Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Spring Registration

January 2nd, 2017

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I hope everyone has enjoyed a wonderful holiday.
Thanks to all of you who have found time during the busy season to register for classes.
Special thanks to those seniors who have registered as paying students.
I am especially excited that I will see a few of you in other classes this Spring. Here is a look at how my classes look so far. Admin will begin making cancellation decisions this Thursday (1/5).
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at our first rehearsal next Tuesday, January 10 at 7:00 pm.

MUS 121 World Music
Total enrollments: 8
Choristers enrolled: 2 -Gillie Campbell, Barbara Lowrey

MUS 131/132 Class voice
Total enrollments: 10
Choristers enrolled: 4 -Gillie Campbell, Elizabeth Todd, Jackie Cohen, Marcelita Flowers

Mus 137 Chorus
Total enrollments: 23 (This is enough; We need enrollments in MUS 237)

MUS 163 Beginning Guitar
Total enrollments: 5
Choristers enrolled: 1 -Susan Trotter

MUS 164 intermediate Guitar
Total enrollments: 2
Choristers enrolled: 0

MUS 198 Vocal Seminar
Total enrollments: 8

Total enrollments: 4 (We need enrollments here)

Senior Registration

January 1st, 2017

From Chorister Peggy: Happy New Year, everyone!!!

Below is info from NOVA web site, including links and instructions.

Note that The class SESSION starts on MONDAY, January 9, (NOT the first day of the class).

ASAP make sure your NOVA ID and password are working. If there are problems call the Nova computer help line.

Contact IT Help Desk
Toll Free: 855.259.1019
Phone: 703.426.4141

Help desk web page: https://www.nvcc.edu/ithd/

Here are course numbers and codes for chorus and other classes that Dr Whitmire teaches, and also applied voice lessons at NOVA.
Mus 121 335a Music appreciation world music 15686
Mus 137 001a chorus 15143
Mus163 001a guitar I57157
Mus164 001a Guitar II 14751
Mus 198 001a seminar and project 15862
Mus237 001a chorus 15145
Mus 131 001a class voice I 14747
Mus 132 001a class voice II 14748
Mus 236 001a advanced applied music voice 15244
MUS 136 001a Applied Music-Voice 15236

Most important info from senior registration page:

• You must complete an online application at least 24 hours before you can register for classes and you must complete the Senior Citizen Enrollment Tuition Waiver Form (105-88E)
• Seniors may register online beginning the Friday before their class session begins. If you need registration assistance after classes have begun, you may go to the campus Student Services Center during the first week of the session.
• Submit the tuition waiver form by 5 p.m. the next business day after registering.
• Registration is not complete until the senior tuition waiver form has been successfully completed and submitted within this same timeframe as registration. Submit the tuition waiver form immediately after registering
You must pay course expenses other than tuition, such as laboratory and art fees (Exception: Fees for applied music courses will be waived.). Check your student account balance in myNOVA. Fees must be paid by 5 p.m. the next business day after registration.
Complete info:


Seniors may register online beginning the Friday before their class session begins. If you need registration assistance after classes have begun, you may go to the campus Student Services Center during the first week of the session.

Click here for step-by-step registration procedures. (Invalid link)

Spring Semester

January 1st, 2017

Classes begin on Monday, January 9. The first chorus rehearsal is on Tuesday, January 10.

Chorus is MUS 137 001A (subject MUS, catalog number 137, section 001A).

For previous postings regarding Spring 2017, under Archives on the right-hand side of the page, click on “Spring 2017”

For archived Summer or Fall 2016 information, please see to the right-hand side of the page, also under Archives.

Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (Great refresher for current members, too)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips
Performance Advice (includes concert dress guidelines)
Join the Chorus

As rehearsal tracks, recordings and sheet music files become available, they are posted to the music files page, listed on the tab above.

Hope for the New Year

December 23rd, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers – Here is a poem that has brought me great inspiration, hope and confidence as we march into the New Year.

