Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Seventh Rehearsal

February 22nd, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Spring 2011!  Please sign in.

Tonight– Verdi 52-65, 80-100; Beethoven 22-28

Next Week– Verdi 1-46; Beethoven 29-47

This Saturday at 1 pm – Men

Next Tuesday, March 1, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 1st Exam (Verdi pp. 186-205)

Next Wednesday, March 2, 7:30 pm
Verdi Rehearsal in Schlesinger

Verdi Measure number corrections:

P50    300
P100    695
P127    19
P132    46

Calendar (.pdf)

Sing Well

Alto Rehearsals

February 16th, 2011

(2/16/2011) Update:  Reminder:  This will be the LAST alto rehearsal for the Verdi REQUIEM at Ellie’s —  Sunday, February 20th, 7:30 – 9pm.

(2/3/2011)  Update:  Reminder:  Despite or because of the Super Bowl there WILL BE an Alto rehearsal at Ellie’s on Sunday — February 6th, 7:30 – 9pm.

(1/29/2011) Update:  From Section Leader Debbie:  Sunday, optional Alto rehearsals at Ellie’s will resume next week on Feb 6th.  Although, I believe that is Super Bowl Sunday so I’m not sure how many altos will be attending.

I think everyone could use a reminder that you can play your part really slowly on cyberbass.com.

(1/21/2011) Reminder:
From Section Leader Debbie:  Ellie is offering to continue note learning rehearsals once the semester has started.  Please see note below.  My apologies for clogging your email inbox if you will not be singing with us this Spring.  I will clean up the Alto Alias when we have a new roster. Cheers and Happy New Year

From Chorister Ellie:
Altos: optional note learning sessions
Where: Ellie’s home, about ten blocks from NVCC campus
When:7:30 – 9:00 pm on four Sundays: Jan. 23, Feb 6, 13, 20
(If someone else wants to host one on Jan. 30, do it; I have a conflict)
Allergy warning: I have cats.
Non-altos are welcome also but we will be using the alto practice CDs for Verdi and Beethoven.

Sixth Rehearsal Preview

February 15th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:   Welcome to our 6th rehearsal of Spring 2011!  Please sign in.

Verdi measure number errata: p50-m300 (not 301); p127-m19 (not 18)

Tonight– Verdi 124-156, 167-181; Beethoven 29-47

Next week– Verdi 52-65, 80-100; Beethoven 22-28

This Saturday at 1 pm – women
This Saturday at 3:00 pm, AT130
Lecture: Kathy Kessler Price

For your Calendar
-Tuesday, March 1, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 1st Exam (Verdi pp. 186-205)
-Tuesday, March 22, at 9:15 pm.
Auditions for solos in Ode to Joy (May 3 performance)
-Saturday, March 26, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Steven Rich
-Saturday, April 2, 4:00 pm, AT130  ¬ note time change
Graduation Voice Recital: Francisco Robles
-Tuesday, April 5, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 2nd Exam (Beethoven pp 28-36)
-Saturday, April 16, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Nicole Derksen
-Saturday, April 30, AT130
2:00 pm Applied Voice Recital
3:00-5:00 pm Applied voice Juries (required of Voice Majors)
-Saturday, May 7
3:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s
Sing Well-DrW

Alexandria Band Concert

February 13th, 2011

From Wendy K. Matthews, Ph.D., Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor of Music:  The Alexandria Campus Band and Special Guests to Perform at Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 7:30 pm.

The Alexandria Campus Band will present a family concert featuring the music of American composers on Friday, February 18 at 7:30 pm. in the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center on the Alexandria Campus. The concert will feature two guest soloists, retired Army band trumpeter, Dr. Dennis Edlebrock, performing a fantasia on an authentic Civil War cornet and Ms. Lucy Holsonbake, Alexandria campus CST faculty, performing the historic poem Casey at the Bat.

Special guests will also include the acclaimed John Adams Elementary School Orff Ensemble, a group of young musicians playing a full range of unique Orff instruments and over fifty young instrumentalists from Arlington, Alexandria, and Fairfax Elementary schools will perform side by side with the Alexandria Campus Band.

Admin: Concert Flyer (.pdf)

Verdi Ticket Discount

February 11th, 2011

From Chorister Ellie:  For half price tickets to the Verdi Requiem (full price ranges from $35 to $65), use the discount code “BOOK” online at www.alexsym.org or call 703 548-0885.

