ALERT — Tues., Oct. 30, 2012 — NOVA Closed
All campuses and administrative offices are closed due to the weather Tues., Oct. 30. All day and evening classes & activities are cancelled.
October 29th, 2012
Suscepit Israel
October 29th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I trust that this message finds all of you snuggled up to the fireplace with your headphones on and rehearsal CD playing. For women who intend to audition for Suscepit Israel, here is a recording (.mp3) to give you an idea of the sound I am looking for. Enjoy1
Sheet music (.pdf previously posted)
October 27th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I will be rehearsing the Bach Magnificat with the orchestra on Sunday, November 18, at 5:00 pm, at Bishop Ireton High School. I would like it if as many singers as possible to attend. I would especially like my Music Majors to be present for this educational opportunity.
Men- We have rehearsal today at 12:30 pm.
Women- Auditions for Suscepit Israel will be this Tuesday after rehearsal. I encourage my Music Majors to prepare and gain this audition experience. Your notes can be found at
Please note this time change:
The call on December 2 at Epiphany is 1:30 pm. The concert (now billed as an informal concert – with tickets) is at 3:00 pm.
October 25th, 2012
The first worksheets for this semester were posted on August 26, 2012. Previous posts can always be located by scrolling in reverse chronological order, or by utilizing the search box to the right of the page.
Seventh Rehearsal Preview
October 23rd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Fall 2012! Please sign in.
Be sure to check out
Women’s Auditions for Suscepit Israel will be next Tuesday. The music is attached. Kate will post it (.pdf) at I will have a few copies for those who can’t print.
What a great Chorus! How can we reach our potential?
(1) Every member take personal responsibility for knowing your parts. Use your CD.
(2) Come to Saturday sections as often as you can
(3) Get together in small groups and practice
(4) Make every possible effort not to miss Tuesday rehearsals
-Sat. 10/27 Men
-Sat. 11/3 No Rehearsal
-Sat. 11/10 Men
-Sat. 11/17 Women
-Sat. 11/24 No Rehearsal
-Sat. 12/1 Full Rehearsal
-Sun. 12/2, 2:00 pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/9 concert, Church of the Epiphany
-Tues. 12/04, 7:30pm, Dress Rehearsal for 12/06 Concert, Schlesinger
-Thurs. 12/06, 7:30 pm concert, 6:30 pm call, Band/Chorus Concert, Schlesinger
-Sat. 12/8 Full Rehearsal
-Sunday 12/9, 3:00 pm concert, 2:00 pm call, with the WMPO Bishop Ireton HS
October 23rd, 2012
Here’s an opportunity for a workshop on early music similar to music we’ll be singing in December. There is a cost involved – details at
Subject: One-day choral workshop and fund raiser
Dear Friends,
We would like to draw your attention to our upcoming workshop and fundraiser on November 3, 2012. The information is below. If this e-mail is not displaying properly please click here for an online flyer (.pdf). We ask that you please share this with your friends. We hope to see you in person, but if you are not able to join us, your tax deductible donations are welcome from afar!
With best wishes from all of us at Chorworks!
October 23rd, 2012
From Chorister Maria: Can you please pass along to the chorus. An opportunity to sign the Messiah with the West Potomac HS choirs and community. Thanks. Flyer (.pdf)
Dear friends
Some of you have already signed up, but this is an open invitation to sing Handel’s Messiah, Pt. 1, with WP choirs, orchestra, and alumni soloists . Many of you have joined us in the past, and I hope you’ll return, and bring some friends! Make as many rehearsals as you can – but no penalty for missing a few. Rehearsal CDs will be available. Bring whatever score you have – We have been using the Leonard Van Camp edition, published by Roger Dean. But the page numbers match up with the Schirmer edition, which you may have if you have done this before. If you don’t have a score, I’ll provide one for you – new $10, used $5. There is also a participation fee of $20 to help cover costs of the program.
Please join us!!! And spread the word – all are invited – first timers AND seasoned singers. Share this with colleagues, at your place of worship, neighbors, and alumni of WP!
Ernest Johnson
Choral Director
West Potomac HS
6500 Quander Rd
Alexandria, VA
Antiphonal Chorus
October 20th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I look forward to seeing WOMEN today at 12:30 pm.
EVERYONE- Please look over the attached antiphonal chorus chart (.pdf).
As you see we are 96 singers strong, including 40 men! The sky is the limit in terms of our potential as an ensemble. Here is how we can reach that potential:
(1) Every member take personal responsibility for knowing your parts. Work with your CD
(2) Come to Saturday sections as often as you can
(3) Get together in small groups and practice
(4) Make every possible effort not to miss Tuesday rehearsals
Music Files
October 16th, 2012
From Fred: Kate has posted note learning mp3 files for all voice parts of the Bach Magnificat on our web site
Soprano parts were already there and she just added the Alto, Tenor and Bass parts.
Updated Schedule
October 16th, 2012
Hand out from Dr. Whitmire: Chorus Schedule (.pdf), updated October 16, 2012.
Sixth Rehearsal Preview
October 16th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Tonight is our 6th rehearsal of Fall 2012!
Once again, let me thank you for a great Beethoven concert on Oct. 2.
You looked great and sounded great. We had a great crowd and received over $1000.00 in donations. Special thanks to Chris and David, and to our outstanding soloists-Cindy, Lika, Jane, Mike, Francisco, Matt, Ellie and Ray.
If you missed the concert for any reason, Please make sure you have spoken to me about it since October 2.
If you are a Music Major and missed the Mid-term on Saturday, please stay after rehearsal tonight.
Extra Rehearsal CDs are here for free. Everyone must be practicing with the rehearsal tracks every week (even every day)
Schedule Changes
We will have Women’s rehearsal this Sat. at 12:30 pm
(there was previously no rehearsal scheduled.