These Things shall be
by John Addington Symonds (1840-93)

Say, heart, what will the future bring.
To happier men when we are gone?
What golden days shall dawn for them,
Transcending all we gaze upon?

These things shall be! A loftier race
Than e’er the world hath known shall rise
With flame of freedom in their souls
And light of science in their eyes.

They shall be gentle, brave, and strong,
Not to shed human blood, but dare,
All that may plant man’s lordship firm
On earth, and fire, and sea, and air.

Nation with nation, land with land,
Inarmed shall live as comrades free;
In every brain and heart shall throb
The pulse of one fraternity.

They shall be simple in their homes,
And splendid in their public ways,
Filling the mansions of the state
With music and with hymns of praise.

In aisles majestic, halls of pride,
In gardens, in groves and galleries
Manhood and age and youth shall meet
To grow by converse inly wise.

New arts shall bloom of loftier mold,
And mightier music thrill the skies,
And every life a song shall be,
When all the earth is paradise.

[Set to music by John Ireland (1879-1962)]

performed at the BBC Proms 2012

Water Nights by Eric Whitacre

December 23rd, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers – This is an ambitious undertaking (I may have bitten off more than we can chew); but I never underestimate the willingness of our group.. We’ll have auditions in January.

Water Nights by Eric Whitacre
8-14 parts
auditioned for performance on March 21



Note learning tracks





Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’s calendar

December 19th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Choristers- I have heard from several eager singers who want details about the next semester, so here they are. I hope all of you are enjoying wonderful holiday – sitting in front of a warm fire and sipping a refreshing beverage. Now you have something good to read.
Peace on Earth – DrW

PS- Will Russell, long-time bass, had a serious bicycle accident just prior to our last concert. He did extensive damage to his leg and has undergone serveral surgeries. I talked to Mary Lee, who said the surgesries have gone well. He’ll be in the hospital through the week and expects a long period of recovery ahd rehab. Please keep Will and Mary Lee in your prayers.

NOVA Community Chorus
Spring 2017


Tuesday, March 21, 7:30 pm
World Water Day Concert
Schlesinger Center
Earth is our mother (Dave Brubeck)
Wade in the Water (arr. Moses Hogan)
Sicut cervus (G. P. da Palestrina)
Water Night (Eric Whitacre)

Sunday, March 26, 5:00 pm
Dress Rehearsal with Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Location TBA

Sunday, April 2, 3:00 pm
Concert with Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Church of the Epiphany
These things shall be (John Ireland)

Sunday, April 9, 3:00 pm
Concert with Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
GW Masonic Memorial
These things shall be (John Ireland)

Friday, May 5, 7:30 pm
Spring Concert
Schlesinger Center
Old American Songs (Copland)

Friday, May 12, 7:00 pm
NOVA Community Chorus 30th Anniversary Celebration
Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill

Free Concert

December 18th, 2016

From Chorister Annette: After the holidays, there’s more good music ahead in a free concert.
Some NOVA chorus members will remember singing both music by Paul Leavitt and Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms, which are featured in this concert.

The Friday Morning Music Club (FMMC) Chorale is looking forward to entertaining
a large audience with its all-American Composer program on January
13 and 14 at the Church of the Reformation (212 E. Capitol St., NE). Each concert will start at 8:00 pm.

Three of the works on the program are from the middle of the 20th Century
(Barber, Bernstein and Burton) while the fourth work is newly composed and
orchestrated by Paul Leavitt for this, its premier performance. The program will open with a short work for chorus and orchestra by the Chorale’s conductor, Paul Leavitt. Mr.
Leavitt chose Modern Greek for this, his newest work, appropriately entitled In the

This introduction will be followed by Stephen Douglas Burton’s cantata titled
I Have a Dream, based on the famous speech by the Reverend Martin Luther
King. The cantata was commissioned by the FMMC in 1986 as part of the Club’s
celebration of its 100th anniversary. This will be the first time that the FMMC
Chorale will perform the work, as the cantata’s premier performance was sung
by The University of Maryland Chorus, accompanied by the Club’s orchestra. Mr.
Burton will be in the audience for these performances.