Verdi on Cyberbass

February 10th, 2011

From Chorister Maria:
Here is the web site for the Verdi Requiem on Cyberbass:

The really fast part in the last movement is at the bottom – Part 3.  You can control the speed by adjusting the number in the speed box on the right.  It is set at 100 so if you want to slow it down by half, set to 50.

Also – here is the link for the “Doritos Pug” Super Bowl commercial.  Hear anything familiar!!

Rehearsal Worksheet

February 9th, 2011

From this week’s rehearsal: Verdi Requiem Worksheet #2 (.pdf)

WMP Performances

February 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers- Thanks for a very productive rehearsal tonight. It was very hard work, but you kept focused and had a wonderful energy and attitude.

The WMP is performing Jonathan Kolm’s orchestra piece Prophecies. Dr. Kolm is our piano and composition professor. Please attend if you can.  We are trying to stack the deck in his favor since audience members get to vote.

3pm Sunday, February 13, 2011 – Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St, NW Washington, DC 20005)
3pm Sunday, February 20, 2011 – Bishop Ireton High School (201 Cambridge Road, Alexandria, VA 22314)

Also on the program:

Antonin Dvorak – Piano Concerto, op. 33, G minor, with solo pianist Stephen Bertino
Samuel Barber – Capricorn Concerto, with soloists Emily Bentgen (oboe), Lynn Ann Zimmerman (flute), and Brett Lemley (trumpet)
– Unique works by top three finalists of the WMP 2010-11 Composition Competition

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

February 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:

Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Spring 2011!

Please sign in.

Tonight-Verdi 182-211 and 124-156, Beethoven 22-28

Next week– Verdi 124-156, 167-181; Beethoven 29-47

This Saturday
at 1 pm – men

– It is now just a month until our concert with the ASO. If you are going to order clothing from one of the costume sites, you should place your order soon. It is fine to where something you already have, but be sure to look at the guidelines.

Verdi Sanctus– it has been requested that we split on the Sanctus. Therefore:
Chorus I – S1, A1, T1, B1
Chorus II- S2, A2, T2, B2
We will look at this tonight

Conflicts-If you are going to miss any part of the Verdi, rehearsal or concert, please send me a message. If you are a Music Major and will be away during Spring Break you may be excused from the rehearsals and concert only if you inform me now. If you do not inform me now and miss the rehearsals or concerts, you will receive a failing grade for the semester.

For your Calendar
-Saturday, February 19, 3:00 pm, AT130
Lecture/Recital: Kathy Kessler Price
-Tuesday, March 1, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 1st Exam (Verdi pp. 186-205)
-Tuesday, March 22, at 9:15 pm.
Auditions for solos in Ode to Joy (May 3 performance)
-Saturday, March 26, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Steven Rich
-Saturday, April 2, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Francisco Robles
-Tuesday, April 5, 9:00 pm
Music Majors 2nd Exam (Beethoven pp 28-36)
-Saturday, April 16, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduation Voice Recital: Nicole Derksen
-Saturday, April 30, AT130
2:00 pm Applied Voice Recital
3:00-5:00 pm Applied voice Juries (required of Voice Majors)
-Saturday, May 7 ¬ note date change
3:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s

Women’s Concert Dress

February 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear NOVA Community Chorus Women-
This is a follow-up to the message I sent two weeks ago about concert dress. It is now just a month until our concert with the ASO. If you are going to order clothing from one of the sites below, you should place your order soon. It is fine to where something you already have, but be sure to look at the guidelines below. I am grateful to the women who have helped put these guidelines together and very thankful for the spirit of cooperation that I have seen.
[Admin] Links to original post, or .pdf file, January 23.

Verdi Sanctus Split

February 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

In the Verdi Requiem, it has been requested that we split on the Sanctus. Therefore:
Chorus I – S1, A1, T1, B1
Chorus II- S2, A2, T2, B2

Also, several singers has spoken to me about conflicts. If you are going to miss any part of the Verdi, rehearsal or concert, please send me a message.   If you have already sent me a message, please send it it again as a reminder.

