Welcome. This site provides information to chorus members. The official webpage is located at the Northern Virginia Community College site.

Senior Registration Info

August 20th, 2015

From Peggy: For seniors who are registering for free classes, here is info as a reminder. If you need assistance in person, go to campus on the Friday before classes start, August 21. The day for senior registration is SUNDAY, August 23, which is the day before the August 24 SESSION starts. If you stay up late Saturday night, you can register 12:01 am. You have until 11:59 PM on Sunday to complete your registration and submission of tuition waver form. If you don’t have computer access, or you anticipate any problem, do go to campus tomorrow for assistance. After you register, give the system time to know you’re there, and you should be able to get your free parking pass online.

Peggy Harrison
Senior Citizen Registration Info:


* Credit Courses for Audit (receive no credit) — eligible regardless of income
* Regardless of income, you may audit up to three credit courses per term for free using the tuition waiver.
* Sixty years of age or older.
* If you haven’t registered in three years, or have never registered, Apply online to the College.
* As soon as possible, make sure your NVCC password is current. It takes some time for the change to “take”, so recommend you do this at least two days prior to Sunday.
* Per college policy for on-time registration, you may register online for any open course the day before the session starts between the hours of 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.
* Link to Registration Procedures, where you register for the class. Make sure to select that you are auditing the class, or option for non-credit.
* 1 Submit the tuition waiver form immediately after registering.
* For verification purposes the College reserves the right to ask for proof of income and/or photo identification (ID).
* Tuition waiver form link: https://dashboard.nvcc.edu/Forms.aspx?type=AcademicServices
* The Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver will not be applied if the class is closed.
* Registration is not complete until the senior tuition waiver form has been successfully completed and submitted within this same timeframe as registration. Submit the tuition waiver form immediately after registering.

Link to “myNOVA”: https://nvcc.my.vccs.edu/jsp/home.jsp

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Senior Singers,
If you are able, it would be great if you could go to campus tomorrow (Friday) and ask to register. since it’s the last business day before classes start, they should accommodate. According to Peggy they did last year.

From Peggy: A note from Bernie Cohen who smarmy to campus today and said assistance is offered in person on MONDAY. Thanks Bernie.
Good luck.

From Bernie: You got bad information, which is in keeping with NOVA data dissemination. Went to get help registering first thing this a.m. Was informed that Seniors who need help in registering have to do it on Monday, 8/24. I was also told (the person seemed competent and assured) that we are to go to Room 252 (Liberal Arts), that Sam Rodriguez was in charge of this function.


August 19th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- There are alto, tenor, and bass Cds on my door. I am out of sopranos- sorry.

Music Enrollment

August 18th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,
I am afraid that courses I love (maybe you, too) are going to get cancelled this week. My thanks to those choristers who have registered, especially those seniors who have enrolled as paying students. Here are the choristers that I have on my roles.

MUS 198 Vocal Seminar 4- Pat, Peggy, Teri, Mary S

MUS 121 Music Appreciation (World Music) 2- Marion, Debbie

MUS 131/132 – 0 choristers have enrolled (and this is a singing class!)

I know were are all in summer mode, but I hope you can take off you RayBans long enough to enroll.


PS. Remember- You can drop any course for two weeks with a full refund.

First Rehearsal!

August 18th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,

Our first rehearsal is just one week away. I am very excited!

Attached is some material (.pdfs) that you will need. Most of this is on Blackboard as well.
Chorus Schedule (including Saturday rehearsals)
Interval Drills
-Bach: Ein feste Burg, BWV movement 1 and movement 8 (copy breaths and rehearsal letters into your score)
-Bach translations

Ein feste Burg
Numbers 1, 5 and 8 will be sung by all.
Numbers 2 (bass), 3 (bass), 4 (soprano) and 6 (tenor) will be sung by soloists selected by audition.
Numbers 2 (sopranos) and 7 (altos and tenor) will be sung by a small group selected by audition.

1. Chorus ALL SING
2. duet (solo bass and auditioned sopranos
3. Recitative (solo bass)
4. Aria (solo soprano)
5. Chorale ALL SING
6. Recitative (tenor)
7. Duetto (alto, tenor)
8. Chorale ALL SING

I will be on campus tomorrow 8/19 and will have CDs of Bach and Handel ($5 total). I’ll put some on my door (AT 108) in the morning.


