Author Archive

Last Saturday Rehearsal

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- l look forward to seeing Women this Saturday at 11 am. This will be our last Saturday rehearsal. I want everyone to have plenty of time with family, plus some baking and shopping. Yours-DrW

Tenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Fall 2015! Please sign in.

Tonight-Messiah, all movements. After tonight we have only 2 Tuesday night rehearsals before our Sunday, November 29, Dress Rehearsal with orchestra at Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill (3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria, VA 22302)

This Saturday at 11:00 am – Women

Optional Messiah on December 13 at Virginia Episcopal Seminary (3737 Seminary Rd, Alexandria, VA 22304). If you would like to participate, please send me an e-mail with “optional Messiah” in the subject line. You must attend the Saturday 12/12 10:00 am rehearsal.

Demographics- My meeting last week with all singers under 30 (Cantanti sotto i trent’anni) to get suggestions about recruiting more under 30 singers was very productive. And, I have personally recruitedthree new singers this week (bragging, right?)

Facebook- We have an awesome Facebook page thanks to Kate. Just search NOVA Community Chorus in Facebook. Be sure to ‘like’ us and start using our page as a recruiting and promotional tool.

Video of our Bach Concert

Monday, November 9th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Enjoy this video of our Bach Concert. Thanks to Kate and Joel!

Ellington, Messiah, Recruitment

Sunday, November 8th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

(1) As promised, attached is a Duke Ellington chorus that we will sing at the Black History Month Celebration on February 23. I think it will be a fun break from all our Messiah rehearsing this week. Here is a link to a good performance. It is the whole work, so scroll over to 47:15 to hear this song, Almighty God.

(2) If you want to sing the Messiah with me on December 13 at 3 pm (rehearsal December 12 at 10 am), please let me know asap. It is a part of the year-long celebration of the beautiful new chapel at Virginia Theological Seminary. It should be a fun event.

(3) I talked about my desire to recruit more young singers, and I had a productive meeting with my singers under thirty last Tuesday. I heard some good ideas, including about spreading the word via social media. I feel sure I have left someone out. If so, please let me know. I don’t want to leave any one out. Here is my list: Nora, Daniel, Kris, Luise, Claire, Eva, Seho, Francisco, James, Sarah Jane, Kaylee, Veronica


Ninth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Fall 2015! Please sign in.

Thank you for a wonderful Bach concert last Tuesday. Your singing was truly outstanding. Special thanks to our awesome soloists and the fine small ensembles. I will play the 1st movement recording tonight. Complete CDs will be available soon.

Thank you for generating our best audience ever. It was great to look out to a great crowd and it was great that we were able to pay the bills and them some.

Tonight-Messiah, all movements. After tonight we have only 3 Tuesday night rehearsalsbefore our Sunday, November 29, Dress Rehearsal with orchestra.

This Saturday at 11:00 am – Men

Optional Messiah on December 13 at Virginia Episcopal Seminary. If you would like to participate, please send me an e-mail with “optional Messiah” in the subject line. You must attend the Saturday 12/12 10:00 am rehearsal.

Demographics- As I said on Tuesday, one of the beauties of our group is the diversity of ages. I would like to meet briefly tonight after rehearsal with all with all singers under 30 to get suggestions about recruiting more under 30 singers.


NVCC Foundation
As you begin to think about your end-of the year charitable giving, please keep us in mind. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make your tax-deductible checks to NVCC Foundation and give them to me at any time. Thanks.

Bach Performance

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
You were amazing last night. I hope you had as much joy and satisfaction as I did.
If you were absent for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you had spoken to me about your absence in advance, please remind me.
In celebration of your wonderful concert there will be no rehearsal this Saturday. I look forward to seeing Everyone on Tuesday to rehearse Messiah.

Technical Notice

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

From Admin: Updates will be temporarily delayed until further notice. Thank you for your patience.

Dress Rehearsal

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks for a wonderful rehearsal on Saturday. You sounded so good. There were a few unexpected absences. I need everyone to be present tonight.

This is going to be a great concert. Pull out all the stops with regard to selling tickets and bringing your friends and family. We want to have a great crowd.