There will be no Sat. rehearsal (Women) on Nov. 3.
There will be no Sat. rehearsal on Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving)
Music at NOVA
October 15th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Here is a link to our new Music at NOVA Facebook page. Check it out and you will find some fabulous photos of our October 2 concert. You will also find info (.pdf) about our Faculty Jazz Concert tomorrow at 2 pm and the Alexandria Band concert on Thursday 10/25. I hope you can attend.
Magnificat Files
October 9th, 2012
Thanks to chorister Maria, soprano and alto rehearsal tracks for the Bach Magnificat are now on the website at They are from a previous semester.
Music Majors
October 8th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Music Majors-
As promised, your mid-term exam will be this Saturday, October 13, 2:00-4:00 pm, following Women’s rehearsal. We will meet as a group and I will ask you to sing in quartets. You will be asked to sing (1) an excerpt from a movement of the Bach Magnificat, and (2) and excerpt from one of the Italian antiphonal choruses: Jubilate Deo, Diligam te, or Laudate Jerusalem. Assessment will be as follows:
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct pitches (0-30 points)
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct rhythms (0-30 points)
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct words (0-20 points)
-overall tone quality (0-10 points)
-overall musicality (0-10 points)
According to my records, the following students are Music Majors. If you want to receive a degree in music, but are not on this list, please let me know. [See e-mail for list]
Once everyone has finished singing, let’s stay for a brief social hour. I will order pizza and sodas.
Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Concert Review
October 3rd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What a perfect concert last night. Every minute was thoroughly enjoyable. You looked great and sounded great. I hope you felt the same- I know our audience did.
Of course our most heartfelt thanks and applause goes to Chris and David. What a tour de force! It was a delight to be on stage for such incredible music-making.
If, for any reason, your were not present last night, please contact me immediately. If you had previously informed me of you absence, please contact me again to remind me.
I look forward to seeing all the men this Sat. 10/06 at 12:30 pm.
We have no rehearsal next Tuesday 10/09, but I am counting on each of you to work on your Italian Choruses.
Tonight’s Concert
October 2nd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Tonight Tuesday 10/2 is our concert. The call is 6:00 pm in Schlesinger. Please be on time.
Come in and sit at the front until I call your section to the stage. The first half we’ll be in the audience. We’ll take our places at the intermission.
Put all music is a black binder. The order of the Scottish Folksongs will be:
1 The Banner of Buchluech
2 Ye shepherds of the pleasant vale
3 Duncan Gray
4 Auld lang syne
Choral Fantasy
Women’s Concert Dress
Floor length dresses or separates—top with floor length skirt or dress slacks (Floor length means to the ankle/top of the shoe);
Color-Black matte finish
Neckline-Modest, unadorned “V” Neckline–no ruffles, flounces, collar, or cleavage
Sleeves-Long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves
Footwear-Black shoes with black hosiery
Accessories-Jewelry should be unobtrusive–modest, not flashy.
Men’s Concert Dress
Tuxedo, White shirt, Black bow tie, Black shoes and socks
Spread the word. Invite your friends. This will be a great concert!
Please join me at Clyde’s for a refreshing beverage following the concert.
October 2nd, 2012
Worksheets from the September 25, 2012 rehearsal (from Fall 2011):
Count-singing (.pdf)
Intervals (.pdf)
Chords (.pdf)
Performance Guidance
October 2nd, 2012
Reminder: Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (Great refresher for current members, too)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips
Performance Guidance (includes concert dress guidelines)
Join the Chorus
September 30th, 2012
From Peggy: Here’s a link to the NOVA Chorus Facebook Group which all are encouraged to join:
Here’s a link to our upcoming concert on Facebook:!/events/482455495106397/
Here’s a link to the Bach Magnificat concert on Facebook:!/events/275173189250046/
Here’s a link to our December concert on Facebook:!/events/360159517397453/
Here’s a link to the site where you can purchase NOVA Community chorus Tshirts and other items:
Music Order
September 29th, 2012
From. Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I look forward to seeing you today at 12:30 pm for our Beethoven Dress Rehearsal.
The order of the Scottish Folksongs will be:
1 The Banner of Buchluech
2 Ye shepherds of the pleasant vale
3 Duncan Gray
4 Auld lang syne
Letter from Bob Trexler
September 25th, 2012
From Chorister Jane, this is a letter (.pdf) from Bob Trexler to the chorus.
Auld Lang Syne
September 22nd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Always forgot, never forget
Verse m 14 – all sing”and auld lang syne” as printed in the bass part; i.e. sopranos do not sing “and days o lang syne”
Antiphonal Chorus Chart
September 22nd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Please let me know if you are not on this chart. [see e-mail for chart]
Saturday Rehearsal
September 22nd, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Thanks for a very good rehearsal today. As you know from your schedule, attendance on either 9/22 or 9/29 is required. If you were not present at today’s rehearsal, plan to come next week. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!
Fourth Rehearsal Preview
September 18th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Fall 2012!
Please sign in.
If you are registered as a senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated.
Flyers for our October 2 concert are here. Please post them at high-profile places around the community. Use the pdf flyer that I sent to you to invite all you online contacts.
Tonight’s rehearsal
Concert I – Choral Fantasy, Four Folksongs
Concert II – Bach No. 1, No. 4
Concert III – Sicut Cervus, Lauda Jerusalem
Next Week
Concert I – Choral Fantasy, Four Folksongs
Concert II – Bach No. 4, No. 7
Concert III – Lauda Jerusalem, Jubilate Deo
This Saturday (9/22) and next (9/29) are Full Rehearsals at 12:30 pm.
Everyone please attend.
Sing Well