NOVA Community Chorus sings at Salzburg Choral Festival

August 16th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Please publicize the following. Thanks -MW

Dr. Mark Whitmire (Music, AL) led members of the NOVA Community Chorus in performances at “Cantus Salisburgensis,”an international choral festival in Salzburg, Austria, which took place July 2-6. The chorus performed Beethoven’s Fantasie in C minor at the famed Mozarteum concert hall and presented a concert of ten selections by American composers at Golling Fortress, a 14th century castle near Salzburg. The culminating event was a performance at Salzburg Cathedral when the chorus joined other participating choruses and the Cantus Salisburgensis Festival Orchestra for a performance of Mozart’s Missa Solemnis.

NOVA Update

August 14th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- We are just two weeks until classes start and enrollment remains low. If you have been thinking about a class, register now- you can always drop for a full refund if you don’t like it.

I need some paying students to sign up for Chorus MUS 237. We at least 20 so that we can keep our Saturday sectionals going. (If you are taking Vocal Seminar you can’t sign up because of an erroneous overlap)

My Friday Mus 121 03a Music Appreciation 9:00 am to 11:50 am has only 5. We will study music from all over the world. I’d love to have you in class.

Vocal Seminar MUS 198 Saturdays 1-3 pm is also underenrolled. It offers an opportunity to perform songs with live accompanist and receive coaching from me on vocal technique, musical style, diction and expression. This is one of my favorite classes.

In Mus 163 on Tuesday at 11:00 am or Monday at 7:30 pm you can learn to play guitar. It’s always great fun.

See you soon.


Looking forward to our first rehearsal on August 25

August 7th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers –
-I am really looking forward to our first rehearsal on August 25.
-My thanks to Ellie Briscoe who has done a wonderful job of spreading the news via the media about our wonderful upcoming season. Please help spread the word. Bring us more good singers.
-Please register now. If you were in MUS 237 in the past, please register for MUS 237 now. Seniors- we need at least 20 paying students in MUS 237 so that we can keep our Saturday sectionals going.
-Here is some info that may be of use

Here is Bach’s Ein Feste Burg (BWV 80) in case you haven’t purchased your Barenreiter edition yet.

Here are learning tracks for Movement 1 that we’ll be working on at our first rehearsal.

Here is a score to Handel’s Messiah in case you haven’t purchased your Novello edition yet.
“And the glory” is on page 10. “O thou that tellest” is on page 33.

Here are learning tracks for Messiah. We’ll be singing part I (minus “And he shall purify”) plus “Hallelujah.”


Fall Semester

August 1st, 2015

Classes begin on Monday, August 24. The first chorus rehearsal is on Tuesday, August 25.

Chorus is MUS 137 001A (subject MUS, catalog number 137, section 001A).

For previous postings regarding Fall 2015, under Archives on the right-hand side of the page, click on “Fall 2015”

For archived Spring or Summer 2015 information, please see to the right-hand side of the page, also under Archives.

Frequently Used Documents are always linked on the right side of the page:
Info for New Members (Great refresher for current members, too)
Dr. W’s Choral Singing Tips
Performance Advice (includes concert dress guidelines)
Join the Chorus

As rehearsal tracks, recordings and sheet music files become available, they are posted to the music files page, listed on the tab above.

NOVA music classes

July 26th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Please read my messages of 7/11 and 7/14 (below) if you have not done so. Please register for classes now. We don’t want music classes to get cancelled. Remember, you can get a full refund if you don’t like a class. I can’t wait to see you. Yours-DrW

Another class offering

July 14th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Here is another class offering I hope you will consider. MUS 131/132 Class Voce Voice has a new time—Monday 4:30 pm to 7:20 pm. This is a great class to get instruction in singing techniques including breath, resonance, dictions, etc. Even if you are already a seasoned singed singer, this class is a verya good refresher course. And it’s fun! I hope some of you can join me.

Getting ready for Fall

July 11th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer. I am just back from Salzburg, Austria, where 32 of our members sang at the Mozarteum, Grolling Fortress and Salzburg Cathedral. Like me, you would have been very proud of the way they represented NOVA Community Chorus.

I am already getting excited about the Fall. Music by Bach and Handel’s Messiah! How good does it get? Our music has been ordered and will be in the bookstore soon.

Ein feste Burg (A mighty fortress)
J.S. Bach
Published by Baerenreiter Verlag (BA.BA10080-90).
Item Number: BA.BA10080-90
ISBN 9790006490707.

