Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Performance Recordings

May 5th, 2011

From Fred:  Here are 3 files from our concert on Tuesday.  It is not recording studio quality but it does give us an audio record of the concert.

Audio Files – Files are .mp3 format. For most systems, click to play file, right-click to download.
Brahms and Announcements
Introductions to performers

Chorus Picnic

May 5th, 2011

(04/09/2011) From Fred and Judy:  Save the date.

Our chorus picnic will be on Saturday, May 7 starting at 12 noon at my home. It is a great chance to get to know the rest of your chorus members as you can see from the enclosed photos (click on thumbnails below). I’ll send a map and how to get here later on.

If you have not been to one of these events, make a special effort this time. We are getting too old to take care of 4.3 acres, 200 trees (and a LOT of leaves).

P4294289 P4294297 P4294307 PICNIC+PICTURES+004
Click thumbnails to view enlarged photo on Flickr.

[Admin: Previously posted picnic photos can be found here: http://www.novachorus.org/gallery/v/picnic2009/]

(04/11/2011) Update:  All members and families of NOVA Chorus, present and past; its director, band director, orchestra director, soloists and teachers are invited to the annual Chorus Picnic on Saturday, May 7 at 3 PM (not 12 noon as previously announced).

It is “Pot Luck.” Bring food and drinks to share. We will provide: picnic tables, hot dogs, gas grill, paper plates, utensils, volley ball court and a croquet set. We have a few old benches and chairs but you might bring your folding picnic chair in case we run short.

It is at 6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 – near the intersections of Sleepy Hollow Road and Whispering Lane – both of which have traffic lights. Other large landmarks:  it is directly across Columbia Pike from Belvedere Elementary School and just west of Mason District Park. As you will see from the attached map, our access road, Fitzhugh Drive, connects to Ancient Oak Court via an access road along Columbia Pike. There is additional parking along Sulky Lane which ends right at the volley ball field (not a court) and is the shortest distance to the picnic area next to our just repainted “guest house.”

Map (.pdf)


(05/05/2011) Update:  Start time, Rain or Shine, is officially 3 PM but we welcome your help in setting up the tables and games any time after 2 PM.   We look forward to seeing you then.

Chorworks Annual Summer Choral Workshop

May 3rd, 2011

From Christine Hagan: Sandy just sent me this – could it go out to the chorus or on the chorus website?  Thanks.
Chorworks Annual Summer Choral Workshop website.

Tuesday Concert

May 2nd, 2011

Form Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
I am really looking forward to tomorrow night’s concert. I hope you are.
Remember, the call is 6:30 PM in the Chorus Room.

Honors Recital

April 30th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Here is a flyer (.pdf) for the Honors Recital. Spread the word! Congratulations to four members (plus one honorary member) of the NOVA Community Chorus who will be performing! I hope you can attend.  Yours-DrW

Performance Flyer

April 28th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Thanks for a GREAT rehearsal tonight. Here is a a flyer (.pdf) that you can send to your friends.

Final Rehearsal Preview

April 26th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Welcome to our Final rehearsal of Spring 2011! We rehearse in Schlesinger,

Please sign in.

Please take a course evaluation form
, fill it out, and return it to this envelope tonight.

Flyers are here
. The college web and e-mail has been down all day. When it come you I will send these flyers.

Tuesday 5/3
-7:30 pm Band Chorus Concert, Schlesinger Center
The Call is 6:30 pm in the Chorus Room.

Saturday 5/7
– 3:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s

This has been the most rewarding year ever for our chorus!
We have moved steadily upward into the ranks of the finer choruses in Metropolitan Washington. Next year we will continue to grow, improve and excel. But I need everyone one of you back.

Sing Well- DrW

Schedule, Fall 2011, Spring 2012 (.pdf)

Fourteenth Rehearsal Preview

April 19th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Welcome to our 14th rehearsal of Spring 2011!  Please sign in.

You were amazing on Sunday! It was surely the highest rung on our ladder of musical excellence. Your tone was excellent, diction was superb, entrances were secure. It was a stunning performance in every regard. I was very proud.

If you missed the concert for any reason, please see me tonight.

Contribution to WMPO – As you know, our relationship with the WMPO is priceless. I would like the NOVA Community Chorus to become a Sponsor again this year. If you are able to make a contribution, please make a check to NVCC Foundation.

Tonight – all of Brahms and all of Beethoven
This Saturday 4/23 – No Rehearsal
Next Tuesday 4/26 – Rehearsal in Schlesinger Center
Tuesday 5/3 -Band Chorus Concert, Schlesinger Center
Saturday 5/7 – 3:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s

This has been the most rewarding year ever for our chorus!
We have moved steadily upward into the ranks of the finer choruses in Metropolitan Washington. Next year we will continue to grow, improve and excel. But I need everyone one of you back. I have planned excellent repertoire for the Fall:

Sundays, October 16 and 23: Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic. Frederick Delius: Songs of Sunset, featuring Grace Gori (Mezzo-soprano) and Aurelius Gori (baritone).