Samuel Barber’s Agnus Dei was composed in 1967 and was based on his Adagio
for Strings, one of the most well-known works for string orchestra. Agnus Dei,
which can be done accompanied or a capella, closely follows the Adagio, with only
minor differences. For this performance, the orchestra will accompany the Chorale.

Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms was composed in 1965 and combines the
texts of six different psalms from the Old Testament. Sung in Hebrew, it is both a
difficult and extremely satisfying piece to present for both the chorus and orchestra.

In summing up this concert, Paul Leavitt notes: “It seems to me that Dr.
King’s dream was akin to the dream of the psalmist who wrote:
Behold how good
And how pleasant it is,
For brethren to dwell
Together in unity.”
Supported by a grant from the Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation, this concert was developed to
honor the memory of Charlotte W. Holloman, a well-known soprano and voice
teacher who was a long-time member of the Club and President of the FMMC
Foundation. Mrs. Holloman’s daughter plans to attend the concert.

Gourmet Musical Meal

December 15th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

What a wonderful concert on Sunday night! Your Poulenc Gloria was a fabulous end to an amazing season. Once again, you were all “in the zone.” Pure magic! Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Poulenc–our season has been a gourmet musical meal. I can still taste it.

Chorus Registration- Last semester many seniors registered for MUS 137 as paying students instead of making a donation to the chorus fund. That is not necessary this semester.

If you are a MUSIC MAJOR, please register for MUS 237 so that we have a viable section.

Other Registration – If you have ever thought about taking another class with me, now is the time. Bring a friend with you. That will be even more fun.

Class Voice (for beginners and intermediates) – Mondays at 4 pm

Vocal Seminar (for more advanced singers and those who are taking private lessons) – Saturdays at 12:30 pm.

Guitar 1 (for beginners) – Fridays at 1:00 pm

Guitar 2 (for intermediates) – Mondays at 7:00 pm

Music Appreciation (World Music) – Fridays at 9 am

I wish each of you a joyous and peaceful holday.


Memorial Parking

December 11th, 2016

From Ulysses James to Dr. Whitmire:

We need to provide as many parking spaces for patron parking as we can.

The lot is fairly small and not well marked for efficient use of space. They should car pool if at all possible, and park at the far end of the lot, using the driveway at the northwest corner or at least the western part of the lot.

One other minor item. As they are congregating in a separate room while WMP performs, please as them to be as quiet as possible.


Looking forward to tomorrow!

Singers needed for Dec 24 at Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington

December 9th, 2016

From Chorister Jane: The Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington could use some extra
singers (tenors and basses and probably altos) for Dec 24 as so many of
their singers will be out of town. The service is at 6:45PM, and we are
to be there at 6:15.

Rehearsal Thursday, Dec 15 at 7:15.

UUCA 4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington (SW corner of Arlington Blvd and
George Mason Drive)

The music is:

Arican Noel arr. Andre Thomas

Glow–Eric Whitacre

Wexford Carol–John rutter

O Magnum Mysterieum–Ola Gjeilo

O Magnum Mysterium–Javier Busto

Let me know if you’re interested, please.

Jane Roningen A1

Concert Preview

December 6th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Bravo/a!! Wow! I had very high expectations for our concert on Sunday night. But you far surpassed them. What a sound! You were all “in the zone.” Pure magic.
Tickets – Please don’t let your friends and family miss this concert. Now that you know how wonderful it is, get busy spreading the word. Get your ticket money (cash or check made to WMPA) to your section leader tonight.
Tonight – Please be in Schlesinger at 6:20 pm so that we can find our places on the risers. Do you best to be on time, as late arrivals are very disruptive. We have only 20 minutes to rehearse. If you have Christmas paraphernalia (antlers, hats bells, etc) bring some tonight. We’ll keep it under wraps for the 2 Poulenc movements, then bring it out for the three carols.
Clydes – After the concert I’ll be stopping in at Clyde’s for a refreshing beverage. Please come share some holiday cheer.
Saturday 12/10 – No rehearsal
Sunday 12/11 – I can’t wait to hear your magnificent Poulenc Gloria at the Masonic Memorial.