G. F. Handel
Published by Novello & Co Ltd. (HL.14021327).
Item Number: HL.14021327
ISBN 0853602115.

Here is some more important info.
-Our first rehearsal of the Fall will be Tuesday, August 25, at 7:30 pm.
-Saturday rehearsals will be 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. (The time is not correct in the schedule of classes)
-Please register now. Seniors- It would be helpful if a number of you registered now as paying students so that our numbers look good to the college.
-If you were in MUS 237 in the past, please register for MUS 237 now. Seniors- we need at least 20 paying students so that we can keep our Saturday sectionals going.

New Singers
If you know good singers who would like to sing the Bach and the Messiah (and who wouldn’t?), please invite them to join us. Don’t wait. Spread the word now! I have attached a flyer (.pdf) that you might want to use to help us recruit (If you can’t get it, check www.novachorus.org)

Other Classes
I hope you will consider another of my classes (I always have more fun when a chorister is in a class).

How about a Friday morning music class? MUS121 03a Music Appreciation Fridays, 9:00 am to 11:50 am (14-week class starting September 11) We will study music from all over the world-from New Orleans blues to Indian sitar music, West African drumming, Irish jigs, Western classical music, Native American songs, Jazz, Korean changgo drumming, Mexican mariachi songs to good ole rock- and-roll and more!

How about a Saturday afternoon music class? Vocal Seminar MUS 198 will meet on Saturdays 1-3 pm. (Again, the time is not correct in the schedule of classes). It offers an opportunity to perform songs with live accompanist (the lively Chris Hagan) and receive coaching from me on vocal technique, musical style, diction and expression. This is one of my favorite classes.

Tuesday at 11:00 am or Monday at 7:30 pm. Mus 163 is where you can learn to play guitar. Guaranteed results. And It’s always great fun.


Great Year

May 8th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What an excellent job you did at our May 1 concert. Each of our three pieces was so wonderful in its own way. I will be earth was transcendent and spiritual just as I had hoped.
The Settling Years was joyous, exuberant and very interesting, and the women raised the roof on Still I rise. Specials thanks to Joy and Kaylee who really brought it. It was a very special evening.

This has been a great season and a great year. From the Black History Month Concert in February to the Leavitt Requiem in April and the Women’s Concert in May—so much wide-ranging music, all performed with distinction. Not to mention the fabulous Mozart concert last October and Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs in December. Your commitment and hard work have yielded such fabulous music-making. You have made me very proud.

Please don’t miss
The Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday May 9 2-6 pm at the home of Fred and Judy Wulff
6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale

Next Fall we will be singing music of J.S. Bach (Ein Feste Burg) and Handel’s Messiah. How good can it get. I hope every single one of you will be with me again. Tell your friends who a good singers about our upcoming season and they will want to join.

Have a wonderful summer.


NOVA Community Chorus
Calendar 2015-2016


Tuesday, October 20 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Tuesday, October 27 – 7:30 pm Annual Chorus Benefit Concert, Schlesinger

Sunday, November 29 – 5:00 pm Dress Rehearsal with WMPO

Tuesday, December 1 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Saturday, December 5 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)

Sunday, December 6 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)

Thursday, December 10 – 7:30 pm NVCC Holiday Concert, Schlesinger

Sunday, December 13 – VTS Sing-Along Messiah (optional)


Tuesday, February 16 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Tuesday, February 23 – Black History Month Celebration, Schlesinger

Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO

Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)

Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)

Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger

Chorus and vocal seminar

May 1st, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I look forward to seeing everyone on stage in Schlesinger at 6:00 pm.
Tomorrow at 3:00 pm is our Voice Recital. Please come hear your friends sing.
Vocal Seminar Studetns- I will not be able to meet with you in advance of the recital as juries go right up until 3 pm. I’ll see you then.

Seating for May 1

April 28th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

I look forward to seeing you tonight at 7:30 pm in Schlesinger. When you arrive, go ahead and take your seat according to this chart (see PDF). As much as possible, sit next whoever you are accustomed to seating with. We can fine tune the seating as we go.

The call is 6:00 pm. We will rehearse for 30 minutes on stage in Schlesinger.

At the end of the concert there will be a box back stage for those who would like to donate their music to the Chorus Library. Rather that letting it clutter your house, let us store it for you.

Please don’t miss The Annual Chorus Picnic on Saturday May 9 2-6 pm at the home of Fred and Judy Wulff (6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale)

Thanks to all who attend the awards ceremony yesterday. I am honored to receive the Jean Netherton Award but there is no honor the college could give that means as much to me as your support and friendship.


cc- Chamber Choir for #2

Thirteenth Rehearsal Preview

April 21st, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 13th rehearsal of Spring 2015! Please sign in.

