From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Please pay close attention to the following information.
Course Evaluations
I have enjoyed having you in chorus this semester. It is very important that you complete an on-line course evaluation. Go to Do it right away as the evaluation period ends soon. Go to should you have any trouble.
New On-time Registration Policy
I would really like to have you in chorus and one of my other classes next semester. NOVA has a new On-time Registration Policy that requires all students to be registered by 11:59 pm on the day before the first class meeting. There will be no late-add period. Fall 2014 registration is already under way for continuing students, so register now. (It is not clear how this change affects seniors, but I am assured that the process has been improved.)
Chorus Schedule
–Today 4/26 – 3:00 pm Full Rehearsal in AT130
– This Tuesday 4/29 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger
-Saturday 5/3 – no rehearsal
-Tuesday 5/6 – 7:30 pm concert in Schlesinger (6:30 pm call)
-Saturday 5/10, 2-6 pm Chorus Picnic at the Wulff home
Other Upcoming MUSIC AT NOVA Events
Today, April 26: Instrumental Recital, Tyler 130, 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 1: Dr. Patrick Cook Voice Studio Class, Tyler 132: 6-8:30 pm. All are invited.
Saturday, May 3: Voice Recital; Tyler 130; 5:00 pm
Saturday, May 3: Chamber Ensembles Recital, Tyler 130; 7:30 pm
Monday, May 5: Beginning/Intermediate Guitar Recital, Tyler 130, 8:00 pm