Verdi Publicity

February 6th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers- While I continue to be informed (and annoyed) of ASO publicity that has not listed us as participants in the Verdi Requiem, we are listed on the ASO website (see below). Yours-DrW

Symphony Concert 4 http://www.alexsym.org/concert4.shtml
Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 8 pm
Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 3 pm
Schlesinger Center

With Jan Cornelius, soprano; Stacey Rishoi, mezzo; Scott Six, tenor; Gus Andreassen, bass-baritone; Alexandria Choral Society; The Metropolitan Chorus; Heritage Signature Chorale, NOVA Community Chorus

Summer Singing

February 6th, 2011

From Chorister Grace:  Two items of possible vacation planning interest to our members from the newsletter below (linked) – the Chorus America’s annual June conference in San Francisco and the fact that most weeks of the Berkshire Choral Festival this summer still have openings.  I will be sure to mention this at the sectional today and at next Tuesday’s rehearsal, but perhaps you could also post the information on our web site.  The BCF web site for additional information about their open weeks is www.choralfest.org.

I had a hard time deciding between the Monteverdi Vespers week and the week in Vancouver this year, but decided on Vancouver and would love to have fellow NOVA singers along as well!

Google Alert

February 3rd, 2011

Picked up on Google Alert for “NOVA Community Chorus”:

Finalists Chosen for NOVA Idol, NOVA Fortnightly:
“The soulful stylings of Erika Anderson were lyrical as they skipped across notes at an impressive speed with skill demonstrating her experience performing with the NOVA Community Chorus.”


Presentation Reception

February 3rd, 2011

From Chorister Mary:  Dear NOVA Chorus,

Sara Dudley Brown and Mary Yee are organizing a reception to follow Dr. Kathy Price’s talk at NOVA on Saturday, February 19.  (Sara and Mary sit in the soprano section.)

We’ll need a wide variety of foods for the reception.  Would you like to contribute a dish?  Because of lack of kitchen facilities, we are asking that your food contributions be finger foods that do not need refrigeration or heating.  We will also be serving coffee and soft drinks, and will have ice available.  Here are some ideas of what you might consider bringing.  Please let Sara or Mary know if you would like to contribute a dish and what the dish will be.

For further information, please see here (.pdf).

Research Presentation

February 3rd, 2011

From Chorister Mary: Dear NOVA Chorus,

Last spring many of the women of the NOVA Chorus participated in a research study being conducted by Kathy Kessler Price on the effects of aging on the female singing voice.  Kathy wrote her dissertation on this subject and earned her PhD in vocal pedagogy last fall.  (Kathy was the director of the NOVA Chorus before Mark, now lives and works in Kansas City, and also maintains a voice studio in McLean.)

Dr. Whitmire has graciously invited Kathy to come to NOVA to give a talk on her research.  That talk will be held on Saturday, February 19, at 3:00 pm in the NOVA chorus room.  The talk is free and open to the public, and you are invited to attend.  Attached is a flyer (.pdf) announcing the event.  Please feel free to post this flyer at other venues where you sing.

Because Mark had already scheduled a rehearsal of the NOVA Chorus women from 1:00 to 2:15, we are hoping all the chorus women (and men) can stay and attend Kathy’s presentation.

Immediately following Kathy’s talk will be a reception, which Sara Dudley Brown and I are organizing.  We welcome your contributions.  A separate message about the reception will go out shortly.

For this trip, Kathy had already been planning a recital of the students of her local private voice studio.  Mark has kindly offered the use of the chorus room for Kathy’s private studio recital too.  So, immediately following the reception, Kathy’s students will be singing in the studio recital.  You are welcome to stay for the studio recital, but that is not required.  😉  (We normally just perform for one another at the studio recitals; an audience would be a treat.)

We estimate that the schedule for the chorus room on 2/19 will look something like this:

NOVA Chorus rehearsal (women)                           1:00 – 2:15
Configure room for Kathy’s talk, set up refreshments    2:15 – 3:00
Kathy’s talk                                            3:00 – 4:15
Reception                                               4:15 – 5:15
Recital of Kathy’s private studio                       5:15 – 6:30 or so

Let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you at Dr. Price’s talk on February 19!

Beethoven Files

February 1st, 2011

From Admin:  All Beethoven music .mp3 files, including diction, can be found on the Music Files page.

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

February 1st, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Spring 2011!

Please sign in and proof Roster.

