Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Free Tickets for Cathedral Choral Society

October 13th, 2010

From Chorister Jane:
French Connections – Sunday, October 17 at 4 p.m. – Washington National Cathedral

This coming Sunday spend the late afternoon with us and our Maestro Reilly Lewis at Washington National Cathedral – the sixth largest cathedral in the world – enjoying the sound of the magnificent Great Organ, which can be experienced nowhere else in our city, letting your senses wrap themselves in the glorious light fading through the stained glass windows and playing off the soaring columns, as your ears are filled with the lushly beautiful sounds of choral gems from France and Belgium in our opening concert French Connections….

And, here’s the deal. If you have never been to our concerts before to experience this glorious music in this glorious setting, we’ll give you two free tickets! What could be better than this free, absolutely no-risk offer? Hurry because it will be limited to the first 200 people to take us up on it!

For more information, click here.

Extra Alto Rehearsals

October 11th, 2010

From Alto Section Leader Debbie:  First, my apologies if this arrives in your inbox and you are NOT singing
with the chorus this semester.  I modified last semester’s list and may have missed someone.  AND we miss you, of course.

Second, please mention this to fellow altos at the rehearsal on Saturday, 10/16, in case I inadvertently left someone OFF the alias.

If you are interested in attending an Alto sectional at Ellie’s house, please send her a message —  addresses in the forwarded message, below (ellie [at] briscoe [dot] com).  Specify which date you would be able to attend so she can get a count. I’m not sure I will be be there, so best to let Ellie know.

Ellie’s proposal:

Oct. 17, 7:30 pm (or else immediately after the Planets gig, since we’ll all be out and about)
Oct. 24, 2 – 4 pm.

After that, Mark’s Saturday rehearsal schedule kicks in.

She has a great set-up to sing along with the rehearsal CD, the recording and/or bang out notes on a keyboard.  Also, two very friendly cats, in case of allergies.

Rite of Spring

October 7th, 2010

From Chorister Peggy:  Here are some links, as suggested by Dr. Whitmire at our last rehearsal:

Wikipedia article:
If you read nothing else, check out the heading “Premiere”.

Here a video in three parts:

Here’s an interview Stravinsky gave:

Here’s an excerpt from a documentary about the work:

And here is some other interview video of the composer himself:

And here’s some  Stravinsky by Leonard Bernstein, a broadcast on the occasion of Stravinsky’s birthday.

Piano Recital

October 5th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:
Christine and David Hagan will give a duo piano recital on Tuesday, October 19 at 7:30 pm in the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall (3001 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria). The recital will feature music by Claude Debussy, Manuel Infante and Igor Stravinsky. No tickets are required. The suggested minimum donation is $10. Proceeds from the recital will benefit the Music Program’s Vocal Scholarship. For information call 703-845-6096 or e-mail mwhitmire [at] nvcc [dot] edu.
Flyer (.pdf)

Seventh Rehearsal Preview

October 5th, 2010

Dear Singers-

Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Fall 2010! Please sign in.

Tonight – 4, 7, 10, 18, 19

Next Tuesday (10/12): No rehearsal (NVCC non-instructional day)

Saturday, October 16, 1-2:30 pm; Full Rehearsal
I added to our schedule on 9-14-10. Please plan to attend this very important rehearsal. Begin now making arrangements at work and at home so that you don’t miss it.

Tuesday (10/19): Chris and David Hagan Recital

7:30 pm; Schlesinger Center; Come and bring your friends!
This event funds our Vocal Scholarship. Post flyers (.pdf) around the community and send them to your friends.

The Planets- tonight at 9:20 pm

Music Majors Mid term Exam-tonight at 9:30 pm
Selections from choruses 4 7 10 18 19 25 26

[names omitted for privacy]

Please remember the NOVA Community Chorus in your charitable giving.

Rehearsal Handout

September 29th, 2010

Handout provided at last night’s rehearsal:
Pitch Exercise, Chorus #58 (2-page .pdf)

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

September 21st, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Fall 2010!  Please sign in.

Tonight’s Rehearsal – Judas 26, 30, 34, 43
Next Week
– 49, 50, 56, 58, 66

The Planets– The Planets rehearsals have been moved to Tuesday at the end of rehearsal. If you think you might want to sing, stay and check out this beautiful music. There will be no Planets rehearsals on Saturdays.

Please remember this rehearsal that I added to our schedule (.pdf) on 9-14-10:
Saturday, October 16, 1-2:30 pm: Full Rehearsal
Please plan to attend this very important rehearsal. Begin now making arrangements at work and at home so that you don’t miss it.