Tonight 4/21 is our final regular rehearsal for our May 1 concert
7:30- 9:10 pm ALL
9:10-9:25 pm Women
9:25-9:50 pm Chamber Choir
Soprano – Terri Lagoe, Judith Robb, Jennifer Weger, Elaine Cassel, Margaret Harrison ,Michelle Lewis
Alto – Elizabeth Bull, Melanie Casey, Deborah Peetz, Jane Roningen, Kaylee Shuey, Carol Uri
Tenor – Estee Herndon, Kristopher Kouzougian, Francisco Robles, Larry Goldschmidt, Jimy Portocarrero, James Schader
Bass – Tom Munger, Pete VandenBosch, Richard Fonda, Ray Lombardi, Matthew Relton, David Shilton

This Saturday 4/25 is a full SATB rehearsal with the woodwind quintet. Please don’t be absent.

Next Tuesday, 4/28 is our 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Please don’t be absent.

Still I Rise soloists – Kaylee Shuey and Joy Covington

Please don’t miss
The Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday May 9 2-6 pm at the home of Fred and Judy Wulff
6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale


April 21st, 2015

From Fred and Judy Wulff: This year’s annual picnic will be on Saturday, May 9, from 2 to 6 PM, in our yard at 6551 Columbia Pike, in/near Annandale. Here are a few hints about finding us and parking your car.

We live across Columbia Pike from Belvedere Elementary School’s athletic yard. It is just East of Sleepy Hollow Road and the Mason District Park; and West of Whispering Lane. Turn into Ancient Oak Court to reach our driveway. (Our north/south driveway is named Fitzhugh Drive but that name only appears on a few maps.) You can park along the driveway. Early arrivals should come in the driveway, turn around and park facing out. You can also park along Sulky Lane (check a map).

Bring food to share and your favorite beverage.

We will supply paper plates and cups, plastic utensils, and ice chest and a gas fired grill. There is a small cabin in the picnic area. It has a bathroom, refrigerator and electric stove. We will also have containers for recyclables and trash.

Fred and Judy Wulff

Chamber Choir

April 18th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: The Settling Years–#2 Chamber Choir

Thanks to all who auditioned, especially altos, who were so well-prepared that I would like to have included you all, but decided on 6 to a part.
I look forward to seeing women today at 11 am.

Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

April 14th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Spring 2015! Please sign in.

Your performance on Sunday was absolutely amazing. Each of our 8 movements was far and away the best rendition we ever produced. Your sound and musicianship were superb. There were countless examples of your accomplishments, but none greater than No. 6 Agnus Dei. Wow!

If you were absent on Sunday, please see me tonight. If we have previously discussed you unavoidable absence, please remind me.

Tonight 4/14 we continue rehearsing for our May 1 concert (The Settling Years, I will be earth, Still I rise [women]). After tonight we have only 1 rehearsal before our April 28 Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Please don’t be absent. Tonight we continue auditions for The Settling Years No. 2 and the Still I Rise solos.

Please turn any remaining ticket money.

This Saturday 4/18 will be Women’s rehearsal.

Please don’t miss
The Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday May 9 2-6 pm at the home of Fred and Judy Wulff

Friday 5/1/15, 7:30 pm

April 18 women
April 25 all



April 13th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Lika Bozhich, voice major and former member of the chorus, will give here graduation recital this Friday at 7:30 pm in Tyler AT130. The recital will feature music by Arne, Paisiello, Ciampi, Mozart, Schumann, Dargomyzhsky, Tchaikovsky and Faurè.

Please come support this wonderful young soprano.


April 13th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Your performance yesterday was absolutely amazing. Each of our 8 movements was far and away the best rendition we ever produced. Your sound and musicianship were superb. There were countless examples of your accomplishments, but none greater than No. 6 Agnus Dei. Wow!

Now on to our May 1 program. We have only 2 rehearsals before our April 28 Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Please don’t miss either. Tomorrow we continue auditions for The Settling Year No. 2 and the Still I Rise solos.

See you then.

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

April 7th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Spring 2015! Please sign in.

Tonight 4/7 we will begin rehearsing in earnest for our May concert (The Settling Years, I will be earth, Still I rise [women]). I will still leave time for at the second half of the Requiem.

Please turn all remaining ticket money. Sell more tickets if you can. Our share of the expenses for this concert are almost $5000. The orchestra has expenses too. Sell your five or buy them and give them as gifts to your friends and family (Our tickets are $10; they are $20 at the door). Cash or checks made to WMPO.

