(04/09/2011) From Fred and Judy: Save the date.
Our chorus picnic will be on Saturday, May 7 starting at 12 noon at my home. It is a great chance to get to know the rest of your chorus members as you can see from the enclosed photos (click on thumbnails below). I’ll send a map and how to get here later on.
If you have not been to one of these events, make a special effort this time. We are getting too old to take care of 4.3 acres, 200 trees (and a LOT of leaves).

Click thumbnails to view enlarged photo on Flickr.
[Admin: Previously posted picnic photos can be found here: http://www.novachorus.org/gallery/v/picnic2009/]
(04/11/2011) Update: All members and families of NOVA Chorus, present and past; its director, band director, orchestra director, soloists and teachers are invited to the annual Chorus Picnic on Saturday, May 7 at 3 PM (not 12 noon as previously announced).
It is “Pot Luck.” Bring food and drinks to share. We will provide: picnic tables, hot dogs, gas grill, paper plates, utensils, volley ball court and a croquet set. We have a few old benches and chairs but you might bring your folding picnic chair in case we run short.
It is at 6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 – near the intersections of Sleepy Hollow Road and Whispering Lane – both of which have traffic lights. Other large landmarks: it is directly across Columbia Pike from Belvedere Elementary School and just west of Mason District Park. As you will see from the attached map, our access road, Fitzhugh Drive, connects to Ancient Oak Court via an access road along Columbia Pike. There is additional parking along Sulky Lane which ends right at the volley ball field (not a court) and is the shortest distance to the picnic area next to our just repainted “guest house.”
Map (.pdf)

(05/05/2011) Update: Start time, Rain or Shine, is officially 3 PM but we welcome your help in setting up the tables and games any time after 2 PM. We look forward to seeing you then.