Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Concert Reminders

February 22nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers-

-The call on Tuesday is 6:30 pm in Schlesinger. Please be seated at the front of the hall at that time.
-Dress: Men–Tuxes (or dark suit, white shirt and black bow tie); Women- black long v-neck dresses (or black blouse and black slacks)
-At concert time chorus is seated at the back of the hall (except Go down Moses singers)
-At intermission chorus takes the stage:
Altos stage left, all rows; sopranos stage right, all rows; tenors center front; basses center back (we’ll work out details at 6:30 PM)
-There is a  slight change in the Jazz Mass order. Please mark and arrange your music accordingly.

Jazz Mass for Dr. King
This is the day
reading: Bernie Cohen
reading Dorothea Kamara
Love is the unfamiliar name
reading: DeMarcus Bolds
Agnus Dei
Precious Lord

This is going to a great. Invite your friends and family today!

Technical Notice

February 21st, 2014

From Admin: Updates will be delayed until further notice. Thank you for your patience.

Message to choristers who are in my Tuesday Night Class Voice

February 17th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- We will not meet tomorrow night as Chris will be rehearsing with our guest soloIsts. Hopefully we can get together another time later in the semester.

Precious Lord

February 14th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I have attached a revised Precious Lord (.pdf). I only changed the ending. i am sure kate will get it up on novachorus.org and i will put it on Blackboard. I hope to eee everyone tomorrow at 3 pm. Yours-DrW

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

February 11th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Spring 2014!

Please sign in.

Next Week is our 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh @ ix.netcom.com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz @ rand.org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 @ comcast.net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 @ verizon.net

Tonight we will rehearse

Sea surface full of clouds
Jazz Mass
Lift every voice and sing
Jabula Jesu

Be sure to have all your music

We will rehearse Go down Moses tonight at the end of rehearsal.

This Saturday’s 3:00 pm rehearsal is for everyone.

Please spread the word.
It is 2 weeks until our Black History Month concert. Bring your friends and family. There will even be Free Parking in the deck!


February 6th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hi All- Here is a poster (Thanks to Angela Terry and NOVA Studio). Please spread the word.

Click image for Flyer PDF

Third Rehearsal Preview

February 4th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 3rd rehearsal of Spring 2014! It is going to be a great season.

Please sign in.

Next Week is our last Tuesday rehearsal before our February 15 Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh @ ix.netcom.com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz @ rand.org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 @ comcast.net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 @ verizon.net

Tonight we will rehearse
Sea surface full of clouds
Jazz Mass
Lift every voice and sing
Jabula Jesu

Be sure to have all your music

Thanks to all who auditioned for Go down Moses. Tonight is the final audition time.

This Saturday at 3 pm – Women

Go Down Moses

February 4th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Thanks for all the Go Down Moses auditions. There were so many outstanding auditions, especially in the alto section. I have limited this piece to four (or less) on a part and given special consideration to Music Majors.
Here is the group:

s1 – Terri, Judy, Nancy, Jessi
s2 – Michelle, Peggy
a – Dorothea, Kaylee, Debbie, Jane
t – Bill R, Mike, De Marcus, Francisco
b – David, Alan B, Matt

I’d like to rehearse as follows:
Saturday 2/8 4:15 – 5:00 pm
Tuesday 2/11 9:30-10:00 pm
Saturday 2/15 4:15 – 5:00 pm

We have little time, so do your very best to attend these specials rehearsals. Keeping working hard with your rehearsal tracks.

Clarification – These rehearsals apply ONLY to those who are singing Go down Moses. There have been no additions or changes to the full chorus schedule.

Second Rehearsal Preview

January 28th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 2nd rehearsal of Spring 2014! It is going to be a great season.

Please sign in. If you are new, give your phone and e-mail.


If you are not registered, please register now for Chorus (MUS 137 or 237). If you are registered as a senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh @ ix.netcom.com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz @ rand.org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 @ comcast.net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce240 8@ verizon.net

Everyone should have
Sea surface full of clouds ($5)
Jazz Mass ($5), Jazz Mass reh CDs ($5)
Free Sheet music and rehearsal tracks for Sea surface full of clouds and Jazz Mass are available at http://www.novachorus.org/music-files.

In the Bookstore (they will have it packaged for you)
Lift every voice and sing
Go down Moses
Jabula Jesu

(These three spirituals are on Blackboard as well; rehearsal tracks are at www.novachorus.org
(If you are missing any pieces in the package you bought, go back to the bookstore and they will make it right.)

This Saturday at 3 pm – Men


January 25th, 2014

From Peggie: Per request, here are instructions got accessing Blackboard on the NVCC web site.

You go to NVCC web site (www.nvcc.edu) and click on My NOVA

Log in with your user ID and password. (If you don’t know what those are, click in the relevant links to get them. )

After you log in, click on Blackboard.
Wait a few seconds for the page to load up.

