Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.


November 8th, 2011

From Fred:  Plan A (things are still changing but this is my best guess)

-We will warm up and rehearse from 7:30 to approximately 8:20 in our regular room; take a short break and walk over to Schlesinger Center at or before 8:30.

-We are to be on stage at 8:40 tonight and should be finished on stage by 9:00. Return to our rehearsal hall in Tyler after the rehearsal so we can discuss what will be done on Thursday and Friday.

-We will line up in two groups of four rows at 8:30 in Schlesinger Center:
— Chorus 1 will line up near the elevators, facing the elevators, S, T, B, A, with sopranos nearest the stage and altos closest to the Tyler building.
— Chorus 2 will line up in front of the fireplace facing the stairs, S, T, B, A, with sopranos nearest the street and altos closest to the elevators.

Around 8:35, or when we are told (somehow), sopranos will lead their row into the auditorium starting with the rear most row. We will go toward the stage through the box seats next to the wall on each side. Pause at the stage and wait for Dr. Matthews to call us onto the stage, probably at the end of the work in progress.

Fire regulations limit the number of persons on the fixed part of the stage at any time. We will bring the total to more than that number by at least 10 singers. Our workaround is to have about 10 singers in each chorus stand on the “apron” of the stage rather than on the risers. We will make adjustments when we get on stage.

Schedule Change

November 1st, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire: The Saturday, November 19, rehearsal is changed to a Men’s Rehearsal. (It is a Women’s Rehearsal on your original schedule.)

Sat., Nov. 5, 1:00-2:15 pm Women’s Rehearsal, AT130
Tues., Nov. 8, 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal w/ Band, AT130 and Schlesinger
Thurs., Nov. 10, 8:00-8:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with the Band, Schlesinger
Fri., Nov. 11, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Civil War Concert, Schlesinger
Sat., Nov. 12 NO MEN’S REHEARSAL (CHANGE posted 10/18)
Sat., Nov. 19, 1:00-2:15 pm Men’s Rehearsal, AT130 (THIS IS A CHANGE)
Sat., Nov. 26 NO REHEARSAL (CHANGE posted 10/18)
Tues., Nov. 29, 7:30 pm Rachmaninoff Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Thurs., Dec. 1, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Holiday Concert, Schlesinger
Fri., Dec. 2, 7:30 pm (6:00 pm call) Rachmaninoff Concert, St. Katherine Church

From Dr. Whitmire

October 31st, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Thanks for another wonderful performance. What an excellent choral tone you made. The final unaccompanied section was breath-taking.  I have heard dozens of performances of Chichester Psalms (some by highly-regarded ensembles) that were not nearly as solid. Chichester presented all the challenges—rhythm, pitch and language—and you mastered them all. I am very proud.

If you missed Sunday’s performance for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have previously spoken with me about your absence, please remind me.

Please return any remaining ticket money to your Section Leader.

Next Tuesday (11/8) is our 1st Dress Rehearsal for the Civil War concert. We will meet in AT130 at 7:30 pm. Peggy Harrison will warm you up. Jonathan Kolm will conduct the rehearsal. Chris Hagan (The Glue) will accompany. At 8:40 pm you will go to Schlesinger to rehearse in the hall. Choir I (s1, a1, t1, b1) will be on risers stage right. Choir II (s2, a2, t2, b2) will be on risers stageleft. Fred Wulff will guide you into place.

Next Tuesday Thursday (11/10) is our 2nd Dress Rehearsal. Meet in Schlesinger at 7:45 pm so you are prepared to take the stage for our 8:00 pm run-thru of Hymn to the Fallen.

As you know, I will be in Haiti from November 5-12. I know you will give Peggy, Fred, Chris, Dr. Kolm and Dr. Matthews your very best.

Civil War Concerts Tickets will be available. Please see the ticket order sheet and sign how many tickets you want to reserve. Tell your guests that the tickets will be at Will-Call reserved in your name.

