Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Philip Cave Workshop

January 10th, 2011

From Chorister Peggy: For those of you who are interested in working on some choral music that we don’t ordinarily sing in NOVA Community Chorus, below is information on a workshop with Philip Cave in Richmond next weekend. I’ve been to similar workshops he’s given in the past, and have always found them rewarding and well worth the time.

Music for Court and Chapel by Taverner, Tallis, Byrd & Gibbons

A Chorworks one-day early choral workshop led by PHILIP CAVE
director of the English early music ensemble Magnificat and a founding member of The Tallis Scholars

SATURDAY, January 15, 2011 10:00am-6:00pm
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 520 N. Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia

Registration from 9:30am. Workshop 10:00am. Informal Concert at 5:00pm
General registration $50. Seniors $35. Students <25 yrs. $25.
Music provided online to registered participants.
Please register and read further information online at

Judas Recording

January 10th, 2011

From Chorister Al:  Yes, the CD sounds great.  The march No. 57 and Sing Unto God No. 58 weren’t on the disc.  I guess these recordings didn’t come out correctly?  Too bad, as Sing Unto God was one of the best ones, I think.

Admin note:  Sing Unto God is available on the Performances page.

Verdi Text and Diction

December 30th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers,
Attached is the Verdi Requiem Text and Translation (.pdf) plus an mp3 of the Latin diction. Knowing that many of you cannot open attachments, I’ve sent this message to Kate who will have it up at www.novachorus.org very soon.

I have CDs of our December 12 performance of Judas Macabbaeus. It sounds fabulous! I will be in my office this Tuesday, January 4, from 1 -6 pm if you would like one.  If you can’t make it, I will have them at our first rehearsal on 1/11. $10 cash or check made to NVCC Foundation.

Many of you have not registered for chorus. Please do so asap. Also encourage other good singers to join us. We’ll need all of us and more for the Ninth in April!

Remember, our chorus can only be as good as its members.
If you want to improve your singing, register for MUS131-01a Beginning Class Voice (MT, 6-7:15 pm)
If you want to learn more about music, sign up for MUS101-01a Basic Musicianship (Sat, 10 am -12:45 pm)
Both these classes are taught be me, and both are scheduled to sync with our chorus rehearsals.

Happy New Year!

Verdi Schedule

December 29th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I trust that this message finds you enjoying a wonderful holiday season. Knowing how busy you are, I thought it best to send you our upcoming schedule (.pdf) as early as possible. Be sure sure to mark your calendars. (Note that the Verdi Requiem comes up during the college Spring Break.) This is going to be the most exciting season ever! I look forward to seeing you on Jan 11.

Peace on Earth-DrW

Spring Semester

December 21st, 2010

Regular NOVAConnect registration for all 2011 Spring semester sessions is under way. Classes begin on January 10. The first chorus rehearsal is on Tuesday, January 11.

Chorus is MUS 137 001A (subject MUS, catalog number 137, section 001A, class number 14724).

For previous postings regarding Spring 2011, under Archives on the right-hand side of the page, click on “Spring 2011”

For archived Fall 2010 information, please see to the right-hand side of the page, also under Archives.

From Dr. Whitmire: The most recently posted schedule that included Spring information is dated September 14, 2010, on the second page. Tentative Schedule (.pdf)

Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (.pdf)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips (.pdf)
Performance Guidance (.pdf)
Join the Chorus (.pdf)

Come ever smiling liberty

December 21st, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Voila!
Audio file (.mp3), Come ever smiling liberty.
Also posted on the Performances page.

From Dr. Whitmire

December 16th, 2010

Dear Singers- Words cannot express the joy and satisfaction that you have brought to me this season. Your singing of Judas Maccabeaus far surpassed my very high expectations. My veteran singers did their usual excellent job of preparation. Further, I have never had such an outstanding group of new choristers. Together, you created the finest choral tone and musicality that the NOVA community Chorus has ever produced. You have launched us, I believe, in the realm of metro DCs truly fine choruses. I have attached an mp3. I will send the rest to Kate to post on the website.

I look forward to seeing you at our first rehearsal of Spring on January 11. If you know good singers who would like to join us for the Verdi Requiem and Beethoven Ninth, bring them. In the meanwhile, have a wonderful holiday.

Peace on Earth-DrW

Encore Chorale

December 9th, 2010

From Chorister Peggy:   Vicki of our alto section thought you might be interested in these upcoming holiday season concerts:

From Chorister Vicki:  I also sing in another choir called Encore Chorale whereby members are age 55 and older.  There are three concerts which might be of interest to you.
–           Saturday: December 11, 3 P.M., Kenmore Middle School, 200 South Carolyn Springs Road, Arlington.  We will sing a variety of Christmas music and a flute choir will also perform various arrangements.
–           Wednesday, December 15: noon Harman Center for the Arts, (happenings Theater, lower level), 610 F. street.  This performance will feature many members, of which I am one, of the Smithsonian Encore Chorale.  The flute choir will not perform during this concert but if you work in the downtown area, come and enjoy this concert which will last about 35 or 40 minutes .
–           Thursday: December 23, Kennedy Center Millennium Stage.  Come and enjoy Christmas music from all the different chorales and if you arrive very early, plan to obtain a ticket for the free Messiah sing-along which will begin at 8 P.M. that evening.

NOVA Fortnightly

December 9th, 2010

The NOVA Fortnightly is the new college-wide, student-run newspaper of the Northern Virginia Community College.
NOVA Fortnightly front page
Article: The NOVA Community Chorus Performs Judas Maccabeus

Survival Tips for New Singers

December 7th, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:


Metro: This church is ½ block from Metro Center.

By Car: If you come over the 14th. Street bridge, continue into town until you get to G street. Turn right and you’ll see this church in the middle of the block on your left. Many of us use the underground parking garage next door to your left as you face the church. The charge is probably still $8 dollars if you pick up a voucher from the WMP table in the church and $16 if you forget. One of us will usually grab several vouchers and bring them into the Parish Hall where we will gather. Be sure you keep the voucher and the parking ticket in a safe and accessible place. Don’t attempt to pay by credit card. It could cost you $32 and hold up all the people waiting to leave the parking garage.

Parish Hall: When you arrive at the church before 2 PM for the pre concert warmup take your coat and “stuff” to the Parish Hall, a gathering place behind the Altar. Our risers and the orchestra’s chairs should already in place behind the prayer rail.

Bathrooms: There are two very small bathrooms down the right hand hall. There are larger bathrooms upstairs which you can reach via the stairs at the back of this hall.

This is a public space so leave as much as you can in your locked car.

SCHLESINGER CENTER: (Tuesday and Thursday nights)

We will (probably) gather by section in the front rows of the auditorium. Altos to the right, Sopranos to the Left and the men in the middle. The risers will be in front of the stage just in front of these rows.

There are public toilets in the lobby near the elevators. There are separate dressing rooms for men and women behind the stage where you can leave your stuff on the night of the performance. As always, it is safer to leave purses, etc. in your locked car.

From Dr. Whitmire

December 7th, 2010

Dear Singers- What a wonderful job you did last night! You have never sounded better. What a treat it is that we get to singing this music two more times.

If, for any reason, you did not attend last night’s concert, please send me an explanation. If you told me about it in advance, please send me a reminder.

Tomorrow’s rehearsal is in Schlesinger at 7:30 pm. The riser arrangement from Sunday should work. The program is only 25 minutes.

Selections from
Judas Maccabaeus
G. F. Handel

Duet: Come ever smiling liberty!
Peggy Harrison, soprano; Carol Pelenberg, alto
Chorus: Lead on

Duet: Sion now her head shall raise
Terri LaGoe soprano; Debbie Peetz, alto
Chorus: Tune your harps

Duet and Chorus: Hail, Judea! Happy land
Alex Berman, soprano; Cindy Gossman, soprano

Duet: Oh! Never bow we down
Francisco Robles, tenor; William Brown, bass
Chorus: We never will bow down

Chorus: Father of Heaven

Chorus: See the conquering here comes

Chorus: Sing unto God
Annette Reilly, alto; Andrew Scott, tenor

Verdi Music Files

December 6th, 2010

Music files for the Verdi Requiem have been added to the Music Files page.
Please address any technical questions through the “Contact” link above.

Judas Performance Program

December 6th, 2010

The program for performances (large .pdf file) on December 5 and 12 has been added to the Performances page.

Stage Instructions

December 3rd, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:
I have attached my instructions (.pdf) for the Bishop Ireton performance and Mark’s original riser diagram (.pdf). Although it seems complicated, we have fewer complications about leaving the stage and re entering from the other side for different opera choruses like the last time.

I believe that first impressions are important. That’s why going on and off the risers like professionals who have done this a million times works in our favor.

Our Schlesinger Center dress rehearsal on Tuesday and the performance on Thursday will be casual in comparison. We will sit in the front rows of the audience by section so that we can stream onto the risers with minimum confusion. The back row on the risers will be in the front of audience chairs and so on.

See you on Sunday at 1:55 in the hall. (Mark will have been rehearsing since 1:30.)
Please park along the back rows of the parking lot so our audience gets prime parking.

13th Rehearsal Preview

November 30th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 13th rehearsal of Fall 2010!

Please sign in.

Tonight- In addition to Judas, we’ll sing through Verdi Dies Irae first section and On with the snow.

Thursday night 12/2, 8-8:30 pm. Rehearsal with the band in Schlesinger

Sunday night 12/2 – Concert at Bishop Ireton; 2:00 pm call

Next Tuesday 12/7- Rehearsal in Schlesinger; 7:30 pm

Next Thursday 12/9- Concert in Schlesinger; 6:30 pm call

Music Majors- Final Exam is tonight following rehearsal

As you know, Judas Maccabaeus is going to be a wonderful concert. Bring your friends and family. Everyone will be glad it was a part of their of their holidays.
Sing Well-DrW

On with the Snow Recap

November 30th, 2010

(Update 11/30/2010) From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers- Here is a correction (.jpg) to the last 2 bars of On with the snow. See you tonight. Yours-DrW

(Original 11/24/2010)
On with the snow sheet music (.pdf)
Text corrections:
M 15: Let’s look at the SHOW
M 34 – 37: No man, but you can do the job when you’re in town.

Judas Flyer

November 23rd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Here is a flyer (.pdf) produced by the college art students. Spread the word!

12th Rehearsal Preview

November 23rd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Fall 2010!   Please sign in.

I could not have been more pleased and proud of you at Sunday night’s dress rehearsal. You were attentive, patient, and sang with a beautiful full tone in every section. Our soloists did a fabulous job.

Tonight– In addition to Judas, we’ll sing through Verdi Dies Irae first section and On with the snow.

Rehearsal with the band on Thursday night, December 2, 8-8:30 pm.

If you can, please plan to rehearse On with the snow with the band.

Music Majors– Final Exam is next Tuesday, November 30

Our next Rehearsal is next Tuesday, November 30

As you know, Judas Maccabaeus is going to be a wonderful concert. Bring your friends and family. Everyone will be glad it was a part of their of their holidays.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Sing Well-DrW

Notes on Dress Rehearsal

November 22nd, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Happy Saint Cecelia Day (Patron Saint of Musicians)!
Brava/o! I could not have been more pleased and proud of you at last night’s dress rehearsal. You were attentive, patient, and sang with a beautiful full tone in every section. Our soloists did a fabulous job. We had only a few rhythmic issues in the fast spots. We’ll sort them out tomorrow night. We’ll also sing through Verdi Dies Irae first section.

If you can, please plan to rehearse On with the snow with the band on Thursday night, December 2, 8-8:30 pm.

See you tomorrow night.


November 19th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Tomorrow (Sat 11/20) – Rehearsal at NVCC; 1-2:15 pm
Sunday (11/21) –  Rehearsal at Bishop Ireton, 6-8:30 pm [I’ll need several able bodies to help Steve set up risers. If you can help, show up at 5:30 pm)

Tomorrow I will have more Verdi Alto CDs for those who didn’t get one.

I’ll also have more copies of “On with the snow.”
Don’t forget to make the correction: mm 35-37 words are “No man, but you can do the job when you’re in town ”
Unfortunately the midi file for this has gone awol so there won’t be any notes for you unless it shows up. It’s very simple and familiar.

Performance Tips

November 18th, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:  Wow, I forgot how useful the document “Performance Tips” found on our chorus web site is. There are key requirements and suggestions in these simple “Tips.” which we have refined over the years.

Admin:  Here is a reminder that Frequently Used Documents are always posted on the right-side of the page.

The Performance Tips document (.pdf) offers all kinds of advice including performance dress code, dress rehearsal procedure and more.  This should address questions for new members and serve as a refresher for seasoned choristers.

Riser Chart Arrangements

November 17th, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:  Chorus:

We will stand for the entire performance, which will last over one hour. The dress rehearsal will last over 2 hours but you will be able to sit in place when soloists sing or the orchestra plays alone.

There is space on the floor in front of the risers for only 20 chairs for some soloists and those who cannot stand for an hour.

If you wish to be seated in a chair but are listed on the risers, please send an Email to me with your name and where you are now shown on the risers (for example B1 Fred – Row 3, #11).

Conversely, if you are shown as seated on the floor row but are capable of standing or would rather stand; please send me an Email with the same information. (We may be able to negotiate where soloists might stand vs sit in a chair.)

Just reply to this message and it will show up in my Email.

11th Rehearsal Notes

November 17th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2010!
Please sign in.

At this table, take note of word correction to On with the Snow.

If you were absent last week, pick up Verdi Requiem Rehearsal CDs. The 2-CD set is $10. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Thanks to the great group who attended Sunday’s rehearsal with orchestra. I was happy to have you there.

This Saturday (11/20) we have a Full Rehearsal 1:00 to 2:15 pm here in AT130. Please plan to attend.

This Sunday (11/21) is our Dress Rehearsal at Bishop Ireton High School (201 Cambridge Rd). This rehearsal is mandatory. THE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 6:00-8:30 PM.

12/5-12/12 Soloists please stay after rehearsal tonight.

Judas Program Notes

November 16th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Hopefully this info (.pdf) will help you more fully understand what we are singing. It will go in the program, so let me know if there are any glaring typos.
See you tomorrow. Yours-DrW

Riser Chart

November 15th, 2010

From Dr. Whitmire:
Dear Singers- Attached is a seating chart (.pdf). If you can’t open, don’t worry, I’ll  print it for tomorrow. If you are omitted or in the wrong section, please let me know. Yours-DrW