The courses you’re registered for are on the right side of the page.
Click on Chorus for the current semester (last semester classes may also be there.

You’ll see Dr Whitmire’s “announcements” that relate to the music, which instructs you to click on Course Documents, which are on on the left side of the page.
You then see links for appears the referenced music.
Click on the link and a PDF file opens that you can print out.

Saturday Rehearsal

January 25th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What a wonderful rehearsal we had today. A great turnout from the women.
I have put a new song, Precious Lord, on Blackboard, in ‘Course Documents.’ It will end Jazz Mazz for Dr. King. It was sung at the March on Washington 50 years ago (by Mahalia Jackson). Please print it.
Please stay calibrated and work hard. We have only 3 rehearsals before our February 18 Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger.
See you on Tuesday.

Spirituals on Blackboard

January 24th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I have placed Jabula Jesu, Lift every voice and, God down Moses on Blackboard. Please print if you don’t have them. These are to be used only until you have purchased your copy at the bookstore. All singers must have music tomorrow (women) and Tuesday (all).

College Closed

January 21st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
As you may know, the college has closed so we will not have rehearsal tonight. I strongly encourage you to use the time working on your music, especially Jabula Jesu and Lift every voice. You should work on Go down, Moses if you intend to audition to sing it.

I am sending rehearsal tracks for Jabula Jesu and Lift every voice to Kate right now. I am sure she will have them up at www.novachorus.org as soon as she can. If you want them right away, send me an email and I will send you the files directly. The pieces are much trickier than I had thought. Our Women’s rehearsal on Saturday at 3 pm is now more important, so please make every effort to attend.

[Admin: All music files are posted on the Music Files page. See the tab above.]

First Rehearsal Review

January 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
– Thanks for an excellent first rehearsal of Spring 2014. My 30th year at NOVA is going to be a great one!
– Peggy reports that we had (1) singers present who were not registered, (2) registered singers who were not present or did not sign in, and (3) long-time singers who were neither present nor registered. I hope that all these problems (especially #3) are remedied on Tuesday.
– Please have all your music at Tuesday: Jazz Mass, Jabula Jesu, Go Down Moses, Lift Every Voice, Sea surface full of clouds. Free music and Music Files are at www.novachorus.org. If you have not printed them by Tuesday, please be prepared to purchase music at rehearsal.
– We will begin rehearsals of Frostiana on March 4. It has been reported that some of the bookstore’s music packets were missing pieces. Faye, the manager, assures me that they will give you any piece you did not get. Take care of this right away. You should have:
Choose something like a star, The Road not Taken, The Telephone, Stopping by a woods (men only), A Girl’s Garden (women only)
– Music files for Go down, Moses will be at www.novachorus.org soon. This will be an auditioned piece. Music Majors are required to audition as a part of mid-term exam. Auditions will be Sat. 1/25 for Women and Sat. 2/1 for Men. I will hear those who cannot come on Saturday on Tuesday 2/4.

Here is the Saturday rehearsal schedule:
Saturday Rehearsals
3:00 – 4:15 pm
Attendance is strongly encouraged, but not required

1/25    Women
2/1      Men
2/8     Women
2/15    Men
2/22   All (last Saturday before Tuesday Concert)
3/1      Women
3/8     Men
3/15    No Rehearsal – Spring Break
3/22   All (last Saturday before Sunday Dress Rehearsal)
3/29   Women
4/5     Men
4/12    Women
4/19    Men
4/26   All (last Saturday before Tuesday Dress Rehearsal)
5/3     All (last Saturday before Tuesday Concert)

Have a wonderful MLK weekend.

First Rehearsal Handouts

January 15th, 2014

Spring Schedule (.pdf)

Rhythm worksheet (.pdf)

First Rehearsal Preview

January 14th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 1st rehearsal of Spring 2014! It is going to be a great season.

Please sign in. If you are new, give your phone and e-mail. Be sure to write clearly.

If you are not registered, please register now for Chorus (MUS 137 or 237). If you are registered as a senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at] ix.netcom.com, 703-609-6540
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at] rand.org, 703-931-2872
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at] comcast.net, 703-527-7447
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon.net, 703-524-5761

Rhythm Worksheet

Sea surface full of clouds ($5) [I’ll bring Sea surface CDs next week]
Jazz Mass ($5)
Jazz Mass reh CDs ($5)
Free Sheet music and rehearsal tracks for Sea surface full of clouds and Jazz Mass are available at http://www.novachorus.org/music-files.

In the Bookstore (they will have it packaged for you)
Lift every voice and sing
Go down Moses
Jabula Jesu

Tonight I will dismiss at 9:20 pm to meet with new members.