Friday, November 11: Civil War Commemoration Concert with the Alexandria Band, Schlesinger

Thursday, December 1: Spring Concert. Rachmanov, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Schlesinger

Sing well- DrW

Messiah Sing-a-Long

April 16th, 2011

From Fred: I know that by Easter Sunday, the Beethoven 9th. will be firmly stuck in my head. Even though I’ll sing a “bang up” Easter program at my church (tympani, brass, etc.), when that joy dies away I’ll still hear “FREUDA!” when it’s quiet.

There is a remedy. Sing, or just experience “The Messiah,” with none other than Reilly Lewis, a full orchestra, professional soloists and a church full of singers. No rehearsal! There ‘s even a concert for entertainment for early arrivals at 7:00.

check:   http://morefaith.org/music/messiah.php
(this note states that they will sing Part One except they always sing Parts 2 & 3 at Easter… ?)

Get there by 6:45 to get parking close to the church. Look around in the church for your friends and go sit with them and enjoy the concert. Don’t have a copy of Messiah? Borrow one or look on with a friend .

Stage Instructions for Bishop Ireton

April 15th, 2011

From Stage Manager Fred: We have done this drill many times so it should be a “no brainer.”

We will be on the risers to warm up and rehearse at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. Music will be at your side in your left hand until Peggy brings up her music. Smile.
Arrive by 1:45. Leave your coat in your car (best) or the band rehearsal room.

1:50: form up in the hall facing AWAY from the auditorium.
An experienced singer should be on the end of each row.
1:55: move to the stage entrances.
The left (Alto) end of the top row (4), followed by row 2, will move to the stage right entrance via the band room. – Remember: Don’t touch the tympani !!

Row 3: Right end (sopranos) will then peel around and move to the stage left entrance. Row 1 will follow.

– We may move on stage while the orchestra is still rehearsing.
– There will be a minimum number of chairs on each side of the stage.
– We may have a row of singers in front of the risers. If so, they will move on stage from stage left.
During the first part of the concert we will sit in seats on the right side of the back/upper rows in the audience Once the 3rd. movement has started, we will silently file out of our seats and form up in the hall. Use both the exit behind the top row and the side entrance.

See you there.

Beethoven Video

April 15th, 2011

Amateur video in two parts, recorded Sunday, April 10:

Friday Fanfare

April 13th, 2011

From Chorister Annette: Please publicise to the NOVA chorus. We heard this pianist before and he is fabulous. Now he’s returning with strings!

From Patrick J. Summers, Interim Minister of Music, Arlington Presbyterian Church: Our next Friday Fanfare! at Arlington Presbyterian (3507 Columbia Pike) is this coming Friday, April 15, at 7:00 p.m., featuring the “Silvan and Friends” from Shenandoah Conservatory performing Piano Trio No. 2, Op. 67 in E minor, by Dmitri Shostakovich, and Piano Quintet D. 667 in A Major, “The Trout,” by Franz Schubert.
The concert, featuring piano and string quintet, is free and open to the public. Bring your friends!

Performance Notes

April 11th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers- Bravo! I couldn’t have been more pleased and proud last night. Your sound was rich and beautifully in tune. You had excellent eye contact and stayed with the conductor very well. We’ll work hard on the Ninth again on Tuesday and give an even more exciting performance next Sunday. I am hoping that we have a much better crowd next week. This is an excellent concert, so invite your friends.

Rehearsal Reminder

April 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Reminder: No Rehearsal Tomorrow (Saturday).
Be sure to invite all your friends to Sunday’s performance. I love the sound in Church of the Epiphany. Everybody loves Beethoven’s Ninth!
I’ll see you on Sunday at I:45 pm. Be on the risers and ready to sing at 2:00 pm sharp.

Church of the Epiphany

April 8th, 2011

From Chorister Ray:  Please note that there is a squib in today (Friday’s) Washington Post Weekend (P.26) on the Church of the Epiphany and its relation to Civil War history.  Link to story on washingtonpost.com.

Cathedral Sings

April 7th, 2011

From Fred:  Cathedral Sings! (.pdf) Carmina Burana. Sunday, June 26, 2001 at 7:30 pm, Washington National Cathedral.  Buy Tickets.

Seminar: Vocal Repertoire

April 5th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:   SINGERS PLEASE NOTE
If you are a Singer who would like to improve your performing skills, register for my Vocal Repertoire.
MUS   198   Seminar And Project Vocal Repertoire   2.00cr   Six Week – First
11332 040A   T   7:30PM – 9:55PM   AT-0130   Alexandria   Whitmire,Mark A
Topics will include vocal technique, musical style, and expression.
The course will include individual coaching sessions to be arranged before and after the class meeting time.
Class will meet May 17, May 24, May 31, May 7, May 14, May 21
May 17, May 24, May 31, June 7, June 14, June 21
The course will be limited to twelve students.
Christine Hagan will be the accompanist.

Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

April 5th, 2011

Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Spring 2011!  Please sign in.

Thanks for your excellent work at Sunday’s Dress Rehearsal with the orchestra. I’ve heard many good reports.

If you missed the Dress Rehearsal
for any reason, please see me tonight. If you have already spoken to me or your section leader about your absence, please see me again.