Course Evaluations – I got this message saying that only 5% of you have done your course evaluation.

Please remind your students to complete their surveys by clicking the “Launch NOVA Course Evaluations” link in Blackboard. Completing the online surveys will only take a minimal amount of each student’s time (approximately 5-10 minutes). The survey period ends on December 11, 2016 11:59:00PM and cannot be reopened.

Students can receive a confirmation email by clicking the “completed” icon (checkmark in a green circle) beside the course name after completing the survey. The email containing a confirmation code will be delivered to the student’s school email address. These emails can only be generated while the survey session remains open.

Your online course evaluation results will be available for your review at a later date. We will email instructions for accessing your results at that time.

Registration – Please register for chorus now. If you have ever thought about taking another class with me, now is the time. Bring a friend with you. That will be even more fun.

Class Voice (for beginners and intermediates) – Mondays at 4 pm

Vocal Seminar (for more advanced singers and those who are taking private lessons) – Saturdays at 12:30 pm.

Guitar 1 (for beginners) – Fridays at 1:00 pm

Guitar 2 (for intermediates) – Mondays at 7:00 pm

Music Appreciation (World Music) – Fridays at 9 am


From Peggy: In reference to Dr. Whitmire’s message, here are the class numbers and codes for the courses he listed:

Mus 121 335a Music appreciation world music

Mus 137 001a chorus

Mus163 001a guitar I

Mus164 001a Guitar II

Mus 198 001a seminar and project

Mus237 001a chorus

Mus 131 001a class voice I

Mus 132 001a class voice II

Tomorrow 11:00 am Full Rehearsal

December 2nd, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Last Tuesday (11/29)
Thanks to Jon DeHart and Chris for expertly running the show last Tuesday. And thanks to all of you for being so supportive.
Tomorrow (12/3)
I look forward to seeing everyone at our 11:00 am Full Rehearsal.
Sunday (12/4)
Be at Church of the Epiphany before 2:00 pm. Please factor in traffic and any other possible delays. I hope to begin rehearsing at 2:00 sharp.
Next Tuesday (12/6)
Please be in Schlesinger Schlesinger at 6:20 pm. We’ll find out places on the risers and rehearsal very briefly (6:30 to 6:50 pm).

Concert Dress

November 30th, 2016

[Admin Reposting] Please review the concert performance attire guidelines as listed in the Performance Advice (.pdf) document, always posted to the right.

Men’s Concert Dress
A tuxedo, white dress shirt or formal shirt with black bow tie, black shoes and socks. If you don’t own a tux and don’t wish to rent one, a black or dark blue suit is permitted in this chorus. You can often pick up used tuxedos at rental stores or secondhand locations.

Women’s Concert Dress
Dress Options
Floor length dresses or separates (top with floor length skirt or formal dress slacks)
Floor length means to the ankle/top of the shoe.

Black matte finish

Modest, unadorned “V” neckline. No ruffles, no flounces, no collar, no cleavage

Long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves

Black shoes with black hosiery

Jewelry should be unobtrusive–modest, not flashy.
[Purses should not be brought on stage. Options are to lock it in your car or in a room identified for such use at the performance venue. If you choose a skirt or slacks with pockets, you may be able to carry all you need there. If you are using a ring binder for your music, a pencil case clamped in with your music can hold keys, a comb and lipstick.]

The following are NOT be acceptable:
Slacks: Leggings, chinos, denim jeans, khaki-style, any pant that would expose the midriff
Fabrics: Velvet, satin/shiny fabrics, sheer/see-through fabrics like chiffon or lace, sequined fabrics, heavily patterned fabrics

Please refrain from wearing scented products, including perfumes, some hair sprays, etc. Also be mindful of oral hygiene.
We often do not have changing or secure storage facilities backstage. Bring only what you intend to have with you onstage.
When filing onto stage, climb the risers at the end, and then walk to your place.
Keep your music at your side while walking.
While standing, do not lock your knees. If you feel faint, alert the singers on both sides and sit down on your own riser with their help.
Be careful when stepping off risers. You can easily trip and fall.
When filing off of the stage, do not walk to one end and jump off.
Listen carefully for the location of the post performance party. Follow someone there.
Caution: water is not allowed on stage during performances. Cough drops in your pocket are a good emergency measure for performances.

