Archive for the ‘Summer 2015’ Category

NOVA Community Chorus sings at Salzburg Choral Festival

Sunday, August 16th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Please publicize the following. Thanks -MW

Dr. Mark Whitmire (Music, AL) led members of the NOVA Community Chorus in performances at “Cantus Salisburgensis,”an international choral festival in Salzburg, Austria, which took place July 2-6. The chorus performed Beethoven’s Fantasie in C minor at the famed Mozarteum concert hall and presented a concert of ten selections by American composers at Golling Fortress, a 14th century castle near Salzburg. The culminating event was a performance at Salzburg Cathedral when the chorus joined other participating choruses and the Cantus Salisburgensis Festival Orchestra for a performance of Mozart’s Missa Solemnis.

Rehearsal 2 and Salzburg

Monday, January 19th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks to the fine group of women who came in on Saturday. Special thanks to Christine who directed the rehearsal in my absence.

I look forward to seeing everyone for Rehearsal 2 tomorrow night. We will rehearse all the spiritual and movement 1 and 2 of the Requiem.

I have gotten a good response regarding Salzburg Festival, July 1-7, 2015. This will be the final message about this trip to the whole chorus. I just want to make sure I did not leave out anyone who is interested. Each person of the list should have received trip details. Those who are definitely committed to going are noted. If you have expressed an interest or committed but are not listed, let me know. [See email for list]