Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.


December 10th, 2013

ALERT — Tue., Dec. 10, 2013 — College Closed
NOVA day and evening classes and activities are canceled Tue., Dec. 10 due to inclement weather. All campuses and administrative offices are closed. Please refresh your browser for the latest update.

From Dr. Whitmire: Sadly, tonight’s concert (Tues. 12/10) is canceled. The college is closed (Much ado about nothing).

Performance Canceled

December 8th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Sadly, this evening’s concert has been cancelled. See you on Tuesday.

Fourteenth Rehearsal Preview

December 3rd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 14th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Tonight’s rehearsal is in Schlesinger at 7:30 pm.

Thanks for your outstanding performance on Sunday. You were amazing. I listened to the entire concert on Tuesday night on the way home. Bravo!


Saturday, 12/07/13 noon rehearsal (Please make every effort to attend)

Sunday, 12/08/13, 2:00 pm call; 3:00 pm concert
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
3330 King St, Alexandria

Tues 12/10/13, 6:30 pm call; 7:30 pm concert
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert

Please give your ticket money your Section Leader. You may buy them to give to your friends and family. Cash or check to NVCC Foundation.

Invite your friends!!!

Winter Flyer

December 2nd, 2013

Click image for flyer PDF


November 30th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I certainly have, and the best is yet to come!
Please arrive at Epiphany no later than 1:55 pm. Ul will be rehearsing. At 2:10 pm he would like the chorus to take the stage. Arrange yourselves as we did at the dress rehearsal. Men go up first, then women. There should not be any problems; Sections Leaders will sort out any kinks that arise. Be silent as you take the stage. Section Leaders- Make sure that there are chairs on the sides for any singers who need to sit. Ul will start as many movements as time allows.
We are on after intermission. I can’t wait.

Thirteenth Rehearsal Preview

November 26th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:

Welcome to our 13th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thanks to all who auditioned last week for 12/10 solos. Here are our soloists:
Matt Relton, Halina Banas-Jones, Peggy Harrison, Debbie Peetz, Mike Jarvis


NO rehearsal this Saturday.

Sunday, 12/01/13, 2:00 pm call; 3:00 pm concert
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
1317 G St. NW Washington DC

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, 12/08/13, 2:00 pm call; 3:00 pm concert
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
3330 King St, Alexandria

Tues 12/10/13, 6:30 pm call; 7:30 pm concert
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert

Please give your ticket money your Section Leader. You may buy them to give to your friends and family. Cash or check to NVCC Foundation.

We will be last on the 12/1 and 12/8 concert. Before us there is a newly commissioned piece and Beethoven Symphony No. 2.

Invite your friends!!!


November 26th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:

NOVA Community Chorus (Dr. Mark Whitmire, Director) and the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Orchestra will present Franz Joseph Haydn’s Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War). The concert will feature soloists Therese LaGoe (soprano), Grace Gori (mezzo-soprano), Patrick Cook (tenor) and Aurelius Gori (bass).

Performances are:

Sunday, December 1, 3:00 p.m.
Church of the Epiphany
1317 G Street, NW
Washington, DC

Sunday, December 8, 3:00 p.m.
T.C. Williams High School
3330 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302

For discount tickets or information call 703-845-6097or email mwhitmire@nvcc.edu

Click image for flyer PDF


November 25th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Thanks for a GREAT dress rehearsal last night. This is going to be a fantastic concert.
Tomorrow night is going to be cold and wet. Nevertheless, we cannot afford to have absences. Break out the umbrellas. DON’T MISS REHEARSAL.

Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

November 19th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Auditions for solos in our 12/10 concert are tonight.
Gloria – bass p. 19 on; Sanctus – alto p. 54 Gloria – sop, alto, tenor, bass p. 71

Please do your best to attend rehearsal this Saturday 11/23 at noon. Our soloists will be here.

Our Dress Rehearsal with orchestra is this Sunday 11/24 at 5:00 pm
at First Baptist Church of Alexandria
(2932 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302)

From Washington, DC:
Take I-395 South into Virginia.
Take the King Street Exit heading EAST.
Follow King Street past T.C. Williams High School, and our church will be on your right.
From the Beltway:
Take I-395 North, towards Washington, DC.
Take the King Street Exit headed EAST.
Follow King Street past T.C. Williams High School, and the church will be on your right.