Rachmaninoff- After tonight, we have only 2 rehearsals (11/15, 11/22) before our November 29 Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Please get into the highest possible gear. Work every day.


Sat., Nov. 5, 1:00-2:15 pm Women’s Rehearsal, AT130
Tues., Nov. 8, 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal w/ Band, AT130 and Schlesinger
Thurs., Nov. 10, 8:00-8:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with the Band, Schlesinger
Fri., Nov. 11, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Civil War Concert, Schlesinger
Sat., Nov. 12 NO MEN’S REHEARSAL (CHANGE posted 10/18)
Sat., Nov. 26 NO REHEARSAL (CHANGE posted 10/18)
Tues., Nov. 29, 7:30 pm Rachmaninoff Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Thurs., Dec. 1, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Holiday Concert, Schlesinger
Fri., Dec. 2, 7:30 pm (6:00 pm call) Rachmaninoff Concert, St. Katherine Church

Sunday Performance

October 31st, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
First, Bravo! for you excellent performance last night. We have never sounded better!
Second, as I announced last Tuesday, our concert date is December 2. It has not changed. (There was a typo is last week’s e-mail.)
More to come. Yours-DrW

Civil War Concert: Help Needed

October 31st, 2011

From Fred:

This note is from Dr. Wendy Matthews, Assistant Dean of Music, to the staff in our part of this campus. It asks for help running the concert. We singers probably cannot both sing and help with the jobs listed below but we may have spouses and friends that can.

(Hmmmm… Warm-up and Assistant for NOVA Chorus?)

From Wendy Matthews:  Hi Everyone:

As you heard we are involved in a huge Multi-media concert on Nov. 11 (Friday). This involves over 150 of our music students. This is a collaboration between the History, Design, Photography and Music Department. 5 of the pieces will have multi-media components, Chris Hagan will be performing, as well as the Arlington Children’s Chorus and the Denny Edelbrock on Civil War cornet.

We already have over 300 tickets being held at will call. We need some volunteers to help this concert run smoothly. I hoping that some of you can help us and/or have students that can help. Below are a list of jobs we need. Please let me or Jonathan know if you can help out. Also, please encourage your students to attend this event. Thanks! -W

Assistant to the house manager
Will Call tickets (20)
Ticket takers (4)
Ushers (4)
Stage Manager
Children’s Chorus Manager
Warm-up and Assistant for NOVA chorus
Assistant to the conductor

Thanks -W

Sunday Parking

October 29th, 2011

From Fred:  This is from the spokesperson of the WMP, Shenya Nicole Burt, who makes all the announcements for the orchestra. I will arrange to pick up enough stickers at intermission and distribute them to you in the Parish Hall. So, stick around a little while and save $8.


From Sheyna:  Hi People
Hopefully, you’re surviving Snowmaggedon – Halloween Edition – safely curled up with a good book/adult beverage.  Excuse the interruption, but I have a hot-off-of-the-presses update for you regarding parking on Sunday.

We just received word from the good people at PMI (the garage next to Epiphany) that they will honor the previously negotiated discounted rate of $8.  I spoke to an executive with the company and the attendant that will be on duty tomorrow afternoon and we should be good to go.  The front of house will have stickers for you to apply to the face of the parking ticket, but allow me to reiterate Ul’s admonition about waiting until intermission to retrieve your sticker.  In my capacity as Board President, I have granted to WMP’s volunteers a shoot to kill order for any musicians who harass them too early.

You have been warned.

More Stage Instructions

October 29th, 2011

From Fred:  Ul James sent this to the orchestra. Advise those around you who did not see this note.

– I suspect the little stage is what Ul calls the “far end of the hall”
– Be flexible and forgiving. We are guests of this orchestra and owe them a LOT!


From Ulysses:  There will be a post-concert reception in the Parish Hall after the concert.  Please do all you can to keep the Hall clear of cases and belongings.  Put them neatly behind the cast iron screen by the organ, or at the far end of the Parish Hall.  Do not put anything on the table in the Parish Hall.