Chorus members are encouraged to look at websites of vendors specializing in outfitting ensembles to get an idea of the overall look of formality we are trying to achieve. If you need to purchase garments to fit the profile, the following websites are just a few we looked at that have appropriate clothing choices. The profile is basic enough that you may be able to find “the right stuff” at a local department store. You may already own an outfit that fits the profile, or you may be able to borrow one from a friend or family member.

Parking for Church of the Epiphany

November 29th, 2016

From Chorister Melanie: I was checking out the WMPA website and this got my attention:

*Discount parking is no longer available at the PMI garage next the to church. WMPA has arranged for discount parking at another nearby garage. Please click on Venue Information link below for details.

Then the page about parking says:

The Church of the Epiphany
1317 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
NOTE: Discount parking for $7 is available at the parking garage at 650 12th St NW. It’s manged by ONE parking and is on 12th St between F and G streets, about 1 1/2 blocks from Church of the Epiphany. To obtain the discount, you must follow these instructions exactly:
1. Step one: The parker will enter, take a ticket, and park in any of the 300+ spaces available.
2. Step two: The parker will go to the concert.
3. Step three: The parker will stop by the level B2 parking garage office to pay $7.00 with credit card ONLY. Inform the parking attendant that you attended the WMP concert at the Church of the Epiphany.
4. Step four: The parker will get the vehicle, and exit with the paid ticket
Parkers can NOT get the vehicle directly to drive out and pay $7.00. The ONLY way you can get the special rate is with the above steps.

I figured you may be sending something out about Sunday’s performance, so maybe you can add this to it.

[December 1 Update] From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers- Here is more important info about discount parking for this Sunday’s concert. Yours-DrW

NOTE: Discount parking for $7 is available at the parking garage entered at 560 11th St NW. It’s managed by ONE parking and is on 11th St between E and F streets, about 3 1/2 blocks from Church of the Epiphany. To obtain the discount, you must follow these instructions exactly:
1. Step one: Concert patrons will enter, take a ticket, and park in any of the 300+ spaces available.
2. Step two: The concert patrons will go to the concert.
3. Step three: Pick up your parking voucher from WMP staff or volunteers at the concert.
4. Step four: When exiting the garage, patrons will first insert their ticket into the machine and they will then insert the discount ticket and it will deduct $3 from the total, making the final cost $7 for the patrons. Payment is by Credit Card ONLY.
Parkers can NOT get the vehicle directly to drive out and pay $7.00. The ONLY way you can get the special rate is with the above steps.

Thirteenth Rehearsal Preview

November 28th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks for a great rehearsal last night. I could have listened to your singing and the beautiful playing by the orchestra all night.

And thanks to all who were able to join me for an early birthday celebration at Clyde’s. Great fun!

I know you will work hard for Jon and Chris tomorrow night and will get our Three Carols in fine shape for the Holiday concert.

Please sell your 5 tickets to our Poulenc Gloria concerts. It will be a great concert that your friends and family will enjoy. And 50% off is a great deal! Return cash or checks made to WMPA to your Section Leader.

Please carefully note our Upcoming Schedule

This Saturday, December 3, Full Rehearsal, 11:00 am, AT130

Sunday, December 4, 2016, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005

Tuesday, December 6, 2016; 7:30 pm Concert, 6:30 pm Call
Schlesinger Center

Sunday, December 11, Concert 3:00 pm, 2:00 pm Call
GW Masonic Memorial 101 Callahan Dr, Alexandria, VA 22301

I have been proud of the NOVA Community Chorus many, many times over the years. But never more proud than last Tuesday when you responded to a fellow singer in need. Your contributions to Jovan Howard totaled $1400.00. I believe that this help will get Jovan back on track to graduate in May. She hopes to become a Spanish teacher. She will make us all proud.

