Archive for the ‘Spring 2009’ Category

From Dr. Whitmire

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Dear Singers –

* Tonight is our 7th rehearsal of Spring 2009!

* Choeur d’enfants – We will rehearse tonight at the end of rehearsal

* Attendance – If you have (or will) miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for this concert, be prepared to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Audition will be Tuesday, March 24.

* This Saturday at noon-women

* We have a chorus page on now Facebook. Pass along your ideas about how to best make use of it to Kate.

* The Band Children’s Concert is this Friday at 8. Let Wendy (wmatthews @ nvcc . edu) know if you can usher.

* WMPO – As we have talked about, it is very important that we maintain our relationship with the orchestra. The main way to do so is bring an audience. Another idea: In the past, many of you purchased your five tickets and presented me with a check for $75 that I have passed along to the WMPO. Also, some of you donated to the WMPO at our last concert. My idea: Give your contributions to me and we will become an official patron of the orchestra with our name listed in the program. If you want to do this, make checks to NVCC Foundation. More PR for us.

From Dr. Whitmire

Friday, February 27th, 2009

(2/26/09) Dear Singers –

Thanks for a very rewarding rehearsal on Tuesday. I can tell that you are working hard. If we can keep up the good work, the artistic dividends will pay off handsomely. We have two more regular Tuesday rehearsals: 3/3 and 3/17. I will be out on 3/17 hosting a concert by Westminster Choir College. Nick King will be your conductor. I know you will work hard for him.

Saturday at noon: MEN. I hope everyone can attend.

More Performance Promotion

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

From Chorister Shellie: Need another example of what e-mail text to send to your friends? See Shellie’s text.

Schedule for Fall 2009

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Chorus Schedule, for Fall 2009, from Dr. Whitmire (tentative 2/24/09)

Performance Promotion

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

From Stage Manager Fred: some ideas on how to promote our performances to your friends: Fred’s e-mail

Flyer for our Durufle concerts, March 29 & April 5

More from Dr. Whitmire

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Dear Singers –

It is very important that we have great attendance at both of our upcoming performances of the Durufle Requiem. It is up to you to insure that your friends and family are in attendance. Our continued collaborate with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic depends upon our ability to generate an audience.

As you see below the attendance at our October 2008 concert was less that our April 2008 concert. Earlier this month the WMPO had an audience of 258 at Bishop Ireton, which is larger than the attendance when we sang with them in October 2008.

December 2007 (Poulenc) Schlesinger 222, Epiphany 166, Total 388

April 2008 (Vaughan Williams) Schlesinger 348, Epiphany 154, Total 502

October 2008 (Mendelssohn) Bishop Ireton 251, Epiphany 226, Total 477

We should be able to double the WMPO audience when we perform with them. That would require that If every member of the chorus bring 5 guests. It should not be difficult, since the concerts are free of charge.

As always, flyers will be available, publicity will be sent out, and every effort will be made to spread the word. But the reality is: in a music-saturated environment like Metro DC, the audience will be the people that you bring.

I know you will rise to the occasion. You always have.

Schedule for Fall 2009

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Chorus Schedule, for Fall 2009, from Dr. Whitmire (tentative 2/24/09)

From Dr. Whitmire

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

(2/23/09) Dear Singers –

* Tomorrow is to our 6th rehearsal of Spring 2009! We have only 2 Tuesday rehearsals before our March 22 Dress Rehearsal with the orchestra: 3/3, 3/17.

* Please note these changes in our Saturday schedule (posted 02/10): 3/7 women, 3/14 everyone SATB

* Choeur d’enfants – Thanks to all who auditioned. There will be a group of 12: Whitney, Carol P, Grace, Carol U, Debbie, Terri, Peggy, Shellie, Marty, Judy, Amanda, Lisa (I won’t use all the altos on the higher passages)

* As per the composer’s suggestion, the following sections will be sung by a small group of women: III 34 to the end; VIII 93-94; IX until 101

* The following sections may be sung by the Choeur d’enfants: I 4-5, 13-16; VII 75-78; It will depend on our ability to stay on pitch

* This Saturday at noon-men


Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Chorus Newsletter, March 2009

Children’s Concert

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Friday, March 6 @ 8:00 pm. The Alexandria Band’s Children’s Concert. Free Admission. Donations accepted.

The flyer (click the image for the PDF)

Semester Schedule

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

A message from Dr. Whitmire. Includes semester schedule. (2 pages)

Rehearsal Tracks

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Rehearsal Tracks for Alto and Bass have been added to the Music Files page. Please note that these are files from a previous semester.

NVCC classes begin on Monday, January 12. The first chorus rehearsal is Tuesday, January 13.

Spring 2009

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Performance Tracks have been added to the Music Files page

Please see below for previous postings regarding Spring 2009.

For archived Fall 2008 information, please see to the right-hand side of the page, under Archives.