The front of house is usually very busy at the beginning of the concert.  Please do not attempt to pick up vouchers or Principal checks until intermission.

Finally, we have not heard from PMI garage about the availability of vouchers.  At this time, we don’t have any parking vouchers to hand out. Please assume that there won’t be any.  If that changes, we’ll let you know right away.

Thank you!

Rehearsal Reminders

October 29th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-

Please remember our vow: that each of us would spend three hours preparing Chichester Psalms for tomorrow’s concert. Its a nice rainy day – perfect for completing your preparation.

MEN- Please come to our rehearsal today at 1:00 pm.

Here is our Rachmaninoff Small Chorus [see e-mail for list]. We will rehearse at the end of full rehearsal this Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Sing #5, #6, #13, #18
Plus Choir I on #14, #19

More about Epiphany & WMP’ instructions

October 28th, 2011

From Ulysses James:

12:30 PM  Setup.  First Violin Section is designated to assist.
Craig Teer will be setting up risers at the same time.   The “work crew” will be able to get the stands and chairs on the “stage” but avoid obstructing Craig’s efforts.  When he is finished, everything can be put in place.


1:30 PM  WMP Rehearsal – special emphasis on sound check with Charles Williams

2:00 PM  Chorus Rehearsal

3:00 PM  Concert

Parking – is very limited.  The lot next to the Church will have cones in it which restrict use of space.  It may be possible for about two vehicles to park there in which case it should be Recording Engineer John Reiser, and the U-Haul cargo van with large instruments.  Those who have to unload will be able to do so but will have to do it expeditiously so that there are no unnecesary delays.

Parking will be available in the PMI Garage next door and vouchers will be available at the front of house.

Steve Bertino will be giving a pre-concert lecture in the Parish Hall from  2:15 to 2:45 PM.  Please place your cases in the sanctuary transepts until 2:45 PM.  When he is finished, bring them into the Parish Hall.

If you have guests coming please tell them that the only bathroom facilities will be on the second floor via steps.  While the sanctuary renovation is complete, the rest of the Church is in the process of being restored.

The Marine Corp Marathon will take place on Sunday.  The race starts at 7:45 PM and will be finished before the concert.  The last, very slow runners should be finished no later than 2 PM.  However there may still be road obstructions.  Here is a link to the race map:


The dancers will not be performing with us today.  There should be ample room for all.

My best, see you Sunday,


Epiphany Photos

October 28th, 2011

From Fred:  Good luck opening the photos. They are from Ul James, taken the first day he was allowed into the reconstruction area.
Click images for enlarged PDF files. Click titles for enlarged JPG files:

Photo 1

Photo 2,

Photo 3

Marathon Course Map

October 28th, 2011

From Fred: See attached course map (.pdf)

Stage Manager Instructions

October 28th, 2011

From Fred:  Stage Manager Instructions for our concert on 10/30/11.

-14th. Street will be closed to traffic until 1:15 because of the Marine Corps Marathon.
click on “maps” in the upper right hand part; click on the center logo; (map next Emai)
Runners use the out-bound bridge. In-bound is open to the SW Freeway only.

-The parish hall is still there but it will be in use (pre-concert lecture) from 2 to 3 PM.

– No bathrooms downstairs – go up the stairs in back to reach the upstairs bathrooms.

-The orchestra will rehearse alone, in the church, from 1:00 – 2:00 PM on Sunday.

-We may rehearse with them from 2:00 PM until 2:40; starting with Mark’s arrival.

Chorus Plan A

– Before 2:00: Gather in the rear of the sanctuary so we can talk.

– 2:00: Move to the front pews on the left side where the chapel was last year (see photos).

– When Mark arrives, we will line up in the space to your left where the chapel was, and face toward the center of the hall. Altos on the back row will lead that row onto the risers. The remaining back rows will follow onto the risers, one at a time, nothing fancy.

– Mark will release us before the audience is allowed to enter.
Parish hall is not available yet.