Upcoming Semester

January 9th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Bravo! For a fabulous concert last Saturday. It was SO good to get to perform that fantastic Haydn Mass. I was so happy that nearly everyone showed up. What an amazing chorus you are! Bravissimo!! to Francisco for a thoroughly professional job of standing in as tenor soloist.

If you have not done so, please register for chorus asap.

Upcoming semester

Sea surface full of clouds
Sheet music and rehearsal tracks for Sea surface full of clouds are now available at http://www.novachorus.org/music-files.

Jazz Mass
Sheet music and rehearsal tracks for Jazz Mass are also available at http://www.novachorus.org/music-files.

You may print and download music for free. I will have sheet music and CD at our first rehearsal if you want to purchase them. Purchasing sheet music and CD for Sea surface and Jazz Mass is $20 total. Cash or check to NVCC Foundation.

In the Bookstore now (they will have it packaged for you)
Lift every voice and sing
Go down Moses
Jabula Jesu
Choose Something Like A Star – SATB – From “Frostiana”
The Road Not Taken – SATB – From “Frostiana”
The Telephone – SAA/TTBB – From “Frostiana”
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening – TBB – From “Frostiana”
A Girl’s Garden – SAA – From “Frostiana”

I look forward to seeing everyone on at our first rehearsal next Tuesday, January 14.



January 3rd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- It was SO good to see you and hear you tonight. I can’t wait for our concert tomorrow.
If you have not done so, please register for chorus asap.
Also, please consider taking a course next semester to strengthen your musicianship so that you can make a maximum contribution to our chorus.
MUS131 Class Voice, M T at 6:00 pm (This features Chris as accompanist on Monday TUESDAY nights!)
MUS141 Class Piano, Saturdays at noon
MUS101 Basic Musicianship, Tuesdays at 11:00 am
See you tomorrow at 1:00 pm and the Masonic Temple.

Call & Go down, Moses

January 3rd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Ul is going to rehearse Beethoven first, so our call is now 1:00 pm this Saturday.
As last year, our Black History Month Concert will feature a piece sung by Music Majors (and other auditioned singers as space allows.) I have attached Go down, Moses. I would like Music Majors to learn it by our first rehearsal on January 14. Soprano and alto tracks are attached. Tenor and Bass will follow.
I look forward to seeing everyone this Friday at 7:30 pm at NOVA.

Go down, Moses
tenor and bass tracks [not attached – TBD]

[Admin: Tracks are posted on the music files page.]

Music Files

December 29th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Reminder:The postponed performance of the Haydn mass is this Saturday, January 4, at the Masonic Memorial. The call is 12:30 pm; concert time is 3:00 pm. I have only heard from one person the might not be there, so I am expecting all of you to be present.

We have an important rehearsal on Friday, January 3, at 7:30 pm in the choir room at NOVA. As you can imagine, I need everyone present. Please work with your rehearsal CD every day between now and then.

Upcoming semester
Sheet music and rehearsal tracks for Sea surface full of clouds are now available at http://www.novachorus.org/music-files. It is modern and very interesting. Like other modern works, it may take time to fully appreciate.

Sheet music and rehearsal tracks for Jazz Mass are also available at http://www.novachorus.org/music-files. I hope it will be fun and exciting for you to revisit this piece. Thanks to our fabulous webmistress Kate.

You may print and download music for free. I will have sheet music and CDs at our first rehearsal if you want to purchase them.

Happy New year to all. -DrW

Beginning Class Voice

December 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I will have an exciting opportunity for intermediate and advanced singers in the Spring semester. MUS 131/132 Beginning Class Voice meets M-T 6:00 to 7:15. The class will feature a live pianist (Christine Hagan) on Tuesday nights. intermediate and advanced students will be able to sing their own repertoire on a weekly basis and receive instruction and coaching. Beginning students will sing with the rehearsal CD on Mondays. More opportunities to sing with piano accompaniment has long been a need in our Voice Program, and I hope this course will help meet this need. The course will be limited to 20. I encourage seniors to register as paying students. Let me know if you have any questions.

Concert Tickets

December 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- You did a great job of selling tickets for our Haydn concerts. If, because of the cancellation and rescheduled concert, you would like to to be refunded for tickets you purchased, please let me know. We will happily refund your money.

Concert Rehearsal

December 17th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
As you know, our make up concert on Saturday, January 4, 1:00 PM Rehearsal, 3:00 PM Concert. It will be at at George Washington Masonic National Memorial.
Please find time over break to work with your Haydn reh CD.
We will have a chorus rehearsal on Friday, January 3, at 7:30 pm, in the Chorus Room. Please make every effort to attend this critical rehearsal.
Let’s all go for a New year celebration afterward!