I have just learned that we have another former NOVA chorister in serious need. You may remember Dorothea Kamara, who sang with us for three years. Like Jovan, Dorothea has struggled through very difficult circumstances. When she was here she lived with her parents and four siblings in a very small 2-bedroom apartment. They constantly struggled with hunger and eviction. In spite of it all, she was admitted to The College of William and Mary. After two years she had to take medical leave due to undiagnosed illness. Recently thyroid ultrasound revealed a nodule that turned out to be cancerous. Last Tuesday she had it removed it appears to be a success! The next steps are a follow-up appointment with the surgeon, an appointment with an endocrinologist, and thyroid hormone medication for the rest of her life. While much of her treatment is covered by insurance, there are many expenses that are not. Here is a link to a Gofundme account that her friends have set up. Help if you can.

Tuesday Rehearsal

November 27th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,

As some of you know, this Tuesday is my birthday. I have just learned that my two brothers are coming from Texas and Oklahoma to ‘surprise’ me. So Jon DeHart and Chris will be running Tuesday rehearsal so that I can be with them. Jon and Chris will run thru Poulenc (which is in great shape) and concentrate on the three carols which need work. Tuesday is our last rehearsal before we sing them at the Holiday concert on 12/6. I trust you will all be there and work hard for them.

Since I will not be there to celebrate on Tuesday, I’d love it if any of you could join me a Clyde’s tonight following our rehearsal for a refreshing beverage and maybe a bite to eat.

See you tonight at 5 at Immanuel. I am really looking forward to it.


Rehearsal Reminder

November 26th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: This Sunday, November 27, 2016, 5:00 pm. Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Immanuel Church on the Hill, 3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria 22304

See you there!

Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

November 22nd, 2016

Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of the season. Please sign in.

Tonight is our last before our Nov. 27 Dress rehearsal with orchestra.
Please don’t miss it.

I still have CDs of our October 25 Concert. They are $10 cash or check made to NVCC Foundation. You can get the recording for free once Kate gets them up on the website. [Admin: will be posted once available.]

We have tickets to our Poulenc Gloria concerts by Saturday. You did such a great job selling and buying tickets in October. I know you will do it again. See your Section Leader.

Please carefully note our Upcoming Schedule

This Sunday, November 27, 2016, 6:00 p.m 5:00pm. Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Immanuel Church on the Hill, 3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria 22304
Please note time change

Sunday, December 4, 2016, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005

Tuesday, December 6, 2016; 7:30 pm Concert, 6:30 pm Call
Schlesinger Center

Sunday, December 11, Concert 3:00 pm, 2:00 pm Call
GW Masonic Memorial 101 Callahan Dr, Alexandria, VA 22301

This Saturday (11/26) – no rehearsal

Holiday Good Will Opportunity
Many of you will remember JoVan Howard. Jovan was a voice student here at NVCC and sang with us for three years. She went on to VCU to finish her BA and sang with me there for a while. Jovan comes from a family with no financial resources. She has worked her way through and is now a senior. It has been a long haul. She rooms with her younger sister who is also a student at VCU. They are 3 months behind on rent and in desperatestraights. If anyone would like to help them out, you can bring a check made to Jovan Howard or give me cash to pass along. Our help will save them from eviction and will be received with abundant Thanksgiving.

Sing Well- DrW

Half Chorus (moitié)

November 15th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Half Chorus (moitié)

please note: I have added one singer to each section since I sent the list last week

I’d like the Half Chorus to sit together and toward the front as much as possible

[Admin: See e-mail for list.]

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

November 14th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,

As you may have heard, I am home sick today (a cold and no voice). We will have rehearsal tomorrow night (conductors shouldn’t talk too much anyway).