– We will move into the parish hall just before the concert begins and remain there until it is time to move onto the risers. That should be about 30 minutes into the concert. There should be some chairs left over from the lecture.

– Remember to get a parking pass to reduce your parking fee to $8 instead of $16. We’ll hand some out. It is also important to have cash and the parking ticket in your hand when you leave the underground parking. No credit cards.

Getting there: Good Luck!

– I have gotten around the marathon blockade in the past by crossing the 14th. bridge; staying in the right hand lane; going onto the SW Freeway to 12th. street and crossing under the mall via the 12th. street tunnel. Turn left at G st, and go less than 2 blocks.

Attachments: Photos of Epiphany (.jpg files, click to enlarge)

Photo 1,

Photo 2,

Photo 3

Traffic Alert

October 28th, 2011

The Arlington County Police Department will close numerous streets in Arlington on Sunday, October 30, for the 36th Annual Marine Corps Marathon.  The race begins at 8 a.m. on Route 110. Extra security measures will also be in place. Residents and motorists can expect delays and should allow extra travel time in those areas.

These roads in Arlington will be affected at the following times:

4:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Eastbound Washington Boulevard will be closed at I-395 towards Memorial Bridge.

4:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Route 110 will be closed in both directions to all traffic.
N. Meade Street will be closed from Fairfax Drive to Marshall Drive
There will be no access to Lynn Street or Meade Street from Route 50.
N. Lynn Street, from Route 50 to N. 19th Street, will be closed.
Ft. Myer Drive will be closed from 19th Street to Route 50.
N. Moore Street, from 19th Street to Wilson Boulevard, will be closed.
Wilson Boulevard will be closed east of N. Nash Street.

4:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Westbound Washington Boulevard from Memorial Circle to I-395 will be closed.

7:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
Eastbound Lee Highway, from Kirkwood Road to N. Lynn Street will be closed.
Westbound Lee Highway, from N. Scott Street to Kirkwood Road will be closed to
thru traffic (local traffic will have egress by taking Scott Street to Veitch
Street. Citizens leaving the area can use westbound Lee Highway to Spout Run and
exit the area via the George Washington Parkway).

7:15 a.m. – 12:00 noon
The Key Bridge will be closed.

7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The southbound I-395 HOV lanes from Washington, D.C. will be closed.

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
12th Street South from Eads Street to Crystal Drive (local traffic permitted in one lane from Eads Street to Army Navy Drive) Traffic is encouraged to avoid this route as intermittent closures will occur.  Use S. 15th Street to access
Crystal Drive will be closed from 12th Street to 23rd Street.
Rotary Road will be closed throughout Pentagon South parking.
Columbia Pike will be closed at Joyce Street (access Pentagon via Boundary Channel).

7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Army Navy Drive will be closed from Fern Street to S. 12th Street.

For more information on road closures in Arlington, please call the Arlington
Police Department’s special events hotline 703-228-4147.dlp/oem

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The Spirit of the Civil War

October 28th, 2011

From Fred:  Here is the web site for the Lincoln at the Crossroads celebration that we will be singing for: http://www.latcra.org/

The following info is from Dr. Wendy Matthews who told about this celebration at our Tuesday night rehearsal.


The NOVA Alexandria Campus Music, Communication Design, History and Photography departments present a multi-media concert, “Spirit of the Civil War” in remembrance of the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War on Friday evening, November 11, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center on the Alexandria Campus.

The Alexandria Campus Band will be joined by of the Mount Vernon Concert Band, the NOVA Community Chorus, and the Arlington Children’s Chorus to perform a multi-media concert of civil war music. Guest soloist will include Ms. Christine Hagan, piano, and Dr. Dennis Edlebrock, authentic Civil War Eb Cornet. The concert will include music of both the North and South including such favorites as Goober Peas, Drummer Boy of Shiloh, Bonnie Blue Flag, and Battle Hymn of the Republic accompanied by visual images of the Civil War. In addition a number of the musical selections not heard since the beginning of the 20th century, have been arranged by the composition faculty and students of NOVA-Alexandria for this concert. This concert is made possible through grants from the Northern Virginia Community College Foundation and the Virginia Community College System.