Please consider taking a course next semester to strengthen your musicianship so that you can make a maximum contribution to our chorus.
MUS141 02aClass Piano, Saturdays at noon
MUS131 01a Class Voice, M T at 6:00 pm
MUS 101 01a Basic Musicianship, Tuesdays at 11:00 am
MUS 121 06a Music Appreciation, Saturdays at noon
(I teach all of these sections)

Fun Singing Opportunity

December 15th, 2013

From Lisa Eckstein, Music Instructor, Band and Summer Band Camp Director: Dear Musicians,

The Medical Musical Group (MMG) is looking for singers (especially male), and flute, French horn, and string players for a concert they are performing next week at the Strathmore Concert Hall in Bethesda, MD.  There are rehearsals next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings with the concert on Friday.  I have played bassoon with this group before and it is a fun gig.  It is a volunteer gig, not paid.  This is a good opportunity to play with some great musicians and on stage at Strathmore.  The concert will have a large audience and will likely be streamed live.  (I’ll be playing bassoon for this one and have to miss rehearsal on Tuesday but will see you for the rest if you can join.)  I know Harris Wood from band plays with this group a lot, although he is unable to make this concert next week.

There are some “celebrities” who are also a part of this concert.  Please read below for more information, and also pass this onto other flute, French horn, and ESPECIALLY string players if you can.  If anyone is interested in joining the MMG for this concert, please let me know and also contact Beth Davis directly at fictacello@gmail.com.


From Beth Davis, Program Assistant (and acting Principal Cellist): Lisa,

I’m writing to ask if you can help us find a few French Horn and Viola players. We could also use a good flautist. At present, our string count is 5 – 5 – 3 – 5 – 2 and we only have one confirmed French Horn player! Any help finding players would be greatly appreciated.

For your convenience, I’ve attached a flyer about the concert (it also has the rehearsal and concert dates and times). This is an updated Performers flier which includes the rehearsal site information — the Academy of the Holy Cross (4920 Stathmore Ave, Kensington) which is very close to the Strathmore. Also attached is a general concert flyer that just has the concert and ticket information.

Flyer 1, flyer 2 (.pdfs)

We hope the concert will be streamed live on Friday, December 20, 2013, 8:00 pm, from Strathmore Concert Hall in Bethesda, MD. In addition to our 200-member Medical Chorale and Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director and a gifted musician, will strum the guitar with us. We’ll also feature special guests Ricky Skaggs, Maureen McGovern, and Julia Nixon, and Cokie Roberts (ABC) and Jim Bittermann (CNN Paris) will host. The gala concert will benefit wounded warriors and we anticipate that it may become a Washington Holiday tradition!

NOTE: The concert starts at 8PM Friday December 20, not 7:30 as previously noted.
This also pushes back the Pre-concert by a half hour to 7PM.

Concert Rescheduled

December 10th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

As you see below, our 2nd concert has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 4. Please make every effort to sing. Let me know if you cannot sing. You have infested so much in this magnificent music, we simply must sing it again.

What an incredible season! Brahms’ Neue Liebeslieder in October and Haydn Mass in time of war in December. You brought such musicianship and vocality to each. I am proud to direct such a fine group.

The next season is going to be equally great. I hope you enjoy singing my Jazz Mass again at the Black History Month concert. I think you will enjoy being a part of the premier of Sea surface full of clouds by Larry Ries. I know you will love singing Frostiana by Randall Thomson. Please register for chorus as soon as you can. If you know good singers who would enjoy singing with us, sign them up!

Also-Please consider taking a course next semester to strengthen you musicianship so that you can make a maximum contribution to our chorus.
MUS141 Class Piano, Saturdays at noon
MUS131 Class Voice, M T at 6:00 pm
MUS101 Basic Musicianship, Tuesdays at 11:00 am
(I teach all of these sections)

Attached is Gloria (.m3) from our concert at Epiphany.

Have a very Happy Holiday!

From: Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association <wmpa@earthlink.net>
Date: December 10, 2013, 3:40:54 PM EST
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: Second Performance of DEC Concert SAT., JAN 4 2014

Hi all,

The second, postponed performance of the December 8 concert will be on Saturday, January 4. We’ll have a lengthy rehearsal from 12:30 to 2:30 PM, with the concert at 3 PM. We’ll perform at the Masonic Memorial (it is available) OR T. C. Williams (have not been able to communicate with them due to weather closings). I’ll confirm the location as soon as I can discuss the concert with TCW.

This should leave enough time for everyone to schedule the event into their calendar. I did not think it possible to bring the orchestra together for a concert prior to Christmas given everyone’s previous committments. If you currently have a conflict on January 4, please do everything you can to resolve it so that you can perform that day with WMP. If you can’t, please let me know.

Strings, the January 4 weekend will be very busy as the first rehearsal for the February concert will be on Sunday, January 5 from 5 to 8 PM. Please plan on it as well!

Warmest regards,


Ulysses S. James
Music Director/Conductor
Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association