I will bring 50 CDs of our October 25 Concert. They are $10 cash or check made to NVCC Foundation. You can get the recording for free once Kate gets them up on the website. [Admin: will be posted once available.]

I hope to have tickets to our Poulenc Gloria concerts by Saturday. You did such a great job selling and buying tickets in October. I know you will do it again.

See you tomorrow. Stay healthy.

Philomela concert this Sunday at 3:30

November 14th, 2016

From Chorister Terri:
Philomela, a women’s vocal ensemble whose members include NOVA Chorus members Debbie Peetz, Ruth Herndon, Terri LaGoe, and Christine Hagan, will present “Forty and Fabulous — A Ruby Anniversary Concert” The concert, which takes place on Sunday, November 20, at 3:30pm at Vienna Baptist Church, will feature an eclectic selection of songs in the classical, folk and gospel traditions.

Admission is free — $15 donation suggested.

For more information, please see attached flyer or talk with any of the NOVA Chorus members mentioned above.

Vocal Workshops

November 11th, 2016

From Chorister Jane: Guest Musician and Director Donald Milton, III will be offering 2 exciting workshops on Saturday, November 19.. 12:30 – 3:00pm in the Sanctuary of the Unitarian Church of Arlington. (corner of Rt 50 and George Mason Dr)


Singing is Easy.
As singers we have a tendency to get into our own heads and make singing more difficult than it should be. In this workshop Donald Milton III, Director of Music at the UU Congregation of Atlanta and long time voice teacher, will talk about some of the common tensions we add when we “work” to sing and give you tips on how to sign with a richer, more open, more in tune sound while increasing vocal stamina and enjoyment. We’ll also take an in depth look at our vocal mechanism and learn how to get our of our own way and make singing EASY!

The Second Voice Change: The Aging Voice
Our voices never stop changing throughout our lives and aging can have a major effect on our vocal stamina, our range, and our tone. We will explore how to deal with these changes to maintain a strong and healthy singing voice throughout our whole lives. This workshop is geared towards singers 55 and over but is open to any inquiring minds.

There will be a small registration fee of $10 per workshop/$20 for both.

Poulenc Gloria

November 11th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Poulenc Gloria

Corrections to the Piano/Vocal Score (larger book that includes piano part)
(Please correct your part. It is not necessary to correct the other parts.)
Some, but not all, corrections have been made in rehearsal.

Click image for larger PDF

Half chorus (moitié)

Mary Anne Brundage
Kate Pongonis
Judith Robb
Elizabeth Todd
Margaret Harrison
Emily Tsai

Melanie Casey
Deborah Peetz
Carol Pelenberg
Halina Banas-Jones
Bree Verrill
Grace White

John Connors
John DeHart
Kristopher Kouzougian
Bill Reilly
Francisco Robles
Alex Thomas

Michael DeHart
Tom Munger
Tim Rinaman
Pete VandenBosch
Nick King
David Shilton

Sing Fauré at Church of the Epiphany

November 10th, 2016

From Chorister Jane:

Sing Fauré at Church of the Epiphany

Have you ever sat at a Cathedral Choral Society concert, curious what it’s like to sing in a choir? Are you a long-time singer, excited to sing Fauré once again? Do you just need a way to escape post-election stress?

Join us for our community sing-along of Fauré’s Requiem this Sunday, November 13 at 7:30 p.m. In honor of our 75th season, we’re taking our popular sing-alongs on the road, so we’ll be at the beautiful Church of the Epiphany at 1317 G St NW, Washington, DC.

Here’s what you need to know:

Guest conductor Will Breytspraak will lead
Ariana Wehr, soprano; Jason Widney, baritone; Todd Fickley, organ
Getting to Church of the Epiphany:
By metro: the Metro Center stop is half a block away
By car: street parking is ample on Sunday evenings
Tickets are just $10, and include score rental

Buy online today, call 202-537-2228, or buy at the door on Sunday. See you soon!
Buy sing-along tickets now!

Concert Flyer

November 8th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Concert flyer attached. Spread the word!

Click image for Flyer PDF