Seating is limited and tickets will be available at the door for a suggested donation of Adults – $10.00 and Students/Seniors – $5.00. Parking fee is $6.00 for the Beauregard Parking Garage directly across from Schlesinger Hall. The Rachel M. Schlesinger Hall is located at 3001 North Beauregard Blvd, Alexandria, VA. For more information, please see the band’s website www.alexandria-band.org or on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/228407073886112/ You can also contact wmatthews@nvcc.edu, at Phone 703-845-6252 or Ken Balbuena via Email at kpbaluena @ nvcc.edu 703-845-6067.


The Spirit of the Civil War

The civil war played a significant role in shaping American History and our national consciousness and no other American war produced such a great variety of songs or such quantity (Silber, 1960). During this time a new music emerged which was based in lively tunes, plantation chants, pioneer songs, spirituals, and music from the minstrel stage mixed with Immigrant songs from Europe. Additionally, the Civil War, with its military and political urgencies, with its grand mixing of backgrounds and cultures, and with its needs for songs of inspiration and sorrow and laughter acted as a catalyst in the development of uniquely American music (Silber, 1960).

The purpose of the project was to (1) gain a greater understanding of the human experience of the civil war through the music, (2) identify significant music of the time which defines the culture and (3) present a concert in honor of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War. The research for this concert was approached by quasi-qualitative methodology where a purposeful sample of songs was taken by surveying play lists of Re-enactor Civil War Regimental Bands, Brass Band Books of the Civil War (e.g. Brass Band Journal; Manchester Cornet Books); and piano music from 1870-1900 representing music the Civil War. After creating a data base of this music, selections that were listed in two or more sources were retained. Then, the pieces were grouped using descriptors such as family life, songs of children, songs that reflected the soldiers experience, rallying songs, songs sung around the campfire, songs with the same tunes but different words of North and South, and songs representing major composers of the time (e.g..George Fredrick Root, Henry Clay Work, Daniel Decatur Emmett).
After analyzing the data using axial coding, the authors found five emergent themes: (1) Marching and Inspirational Songs, (2) Grand Marches & Quicksteps, Rallying Songs, (3) Children’s Songs of the Civil War,(4) Songs of Emancipation, (5)Songs Sung by the Soldiers, and (5) Patriotic Songs of the North and the South. The final choices of music for the concerts were made based on musical worth, historical significance to Alexandria, Virginia, Representation of the themes, and “fit” of arrangements for modern instruments.
The music then needed to be located or arrange. Several published arranges for modern band were identified. These selections came for the J. C. Penney Bicentennial Music Project, Boosey and Hawkes, Daehn Publications and Alfred Publishing Company. Examples of this music includes Clare Grundman’s Blue and the Gray which was written for the centennial observance of the American Civil War and a Fantasia on Tramp, Tramp, Tramp for solo Eb Cornet and Band. Other selections for this concert were arranged by students and faculty at Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA. The arrangments was based on Brass Band Music from the Library of Congress: Band Music from the Civil War Era Collection and piano music printed in the 19th Century from the Library of Congress: Music for the Nation. American Sheet Music 1870-1885 Collection and collections at Duke University Library and Johns Hopkins University.


This concert is the culmination of this project between the Music, Communications Design, History, and Photography departments at NOVA and the members of the Alexandria Campus Band will be joined by of the Mount Vernon Concert Band, the NOVA Community Chorus, and the Arlington Children’s Choir.