Tickets are here. See your Section Leader. Please do your best to sell 5 tickets at $10 each (half of the door price). Or you may buy them to give to your friends and family. Cash or check to NVCC Foundation. Section Leaders- You might want to come early tonight to organize your tickets.

Our Flyer is attached again.

Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm
Dress Rehearsal
First Baptist Church, Alexandria

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
Haydn: Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei
Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, We wish you a merry Christmas


Click image for flyer PDF

Noon Rehearsal

November 16th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Please make every effort to attend today’s noon rehearsal. We will rehearse all-together.  Next Sunday (11/24) is our Dress Rehearsal with orchestra!


November 13th, 2013

From Alta Section Leader Debbie: I don’t know if a notice will go out to the whole chorus but Ruth Herndon and I wanted you to know about the concert we will be singing in this Sunday, Nov 17th, at the Lyceum in Old Town Alexandria.  The group is PHILOMELA and Terri LaGoe is in the Soprano section of this women’s vocal ensemble.

Performance starts at 3pm and features a set of songs, “Pieces of Night,” composed by Jonathan Kolm of NOVA, with text from the poems of Sara Teasdale.  Accompanied by Denise Wilkinson, violist from The National Symphony Orchestra.  Many of you also know Kathy Kessler Price, Philomela’s director.

The concert is called ‘Patterns of Life’ and includes songs by Laitman, Cohen, Walter, Copland and Lennon/McCartney.

Ticket prices are $15 Adults and $10 Kids & Seniors.
The Lyceum
201 S Washington St,
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 838-4994

It would be lovely to see you in the audience.

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

November 12th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:

Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thanks for your good work with Chris while I was in Haiti last Tuesday.
Thanks also to all who attended to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday.

Next week is our last Tuesday rehearsal before our November 24 Dress Rehearsal with orchestra. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 1

Auditions for solos in our 12/10 concert will be next Tuesday Nov. 19
Gloria – bass p. 19 on; Sanctus – alto p. 54 Gloria – sop, alto, tenor, bass p. 71

A Poster for our December 1 and 8 concerts is attached (.pdf). Spread the word!

I hope to have Tickets next Tuesday.


Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm -Note: repertoire added (10-29-13)
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
from Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War), Haydn
Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei
Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, We wish you a merry Christmas

Click image for flyer PDF

From Russia with Love

November 6th, 2013

NOVA-Annandale Symphony Orchestra Fall Concert. Friday, November 8 at 8:00 pm. See the flyer (.pdf) for details.

Berkshire Choral Festival 2014

November 5th, 2013

From Chorister Grace: Registration is now open for The Berkshire Choral Festival’s 2014 season – www.choralfest.org.  BCF is offering a choice of six one week vacations next year, three in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, one in Winter Park, FL, one in Maynooth, Ireland (near Dublin), and one in Scheggino, Italy.  The last one is already full, but you can sign up for the wait list and hope if that’s the place you want to sing.

The web site has been redesigned and allows you to sign up for the BCF newsletter and get news about their programs without committing to anything, as well as allowing online registration if you want to do that.  There’s also a link to the YouTube video done a couple of years ago, which is a good introduction to BCF.

BCF offers a BCF Scholar program for young singers. We had five alto scholars the week I went last year.  One was a senior in college, and two had just graduated last spring.  The scholar attend the week free (lodging, meals, tuition)- only major expense is getting there and back.  It’s really a terrific opportunity for young musicians.  Applications for the Scholar program don’t close until April, so there’s time to think about it.

Applications for the rest of us are due in January, although registrations are accepted after that if the chorus is not yet full.

Ninth Rehearsal Preview

October 29th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thanks to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 3 more Tuesday rehearsals before our November 24 dress rehearsal with orchestra.

Pick up a copy of three carols for our 12/10 concert.

Auditions for solos in our 12/10 concert will be Nov. 19
Gloria – bass p. 19 on; Sanctus – alto p. 54; Gloria – sop, alto, tenor, bass p. 71

Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm              -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm              -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm             -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm                   -Note: repertoire added (10-29-13)
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
from Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War), Haydn
Agnus Dei
Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, We wish you a merry Christmas


October 26th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please make every effort to attend today’s noon section rehearsal.