Please try not to be absent
. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:

Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot]com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at] rand [dot] org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, ray2408 [at] comcast [at] net

(Update:  Bass Section only: Please note that Ray Lombardi’s E-mail address is rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net)

Please remember the NOVA Community Chorus in your charitable giving.
Tax-deductible contributions can be made to the NVCC Foundation.

Sing Well

[Admin:  Section leader contact information is always included in each of the Frequently Used Documents, listed on the right: Performance Tips | Info for New Members | Join the Chorus (.pdfs)]

Revised Fall Schedule

September 18th, 2010

Chorus Schedule, Fall 2010, revised September 14, 2010 (.pdf)

From Dr. Whitmire

September 18th, 2010

Dear Singers-
Please check out the great work that Kate does on our web-site [www.novachorus.org].
On the website please check out Ellie Briscoe’s very clear and helpful notes about measure numbering. I would like to make one change. No. 30 begins with m1 on page 80. Chorus enters on page 82, m59. (If you’ve already numbered starting at p82, just add 58 to each of your measure numbers.)
Try to spend some time this weekend with your music and rehearsal CDs. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Judas Measure Numbering

September 18th, 2010

(9/10/2010) From Chorister Ellie and Accompanist Chris:

It’s the LAST measure number, followed by the number of the first measure of the last system in each chorus, in brackets, as a double-check.

4  For Sion lamentation make — 29 [26]
7 O Father Whose Almighty Pow’r — 70 [67]  Do not number the partial first measure.
10 We Come in bright array — 49 [43]
19  Lead on — 22 [20]  (Half measures on page 48.)
25 Hear us O Lord — 81 [76]
26 Fall’n is the foe — 83 [80]
30 Tune your harps — 161 [146 on page 89, 153 on page 90] (9/18 Dr. Whitmire update:  No. 30 begins with m1 on page 80. Chorus enters on page 82, m59. (If you’ve already numbered starting at p82, just add 58 to each of your measure numbers.))
34 Hail Judea, happy land — 29 [26]
43b We Hear — 52 [48] (9/15 Admin Update:  Numbering actually begins on page 114.  First measure on page 117 is then 81, and ends on page 120 with measure 132.)
49 Never bow down — 115 [107]
56 See the Conquering Hero — 80 [73]
58 Sing unto God — 67 [64] (chorus starts at measure 22) (9/15 Admin Update:  Page 160 contains 2 half measures.  The last measure number is 66.)
65 Hallelujah, Amen — 37 [33]

(Admin updates confirmed with Accompanist Chris.)

NOVA Chorus on CafePress

September 17th, 2010

From Chorister Ellie:

NOVA Community Chorus: be a walking promotion for our wonderful chorus! A $1 donation is made to the Music Fund for each purchase under $20. (We didn’t put a surcharge on anything that costs more than that.)

T-shirts, hoodies, tote bags and more can be ordered here:


Rehearsal Handouts

September 15th, 2010

Items provided at last night’s rehearsal:
Pitch Exercise, Chorus #25 (.pdf)
Count-Singing Exercise, Chorus #25 (.pdf)
NOVA Coffeehouse flyer (.pdf)

Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Performance Tips (.pdf)
Info for New Members (.pdf)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips (.pdf)
Join the Chorus (.pdf)

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

September 14th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:

Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Fall 2010!  Please sign in.

At this table pick up
Pitch Exercise Chorus #25, Count-singing Exercise Chorus #25

Rehearsal Judas #19, #25      Next Week 26, 30, 33, 43

The Planets
-Since several of my Planets women will be out this Saturday, we will rehearse The Planets tonight at the end of rehearsal. If you think you might want to sing, stay and check out this beautiful music. The will be no Planets rehearsal this Saturday.

-As you know we will miss two rehearsals in October. On October 12 the college is closed. On October 19 we have our Chorus Benefit Recital by Chris and David Hagan. To compensate, I have added a rehearsal to our schedule (.pdf):
Saturday, October 16, 1-2:30 pm: Full Rehearsal
Please plan to attend this very important rehearsal. Begin now making arrangements at work and at home so that you don’t miss it.

Sing well

Weekly Update

September 11th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
-What a wonderful semester we have begun! We are the largest ever—121 singers!
-This week we will rehearse choruses 19 and 25, then review our previous work ( 4, 7, 10, 26, 34, 66)
-We had our first Planets rehearsal today. There were 12 excellent women here to sing this beautiful music. I hope others will join us next Saturday at 1 pm. We have 78 women—I think we should have more that 12 for this concert.
-As you know we will miss two rehearsals in October. On October 12 the college is closed. On October 19 we have our Chorus Benefit Recital by Chris and David Hagan. To compensate,  I have added a rehearsal to our schedule:
Saturday, October 16, 1-2:30 pm: Full Rehearsal
Please plan to attend this very important rehearsal. Begin now making arrangements at work and at home so that you don’t miss it.

