through checkout. Same goes for your friends who will be at this performance.

Once inside, go down the left hand aisle to the other (North) end of the church and into the Parish Hall where we gather before our warmup and the performance. We will line up there, make any final adjustments and thread onto the tiny space behind and to the sides the orchestra; back row first.

We will use standing risers with a single row of chairs in front plus chairs stage right for sopranos and in the transept, stage left, for Altos. Wear comfortable shoes. I’ll do my best to minimize our standing time.

6. There is more space on stage for risers at Bishop Ireton H.S. but we’ll still need to stand close together. There will be standing space on either side of the risers and a row of chairs in front.

7. I’ll pass along info on our concert with the band when I get it.

NOVA Coffeehouse

November 5th, 2009

(11/1/09) Please bring items for our refreshment tables which open during the intermission at the Coffee House.

Refreshments are a delicious and important part of the delights of our Coffee House. Please bring your contributions and Sign Up with what you’re bringing. We don’t have ovens or refrigerators. Bring your contribution Ready to Serve, no assembly required. Finger food is preferable. Look at the sign-up sheets for ideas and remember that sweets are popular, pre-sliced fruit, vegetables, sliced cheeses, biscuits, gorp (good old raisins and peanuts) which has morphed into wonderful variations, etc., etc….your ideas are welcome and your reward will be effusive thanks from all of us!

Last year the drinks and nibbles added to the festivities.

Thanks from the Refreshment Committee,

Patricia Connors,

Cathy Brown

Desta Shaw

Therese Antonio

From Dr. Whitmire

October 31st, 2009

(10/30/09) Dear Singers-

What a wonderful crowd you brought to our concert on Tuesday! I just deposited $3000. That allows us to pay our brilliant accompanist (though far less than she deserves), pay for music scores, rentals, royalties and other expenses. David Hagan insists on playing for us without charge, but I was able to persuade him to let us pay his train fare.

NOVA Coffee house is next Saturday, November 7. Please plan to attend and bring your friends. Type “NOVA Coffeehouse 2008” into Youtube and see Jonathan Vassar and the Speckled Bird and our excellent NOVA performers. It is a great event.

I have attached a flyer (.pdf). If you can’t open it, check the website (www.novachorus.org).

See you tomorrow.

From Admin: YouTube links (a sampling):

ISD NOVA Channel

NOVA Coffeehouse Playlist

Jonathan Vassar and the Speckled Bird: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six

From Dr. Whitmire

October 29th, 2009

(10/28/09) Dear Singers –

Words cannot express how proud and satisfied I was last night. It was exactly what I had longed for – a truly transcendant performance. Brava/o to our solists Terri, Bill and Nick. Bravissima/o to our wonderful pianists Chris and David.

Though it is not on our schedule, several of you have asked about rehearsing this Saturday. I had hoped to give you some rest, but Rutter is looming, So, we will have a full SATB rehearsal this Saturday 1:40 – 3:00 pm for all who can attend.

You may have already received this message. I sent it with a recording of movement 1 attached. It appears that the file may have been too large to go through. There will be a completed recording of your wonderful performance very soon.


Performance Program

October 28th, 2009

Performance Program (.pdf) for Brahms Requiem performance, October 27

Updated Schedules

October 27th, 2009

Updated Performance Schedule (.pdf) for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010,

Updated Chorus Schedule (.pdf) for Fall 2009

both from Dr. Whitmire

Updated Schedules

October 27th, 2009

Updated Performance Schedule (.pdf) for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010,

Updated Chorus Schedule (.pdf) for Fall 2009

both from Dr. Whitmire

Concert Parking Advice

October 26th, 2009

(10/24/09) From Fred:


Please advise your guests to come to our concert before 7 PM:

– To get a parking spot before the garage fills up with students.

– To pay the parking machine that is close to the doors for 2 hours = $2

– Bring/use $1 bills to speed up the paring meter process.

They must remember the number and background color of their parking spot.

The lowest parking level is a great spot if you and your guests will be heading over to Clydes restaurant and bar after the concert. If you are new to this event, ask other singers for directions. Look for us in the bar out back.

See you at the concert.

Update (10/25/09): Alan Krause points out that the parking meter no longer uses the color of the parking spot. Just the number. Thanks Alan,

Vocal Workshop

October 23rd, 2009

(10/22/09) From Chorister Jane R.:

Given by the Washington Vocal Consortium for members of the Cathedral Choral Society and friends. CCS has opened this workshop to friends of CCS members for the first time. This is a superb workshop (I have done it several times and will do it again). If you are interested, let me know and I will sign you up.

Date: Saturday, November 7, 2009

Time: 9:30 am-12:30 pm

Location: Lower School Assembly Room (school building on corner of Woodley Rd and 36th across from National Cathedral)

Cost: $20

From Dr. Whitmire

October 22nd, 2009

Dear Singers-

What wonderful singing at our Dress Rehearsal on Tuesday! Despite the fact that we pressed on without a break, you were focused and productive until the very end.