Sunday Traffic

October 27th, 2011

From Peggy:  FYI, the bottom line seems to be that 14th Street will reopen at 1:15pm

From Chorister Carol: Peggy,  You may want to share the part of this FAQ I found on the Marine Corps Marathon site about the 14th street bridge with the chorus members…
Do I need a qualifying time to participate?
You do not need a qualifying time for “The People’s Marathon.” Every runner must be 14 years of age or older on October 30, 2011. All runners must maintain a 14-minute per mile pace to complete the “Guantlet” and to “Beat the Bridge”. The “Guantlet” is located at mile marker 17.5, at the intersection of Madison Drive and 14th Street NW. Runners who fall behind the tail end vehicle will be turned at the “Guantlet” towards “Beat the Bridge” and allowed to unofficially complete the remainder of the course. All runners must reach 14th Street Bridge (just before mile marker 20) by 1:15 pm. At that time, the street will reopen to vehicular traffic. If a runner does not reach the 14th Street Bridge on time, he or she will have to board a straggler’s bus which will take them to the finish festival. It is strongly advised to board the straggler bus but if a runner decides to continue on, they must stay on the sidewalks and are responsible of their own safety

Civil War Concert Poster

October 26th, 2011

From Fred: I have attached a copy of the Civil War Concert poster (.pdf) that Dr. Wendy Matthews was distributing during our last rehearsal.

We hope that you will print and post high quality copies to help fill the Schlesinger Center on concert night. You can also include it in your Email invitations to your musical friends.

Lincoln at the Crossroads

October 26th, 2011

From Fred:  Singers,
Here is the web site for the Lincoln at the Crossroads celebration that we will be singing for:
Our thanks to Larry Carnahan for this info.

Sunday Reminder

October 25th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire: Reminder: This Sunday is the Marine Corps Marathon, so please plan to car pool as much as possible. Allow plenty of extra time to get there.

Carolyn Miller (soprano) has two seats, and can pick up at NOVA parking.

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

October 25th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-  Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2011!  Please sign in.

Please return ticket money or unsold tickets to your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets at $10 each (Half price). Cash or checks to WMPA.

Auditions for non-majors to sing Rachmaninoff # 5, 6, 13, 18 will be tonight.
I have the following number of openings in each section: S-1, A-5, T-2, B-2

This Sunday, Oct. 30, 3:00 pm, is our Concert at Epiphany (1317 G St NW DC).
The Call is 2:00 pm.
Bring your friends and family!


Sat., Oct. 29, 1:00-2:15 pm Men’s Rehearsal, AT130
Sun., Oct. 30, 3:00 pm (2:00 pm call) Concert at Epiphany
Sat., Nov. 5, 1:00-2:15 pm Women’s Rehearsal, AT130
Tues., Nov. 8, 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal w/ Band, AT130 and Schlesinger
Thurs., Nov. 10, 8:00-8:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with the Band, Schlesinger
Fri., Nov. 11, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Civil War Concert, Schlesinger
Tues., Nov. 29, 7:30 pm Rachmaninoff Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Thurs., Dec. 1, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Holiday Concert, Schlesinger
Fri., Dec. 2, 7:30 pm (6:00 pm call) Rachmaninoff Concert, St. Katherine Church

Berkshire Choral Festival

October 22nd, 2011

From Chorister Grace:  The Berkshire Choral Festival – www.choralfest.org – has opened registration for summer 2012.  Singers who attended a week this year were allowed early registration and I see that the Edinburgh week is only open for tenors at this point.  However, any of the other weeks would be a great vacation as well.  FYI – I sang with BCF in Vancouver this past summer – wonderful vacation.  Conductor was Tom Hall from Baltimore who was a treat to work with, the music was extraordinarily moving, and I got to visit the Pacific NorthWest for the first time.  We had around 150 singers from 20+ states and 5 countries, as I recall.  For those who are interested, singers receive music and rehearsal CD’s in the spring and spend a week with rehearsals in the morning and evening and a concert at the end of the week.  In Sheffield, the Springfield Massachusetts Symphony generally joins us for the concert.  Afternoons during the week are free to explore the local area.  I spent a few extra days on either end of the week in Vancouver just to get in a little more sight-seeing.  Other folks did one of the Alaskan cruises either before or after and a couple of my alto friends from 5 years ago in Canterbury took the trans-Canada train back to Boston and New York.  In Sheffield, there are organized afternoon outings to the Norman Rockwell Museum, the town of Lenox, Edith Wharton’s home, etc., as well as hikes and canoe trips.  Picking a week for next year was one of the toughest choices for me personally – would love to do the Beethoven week (Missa Solemnis) or the Defiant Requiem week – but I couldn’t pass up a trip to Edinburgh!
Apply Online, 2012 Performance Schedule