E-mailing List Test 2

September 11th, 2010

From Chorister Peggy (soprano section leader and keeper of the chorus roster):  This is a test, if there has been no change in your e-mail, sorry to bother you.

New members, or folks with new e-mails, please respond so I know the email works–responses to chorus group e-mails go only to me, Fred Wulff and Dr. Whitmire. I’ll ask about this at next Tuesday’s rehearsal, as well.


September 8th, 2010

The Chorus Facebook page has been updated with upcoming events. Please share these events with your friends and family.


Naxos Music Library

September 8th, 2010

Info on the NVCC Naxos Music Library, as located on the Music Files page:
Go to www.nvcc.edu/library
Select “articles and more” and from the drop-down menu, select “more”
Under the heading “Fine Arts”, click on “Music and Performing Arts”
Click on “Naxos Music Library”
Enter your NVCC username and password
In the “Keyword Search” window type Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony (or other text)
Pick a recording and enjoy.

Rehearsal Handouts

September 8th, 2010

Items provided at last night’s rehearsal:
Pitch Drill, Chorus #7 (.pdf)
Concert Wear Guide (.pdf)

From admin: Performance Tips (.pdf) Concert wear is also discussed in this Frequently Used Document.

Music files page has been updated.

Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (.pdf)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips (.pdf)
Join the Chorus (.pdf)

Pitch Exercise

September 2nd, 2010

From the second rehearsal (August 31):
Pitch Exercise, Chorus #34 (2 page .pdf)

E-mailing List Test

August 31st, 2010

From Chorister Peggy:  This is a test for some new members I added.

(Admin:  Please contact Peggy if you did not receive the above message.)

ASO Flyer Correction

August 31st, 2010

(8/26/2010) From Chorister Ray:  We’ve just received Alex. Symphony’s latest glossy flyer for the 2010-2011 season – and while it lists the Verdi Requiem on March 12 & 13, it fails to list the NOVA Community Chorus.  Alexandria Choral Society, Metropolitan Chorus and Heritage are there but not us.

From Dr. Whitmire:  I have spoken to the ASO about this, and trust they are making the correction.

NOVA Coffeehouse

August 25th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Van- Please put this on the monitors. Feel free to spice it up however you like. Please forward it to everyone you think could help get the word out. Thanks. -Mark

Singer-Songwriters and Poets are invited to showcase their talents by performing at NOVA Coffeehouse. Interested performers submit a CD of original songs or poems by October 15. Selected performers will be notified by October 22. Send submissions or questions to:
Dr. Mark Whitmire, mwhitmire [at] nvcc [dot] com, 703-845-6097

NOVA Coffeehouse will be an evening of original music and poetry by talented NOVA students. It will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 6, in the Tyler Recital Hall. Coffee, tea and fresh pastries will be served. Admission will be $10. Proceeds will benefit NOVA-AL Music Program.

To see last year’s’ great performers, go to go to YouTube and search
‘Coffeehouse NVCC’

From Admin: YouTube links (a sampling):
NOVA Coffeehouse 2009 Channel

NOVA Coffeehouse December 2008 Playlist

ISD NOVA Channel

First Rehearsal

August 25th, 2010

Items provided at last night’s rehearsal:

Fall Schedule (.pdf)
Count-singing Drill, Chorus 26 (.pdf)
Pitch Drill, Chorus 66 (.pdf)
Chorus Newsletter (.pdf), August 2010
Neptune” from The Planets, sheet music (.pdf)
Music files will be posted shortly.  Please check back later.

Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (.pdf)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips (.pdf)
Performance Tips (.pdf)
Join the Chorus (.pdf)

August Newsletter

August 24th, 2010

Chorus Newsletter (.pdf), August 2010

Fall Schedule and More

August 20th, 2010

(08/19/2010) Dear Singers-
– hope you are making the most of the last few days of summer. We have had some beautiful days, haven’t we?

Sadly, my Vocal Seminar was cancelled today due to under-enrollment.
MUS101 Basic Musicianship is hanging on by a thread. This is a great course, that is fun as well. We meet Saturdays 10:00 a.m. until 12:50 p.m. We cover all the elements of music. The more each of us knows about music, the better we will be as a chorus.

Attached is the latest chorus schedule for you reading enjoyment. You’ll note that our Saturday rehearsals (Planets and Judas) will be from 1:00-2:15 p.m. You will also note that we are singing some wonderful music. Tell all your singing friends. They won’t want to miss this season.

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday.