From Chorister Peggy: For those of you who are interested in working on some choral music that we don’t ordinarily sing in NOVA Community Chorus, below is information on a workshop with Philip Cave in Richmond next weekend. I’ve been to similar workshops he’s given in the past, and have always found them rewarding and well worth the time.
Music for Court and Chapel by Taverner, Tallis, Byrd & Gibbons
A Chorworks one-day early choral workshop led by PHILIP CAVE
director of the English early music ensemble Magnificat and a founding member of The Tallis Scholars
SATURDAY, January 15, 2011 10:00am-6:00pm
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 520 N. Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia
Registration from 9:30am. Workshop 10:00am. Informal Concert at 5:00pm
General registration $50. Seniors $35. Students <25 yrs. $25.
Music provided online to registered participants.
Please register and read further information online at