We will rehearse all of Brahms and all of Beethoven (especially the tempo change on p 46). Rehearsal will end at 9:15 pm.
Also tonight- Music Majors 2nd Exam (Beethoven pp 28-36)

Brahms Love Song Waltzes # 1-6-You can find your notes at www.novachorus.org
Rehearsal CDs- I still have CDs for any singers who are unable to download your parts.

This Saturday 4/09– No Rehearsal

This Sunday 4/10 – 2:00 pm call, 3:00 pm concert
Concert: Beethoven Ninth
Church of the Epiphany
1317 G Street NW, Washington DC

Please review the following guidelines regarding concert dress.
[Admin: These are always posted to the right in Performance Guidance document (.pdf)]
Women’s Concert Dress
Dress Options
Floor length dresses or separates—top with floor length skirt or dress slacks
(Floor length means to the ankle/top of the shoe)
Black matte finish

Modest, unadorned “V” Neckline–no ruffles, flounces, collar, or cleavage
Long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves
Black shoes with black hosiery
Accessories (when allowed)
Jewelry should be unobtrusive–modest, not flashy.

Men’s Concert Dress
White shirt
Black bow tie
Black shoes and socks


Black Folders

April 4th, 2011

From Fred:  You must have black folders  for our performances the next two Sundays and for our final concert. Only about half of our singers had black folders Sunday afternoon. A 3-ring binder is perfect to hold both the Brahms Waltzes and the Beethoven. If you go this route, be sure the black covers are rigid and not slippery.

It appears that only the FedEx-Office aka “Kinkos” store has sturdy enough equipment to drill through the Beethoven choral music. (It is a tough piece of music.) It is 3 rotating drill presses spaced exactly for a 3-ring binder and took about 2 seconds to get through my book.

This store is in the shopping center across Rt. 7 from the big Target store near our campus. It is next door to the Radio Shack store about half way back in the shopping center. Go all the way to their back counter.

Lost Beethoven

April 4th, 2011

From Chorister Chandrika:  Dear chorus members,
Today at the rehearsal I lost my music. Please, let me know if anyone picked it up. Your help is most appreciated.  Many thanks in advance.

Dress Rehearsal

April 3rd, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
-Today’s Dress Rehearsal (April 3) is at 5:00 pm. Please come at 4:00 pm to help Fred set up chairs if you are able. Everyone must arrive by 4:45 pm so that you are ready to begin on time. Please do not be late as it is very disruptive.
-The location is First Baptist Church, 2932 King St., Alexandria
-Please listen carefully to Fred prior to the rehearsal. Please listen carefully to Ul during the rehearsal. No talking whatsoever during the rehearsal. Most questions that you might have can be answered by simply paying very close attention.
-Please do not miss this rehearsal. If you are a music major an absence will result in a failing grade.
-Thanks for letting me spend today with my daughter on her birthday. I know you will make me proud.

Chamber Ensemble Concert

April 1st, 2011

From Fred:  Next Friday there will be a free “Chamber Ensemble Concert” at 7:30 p.m. in Tyler Room 130. It will be by music students who have been playing together in many different collections of duets, trios, quartets and ensembles; with winds, strings (Dvorak, Bach, etc.) and an accordion (Kurt Weil).

The piano faculty concert this Friday was nothing short of extraordinary. Our Christine Hagan began the concert with a 4-hand arrangement of two of Brahms’ Hungarian Rhapsodies. The 2 extra hands were provided by our new head of the keyboard and composition programs, Johathan Kolm. Chris went on to play three of her favorite works by Alexander Scriabin – with only 2 hands this time, leaving us wondering how that was possible.

The next new member of our music department was pianist Ja-Hye-Koo, a native of Seoul, Korea, who played one of the Chaconnes by J.S. Bach which was equally challenging. She went on to play a work for 4 hand piano by and with Jonathan Kolm. That was followed by Kolm’s composition for Clarinet Duo by guests artists Kristin King and Paul Mulligan. Kristin will be a guest soloist in the Band/NOVA Chorus concert on May 3.

Dr. Jacob Clark, another new member of our piano department, ended this concert with works by Franz List and Frederick Chopin.

Faculty Recital

April 1st, 2011

From Fred:  The music faculty of our college has a recital tonight, Friday, at 7:30 in the rehearsal hall.
It should be great!
See you there.

Black Folders

March 31st, 2011

From Stage Manager Fred:  This Sunday is our only dress rehearsal.
Please the black folder this Sunday that you will use in our performance the following Sunday, so that you become accustomed to it.

Beethoven Translation

March 31st, 2011

From Chorister Mary:  Five years ago members of the NOVA Chorus sang the choral movement of the Beethoven Ninth Symphony with the Alexandria Symphony.  The attached two-page document was distributed to the chorus, and contains a translation of Friedrich Schiller’s poem, on which Beethoven’s libretto is based, and also a word-by-word translation which I find especially helpful.  There is also a short explanation of how Beethoven decided he needed additional text to make a transition to Schiller’s poem.

The last line of the first page was cut off so the English translation is missing. Perhaps someone with knowledge of German could fill that in for us.