Tenors Needed

October 25th, 2013

From Chorister Jane:  Tenors are needed for the Rutter Gloria on Christmas Eve 9PM at Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington.  Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 8 PM.
Jane Roningen
jane.roningen [at] gmail.com

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

October 22nd, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Thank you again for your splendid performance last Tuesday night. What a rich, romantic sound you made! Our soloist and small groups did a wonderful job. Special thanks to Chris and David for their magnificent playing.

If, for any reason, you did not sing at our concert, please see me tonight. If you had already spoken to me of your absence, please remind me.

Thanks as well to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 4 more Tuesday rehearsals before our November 24 dress rehearsal with orchestra.


Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm                  -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA

Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm                  -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm                  -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War

Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert

Thank You

October 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks you for your splendid performance on Tuesday night. What a rich, romantic sound you made! Our soloist and small groups did a wonderful job–adding a nice variety of texture and tone to the Liebeslieder.

Special thanks to Chris and David for their magnificent playing. It was artistry of the highest order. Such a generous gift to us and to our audience.

We will have sectionals at noon on Saturday. I cannot be there as I am needed to help my daughter Brie get back on her feet. I would like for section leaders to take you through as much of the Haydn mass as they can until 12:45 pm. Then Chris will meet you in the choir room and take you through with piano until 1:15 pm. It’s going to be fun.

Section Leaders- Try to have a boom box and the your reh CD. Should you be unable to be there, be sure to get a substitute. If I nee to help with that , let me know.

Amended Schedule

October 11th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Bishop Ireton HS has just made a decision not to allow outside groups to perform in the auditorium. Here is our new, amended schedule (.pdf).

Free Parking

October 11th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Great news! There will be free parking in the deck for our concert on Tuesday. Miracles never cease.
Please make every effort to be at tomorrow’s noon rehearsal.

Drafted Program

October 10th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Singers- Please look over the program roster (.pdf) and make sure you are listed. I don’t mind if there are names of people who are not sing–just don’t want to leave off anyone who is.

here are corrections I have noticed:
Christine Hagan and David Hagan, pianists  (instead of pianist)
Caress, Ed (instead of Ed Caress)

Also- I’d like to list
Christine Hagan and David Hagan, pianists
again after the Neue Liebeslieder

NOVA community Chorus
Dr. Mark Whitmire, Director
Christine Hagan and David Hagan, pianists

Stage Instructions

October 9th, 2013

From Fred: 1. When Chris and David have finished their part of the concert we will will form up in front of the elevator the same way as on stage but facing TOWARD the elevator. Once we are ready to go onstage, we will turn to our left. The rear row will move down the hall to the stage right (closest) entrance and go up onto the risers. The next row will follow them and the next and so on until we are all on stage. (I’d like to practice this when we go on stage at 6:30 if practical.)

2. We should minimize the amount of disturbance and time this takes. If you need to use the toilet before going on stage, use it well before this break rather than when we gather to process onto the stage. Pick a seat near the aisle so you can get to the gathering spot without having to climb over some of our guests. Yes, it is better to be near the rear exit door rather than down front; but this is not a requirement at this time.

3. We don’t have a secure place to store purses in Schlesinger or any of our venues. Your car is the best place. We may have an opportunity to store them in our rehearsal room but that has not been established.

4. The following is a recommendation to avoid turning several pages of music to find the page you will use next.

I use a paperclip to gather each group of pages that I won’t sing during this concert. For example, I clip the last page of #2 to the last page of #6. When we finish singing #2 and it is time to lower our music; I put a finger on the page that I will sing next (#7) close the book and lower it. My book will automatically open at the first page of #7 when I raise my music. No page shuffling required.

Fred Wulff, Stage Mgr.

Seventh Rehearsal Preview

October 8th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.

Tonight (10/8) is our 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Do not miss this rehearsal.

This Saturday (10/12) will be a combined (SATB) rehearsal at noon with piano. Please make every possible effort to attend.

This is going to be a great concert. Invite your friends and family to our Tuesday 10/15 Concert.

Remember, It was a lover and his lass, will be sung by memory.

Please bring your Haydn Mass tonight. I hope to have time to rehearse Kyrie and Sanctus.

It was a lover and his lass

October 7th, 2013

From Fred: I found the attached mp3 to be a good aid to memorizing “It was a Lover…”