Civil War Commemoration Rehearsal Track Listing

October 20th, 2011

From Chorister Ellie:  If this is any help, please feel free to pass it along, and let me know if there are corrections, please?

1 Hymn to the Fallen – All parts
2 Hymn to the Fallen sop 1
3 Hymn to the Fallen sop 2
4 Hymn to the Fallen A1
5 Hymn to the Fallen A2
6 Hymn to the Fallen T1
7 Hymn to the Fallen T2
8 Hymn to the Fallen B1
9 Hymn to the Fallen B2

10 Kolm I “Say Brother” sop
11 Kolm I “Say Brother” alto
12 Kolm I “Say Brother” tenor
13 Kolm I “Say Brother” bass
14 Kolm I “Say Brother” all parts together
15 Kolm II and III Sop
16 Kolm II and III Alto
17 Kolm II and III Tenor
18 Kolm II and III Bass

Chichester Psalms Recordings

October 17th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers- You did a wonderful job tonight. We all know there were  areas that can be  cleaned up, but the fact is that you transcended. We made music in the moment, which is exactly what I had hoped for. I was very satisfied and proud. Here are the recordings of the Chichester Psalms. Listen and you’ll hear things we did really well, and areas that will  improve. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Audio Files: Movement I, Movement II. (.mp3 files)


October 15th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Don’t forget our important rehearsal today at 1 pm in the Choral Room.
Please return tickets and money to your Section Leaders today. You may keep tickets that you intend to sell.
Tomorrow’s call 2:00 pm at Bishop Ireton HS.

Parking at Bishop Ireton

October 13th, 2011

From Fred:
At the performance this Sunday:
Concert Dress, Black Folders, Park as far from the entrance as you can.

Ul James will also instruct his orchestra to park far away.

If you still have questions, ask them at Saturday’s rehearsal.
Mark has the final word and I’ll be there to hear them.

See you Saturday and Sunday.

Stage Instructions for Sunday

October 12th, 2011

From Fred:  Singers –

The percussion section of the WMP will move toward the front of the stage and away from our risers as much as they can – at least a few feet.

We will have 5 standing rows and 2 seated rows. Our 4 soloists, and our singers who need chairs will sit in the 2 vacant rows of musician’s chairs right in front of our risers. The additional row of singers will stand in front of the risers. This should eliminate the need for women singers to stand alongside the risers.

The tenor section and bass section will exchange places for this performance so that basses will stand to the left of center, next to the altos. Tenors will stand to the right of center, next to the sopranos. There are several places in this music where the tenors and sopranos are singing the same or related music (Part 1, m – 40 for example) while the basses and altos are paired in others (Part 1, m – 75). It should help.

I will mark the centerline of the risers, probably with yellow ribbon tied to the back railing. There are 20 standing tenors so there should be 4 columns of tenors on the risers. There are 26 standing basses so we will have 5+ columns of basses. It is important to crowd toward the center so we can all see and be seen. I will signal adjustments once we are on stage.

Only standing singers will line up in the hall just before going on stage. Those who will be seated should stand off to one side toward the rear stairs. You will go on last from stage left however you work it out. You may be involved in shifting the musician’s music stands. (This is an experiment.)

We will go on stage back row first from stage right as we did last Sunday. This means the front (last) row will enter from stage right just as the seated singers enter from stage left.

Smile on stage. Do not talk in the hall. Don’t applaud unless Mark tells us to.

One more thing. Park as far away from the entrance door as you can so that our paying guests can park close to the door.

See you Sunday – before 2:00 PM.