This Saturday, 4/11 will be a full rehearsal. We have to get ready for the concert.
Please don’t miss it!

This Sunday, 4/12/15, 3:00 pm, 2:00 pm call
Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St. NW Washington)

Friday 5/1/15, 7:30 pm

Saturdays (Please note changes)
April 11 all
April 18 women
April 25 all


Tenth Rehearsal Preview

March 31st, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Spring 2015! Please sign in.

Thanks for a great Concert on Sunday. The most obvious thing was the sheer beauty of thesound. Many people remarked about that. Yes, there was a big missed entrance and a few spots that we weren’t together, but the overall effect was very good and many passages were absolutely transcendent. On April 12 we will really nail it. Paul will be there.

Absent? If you missed Sunday’s Concert for any reason, please see me. It you had previously spoken to me of an unavoidable conflict, please remind me.

Tonight 3/31 we will begin rehearsing in earnest for our May concert (The Settling Years, I will be earth, Still I rise [women]). I will still leave time for at the second half of the Requiem.

Please sell tickets. Our share of the expenses for this concert are almost $5000. The orchestra has expenses too. Sell your five or buy them and give them as gifts to your friends and family (Our tickets are $10; they are $20 at the door). Cash orchecks made to WMPO.

No Rehearsal this Saturday. Enjoy the holiday weekend.
April 11 will be a full rehearsal. We have to get ready for the concert.

Sunday, 4/12/15, 3:00 pm, 2:00 pm call
Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St. NW Washington)

Friday 5/1/15, 7:30 pm

Saturdays (Please note changes)
April 4 no rehearsal
April 11 all
April 18 women
April 25 all


NOVA Community Chorus
Calendar 2015-2016

Tuesday, October 20 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Tuesday, October 27 – 7:30 pm Annual Chorus Benefit Concert, Schlesinger
Sunday, November 29 – 5:00 pm Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Tuesday, December 1 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Saturday, December 5 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)
Sunday, December 6 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)
Thursday, December 10 – 7:30 pm NVCC Holiday Concert, Schlesinger
Sunday, December 13 – VTS Sing-Along Messiah (optional)

Tuesday, February 16 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Tuesday, February 23 – Black History Month Celebration, Schlesinger
Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger

Black History Month Celebration

March 28th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Friends- Here is a Youtube link to this year’s Black History Month Celebration.
I hope you will take a moment to watch. I would love to get your ideas about how we can get even more of our campus (students and faculty) involved. Diversity is our strength at the Alexandria Campus, and this is a way to celebrate that diversity in a big way.

Requiem Preparation

March 27th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers –
-I need every singer to take time tomorrow to go through the entire Requiem and work out any problems you may have. Do the Same thing on Sunday morning. If everyone does this, it will make a huge difference in our performance.
-Please carpool when possible on Sunday. At the Masonic Temple, please save the near-the-building parking spaces for our patrons.
-I look forward to seeing WOMEN tomorrow at 11:00 am.

Ninth Rehearsal Preview

March 24th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Spring 2015! Please sign in.

Thanks for a great Dress Rehearsal on Sunday. I was very pleased by your musicianship and professionalism. I hope you could tell that this is going to be a beautiful concert.

Absent? If you missed Sunday’s Dress Rehearsal for any reason, please see me. It you had previously spoken to me of an unavoidable conflict, please remind me.

Tonight 3/24 we will rehearse all of the Requiem. Composer Paul Leavitt is planning to attend. We will also rehearse for our May concert (The Settling Years, I will be earth, Still I rise [women]) as time allows.

Rehearsal CDs for our May Concert are here ($5). All parts (SATB) are on the same CD.

Tickets are here. Please see your Section Leader. Sell your five or buy them and give them as gifts to your friends and family (Our tickets are $10; they are $20 at the door). Cash or checks made to WMPO. [Some tickets have the wrong dates. Rest assure that they will be honored.}

Sunday – Please be seated in the auditorium at 2:00 pm. At that time Matt, Francisco and Kaylee will arrange you on the risers–men center (tenors front) sopranos stage left, altos stage right. Ul will start and stop each movement. I am coming by train and will arrive just prior to start time.

Sunday, 3/29/15, 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm call
Gorge Washington Masonic Memorial (101 Callahan Dr. Alexandria)

Sunday, 4/12/15, 3:00 pm, 2:00 pm call
Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St. NW Washington)

Saturdays (Please note changes)
March 28 women
April 4 no rehearsal
April 11 men
April 18 women
April 25 all