Tonight-Verdi 1-46, Beethoven 10-16; 18-19 (men)

Next Week-Verdi 182-211, Beethoven 22-28

This Saturday at 1 pm – women

Tuesday May 3 Concert in Schlesinger

-Beethoven Ode to Joy (piano 4-hands)
Soloists will be selected from the chorus.
Auditions for solos will be Tuesday, March 22, at 9:15 pm.

-5 Selections from Brahms’ Love Song Waltzes (piano 4-hands, in English)
I will provide music and rehearsal CDs by March 15.

Tonight at the end of rehearsal, I’d like to meet briefly with Music Majors (See posted list).

For your Calendar
-Saturday, March 26, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduate Voice Recital: Steven Rich

-Saturday, April 16, 3:00 pm, AT130
Graduate Voice Recital: Nicole Derksen

-Saturday, April 30, AT130
2:00 pm Applied Voice Recital
4:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s

Sing Well -DrW

Rehearsal Handouts

January 26th, 2011

Two handouts from the January 25 rehearsal:
Verdi Requiem Worksheet 1, 2 page .pdf
Beethoven 9th Count-singing Drill, 2 page .pdf

Women’s Concert Dress

January 23rd, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear NOVA Community Chorus Women-
I want to bring the appearance of our chorus women in line with the formality and uniformity of our chorus men. I asked a group of women to work on this, and they developed the following profile (.pdf) of appropriate concert dress. I think it will be a big improvement and I thank them for their good work.

Tenor Rehearsal Notes

January 21st, 2011

From Section Leader Larry:
Here is a list of the TENOR CD practice tracks and the starting page number for each track:
1    page 2
2    page 19
3    page 30 (bottom)
4    page 43
5    page 51 (bottom)
6    page 80
7    page 85
8-9 page 124 (we are all singing Chorus 2/track 9)
10  page 149
11  page 167
12  page 172
13  page 182
14  page 186
15  page 205

Bass Rehearsal Notes

January 19th, 2011

From Chorister Fred:  Basses: You can print this, cut it to size and paste it in your music for reference or add it to your iTunes/iPod directory.


01 Requiem & kyrie pp 02
02 Dies irae pp 19
03 Tuba mirum pp 30 @ 4th. systm. tutta la forza
04 Di es irae pp 43
05 Rex tremenae pp 52 (-3 measures)
06 Di es irae pp 80
07 Lacrymosa pp 85 @ end 3rd. systm.
08 Sanctus Bass 1 pp 124
09 Sanctus Bass 2 pp 124
10 Agnus Dei pp 149
11 Libera me pp 167
12 Dies irae pp 172
13 Requiem aetern. pp 182 (-4 measures)
14 Libera me pp 186
15 Dum veneris pp 205

Alto Rehearsal Notes

January 17th, 2011

From Section Leader Debbie:  Note from Ellie who has also asked to post on the NOVA Chorus web site.  See you tomorrow night.

From Chorister Ellie:  This is where I think each of the Verdi alto rehearsal tracks begin:

Track 1: page 2, top system

2: page 19, top
3: page 30, 4th system, to bottom of page 34

No recording for chorus notes between 35 and 43 but for altos it’s the same note and phrase repeated.

4: page 43 just before G, top staff, to page 46
5: page 51 2d system, last measure, to page 65
6: Page 80, top system, to page 84
7: page 85, end of 3d system, to p. 100
8: page 124 (chorus I)
9: page 124 (chorus II)
10: page 149
11: page 167
12: page 172, top system
13: page 182, top system
14: page 186, top system
15: page 205, top system, 3d measure

I think there is an error in the alto CD on page 43, 2d staff, last measure, but I would appreciate someone else’s checking that.

Rehearsal Reminder

January 14th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Reminder- There is a rehearsal for tenors and basses tomorrow (01/15) from 1:00-2:15 pm (not required, but strongly encouraged).
Have a great weekend!

First Rehearsal Recap

January 12th, 2011

Handouts from last night’s rehearsal:
First Rehearsal Welcome, (.pdf)
Schedule, Spring 2011, 2 pages (.pdf)
Verdi text and translation, 3 pages, previously posted on December 30, (.pdf)
Beethoven text and translation, 2 pages, (.pdf)

Also noted:
Verdi Latin diction, previously posted on December 30, (.mp3)
Gramophone article: Composer Eric Whitacre on why British choirs are best, direct weblink, or PDF of article

Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (.pdf)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips (.pdf)
Performance Guidance (.pdf)
Join the Chorus (.pdf)