We have one more rehearsal: This Saturday, October 24, at 1:40 pm in AT130. Please do not miss it.

The call on Tuesday is 6:30 pm in Schlesinger.

Here are some notes (.pdf) from our Dress Rehearsal. Please look them over carefully.

Two-part Overall strategy

1. Always sing high pitches with strength and energy, especially the soft passages

2. Work as hard as you can at home on these and other parts of the score, but when we sing together look at me with a radiant and expressive face.


NOVA Coffeehouse

October 22nd, 2009

Re: Sign-up sheets for your food contributions to the Coffeehouse.

Dear Choristers,

We will have sign-up sheets on Saturday for you to use to tell us what you will be bringing for Refreshments on Nov. 7th. We will also have sign-up sheets at rehearsal on Nov. 3rd but would like feedback as soon as possible.


The Coffeehouse benefits our Chorus.

Refreshments Committee,

Cathy Brown

Pat Connonrs

Desta Shaw

Therese Antonio

Stage Instructions

October 22nd, 2009

From Stage Manager Fred

The Call will be 6:30 pm – one hour before the performance. (This is a change.)

-We will not form up in the lobby and file on stage with our usual precision.

-Instead, we will already be in our seats at 6:30 pm in concert dress and begin our rehearsal. Be early, not late.

-We’ll take a break at 7:15 or so while our audience takes their seats and return at 7:30.

-Please leave and enter the risers and the stage from your side – don’t cross to the other side.

-When you return to your seat, pick up your music, sit, smile at the audience and just be peaceful (don’t chat) until we begin.

When the concert is over, go down into the audience and greet your guests. You need not disappear into the wings and appear magically in the foyer as we usually do. This will be a memorable performance, so help them remember it.

We have exclusive use of the two large dressing rooms back stage. You may leave coats there but lock your purse or other valuables in your car. The stage left dressing room will be for men and the stage other for women. Chris and David Hagan may have the soloist room. I plan to put a sign on each rooms, but….

Ellie Briscoe sends the following very important parking instructions for your guests:

Guests: PLAN to arrive quite early for parking, like 7 pm. There is one and only one machine to pay for parking, in the ground-floor lobby, there won’t be someone taking their money, and it can’t process more than three or four people per minute,

You must know your parking space number in order to pay.

There is nothing to put on your dashboard so keep your receipt to show you paid.

Bring nice crisp clean one-dollar bills. Pay for two hours ($1 per hour we think).

See you there and this Saturday (at 1:40).

From Dr. Whitmire

October 20th, 2009

(10/19/09) Dear Singers

Thanks for an excellent rehearsal with excellent attendance on Saturday.

Tomorrow night we meet in Schlesinger. Please be in your assigned seat on stage at 7:30 pm.

I plan to have the chorus sit/stand as follows:

-Sit at the end of #2

-Stand at the end of p. 32

-Sit at the end of #4.

-Stand at the end of p. 64, 1 before C.

See you tomorrow.


From Dr. Whitmire

October 19th, 2009

(10/16/09) Dear Singers –

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 17

Tomorrow is an important full chorus (SATB) rehearsal 1:40 until 3:00 pm. It is important that everyone be there. It has been on your schedule since August. Unless you made prior arrangements with me, I expect everyone to attend.

Absentee Audition

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 17 at 3:00 pm is Absentee Audition. If you have missed more than 2 rehearsals this semester, please plan to sing for me to demonstrate preparedness. If in doubt about your absences, contact your section leader. If you do not sing for me tomorrow or make other arrangements, you may not sing at the concert.

Next Tuesday, October 20

Next Tuesday, October 20, is our Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. If you miss this rehearsal you may not sing at the concert (barring rare special circumstances).

Saturday, October 24

Next Saturday, October 24, is our second Dress Rehearsal. It is important that everyone be there. It has been on your schedule since August. Unless you made prior arrangements with me, I expect everyone to attend.


Please sell all five of your tickets. You may want to write a check for them and give tickets as gifts. Make checks to NVCC. Please turn in any ticket money that you have ASAP.


See you tomorrow.


PS- Please remember, our website [www.novachorus.org] is a wonderful source of information. Our new poster is up.

NOVA Coffeehouse

October 19th, 2009

(10/16/09) From Chorister Cathy:

Calling all chorus members:

Support our fundraising and all-round fun NOVA Coffeehouse the evening of Sat., Nov. 7.

The Refreshments Committee, co chaired by me, Cathy Brown, and Pat Connors, and enthusiastically supported by Desta Shaw and Therese Antonio is asking all chorus members to plan to bring some Coffeehouse-type eats to have out for the break. Closer to the 7th, we will post sign-up sheets to make it easier to see who is bringing what. We are asking for nice snacks, not dinners. Fruit, vegetables, both with and without dips, cakes, cookies, any finger food nibbles will be welcomed and eagerly consumed.