When you arrive tonight, take a seat at the front of the hall. At 7:30 pm I will invited you to the stage. We will be seated in four rows. Those singing in small groups
Sit at front (red).


Attached is the 1st draft of the program (.pdf). Look it over and let me know of any omissions or srros.

I look forward to seeing you tonight.

Concert Dress

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

[Admin Reposting] Please review the concert performance attire guidelines as listed in the Performance Advice (.pdf) document, always posted to the right.

Men’s Concert Dress
A tuxedo, white dress shirt or formal shirt with black bow tie, black shoes and socks. If you don’t own a tux and don’t wish to rent one, a black or dark blue suit is permitted in this chorus. You can often pick up used tuxedos at rental stores or secondhand locations.

Women’s Concert Dress
Dress Options
Floor length dresses or separates (top with floor length skirt or formal dress slacks)
Floor length means to the ankle/top of the shoe.

Black matte finish

Modest, unadorned “V” neckline. No ruffles, no flounces, no collar, no cleavage

Long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves

Black shoes with black hosiery

Jewelry should be unobtrusive–modest, not flashy.
[Purses should not be brought on stage. Options are to lock it in your car or in a room identified for such use at the performance venue. If you choose a skirt or slacks with pockets, you may be able to carry all you need there. If you are using a ring binder for your music, a pencil case clamped in with your music can hold keys, a comb and lipstick.]

The following are NOT be acceptable:
Slacks: Leggings, chinos, denim jeans, khaki-style, any pant that would expose the midriff
Fabrics: Velvet, satin/shiny fabrics, sheer/see-through fabrics like chiffon or lace, sequined fabrics, heavily patterned fabrics

Chorus members are encouraged to look at websites of vendors specializing in outfitting ensembles to get an idea of the overall look of formality we are trying to achieve. If you need to purchase garments to fit the profile, the following websites are just a few we looked at that have appropriate clothing choices. The profile is basic enough that you may be able to find “the right stuff” at a local department store. You may already own an outfit that fits the profile, or you may be able to borrow one from a friend or family member.

More Dress Rehearsal Information

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

From Alto Section Leader Debbie: Here is a more detail about what the women should wear for concerts. We do not have a specific dress/outfit to purchase but do ask that you get as close as possible to the following:

Women: Black, preferably matte finish, not shiny.
Options – Floor length (to the ankle/top of the shoe) dresses or separates (top with floor length skirt or formal dress slacks).
Neckline – Modest, unadorned “V” neckline. No ruffles, no flounces, no collar, no cleavage.

Sleeves – Long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves.

Black shoes with black hosiery.

Accessories – Jewelry should be unobtrusive-modest, not flashy.


Two valuable websites with answers to a lot of questions are (links at right of page):




Tonight is for placement and sound on the stage. Wear whatever is comfortable. Concert dress required on the night of the concert.

Thanks. The alto section is doing a great job and I think Dr Whitmire is VERY happy with our performance.

Dress Rehearsal Info

Monday, October 19th, 2015

From Fred:
1. Do not wear your performance clothes to this dress rehearsal, but do be on time:
– 7:00 or earlier for the orchestra rehearsal
– 7:20 Sing the Cantata
– Stick around for the 2-piano concerto

2. Performance clothing for the performance itself (on Tuesday, Oct. 27)
– Men wear a black tuxedo with a white shirt, black bow tie, black shoes and black socks
– Women wear all black.

3. So far I have no info on whether or not we will use black folders. Blue Bach?


Monday, October 19th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Thanks for a great rehearsal on Saturday.
I am happy to announce that our new president- Dr. Scott Ralls- plans to attend our concert. It is important that we have a good crowd. I need every singer to do their part by bringing their friends and family to our concert next Tuesday 10/27.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow 10/20 at 7:30 pm in Schlesinger.

Bach Schedule

Friday, October 16th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire to Ul James: Hi Ul-Here is my plan. Please let the orchestra know. Thanks-MW

Schedule for tomorrow (10/17) in Tyler Rm 130

10:00 am Concerto for Two Keyboards –strings only

10:45 am Orchestral Suite (M I) –strings and winds

11:15 am –1230 pm – Cantata: Ein fest Burg –strings and winds

Schedule for Tuesday (10/20) in Schlesinger

7:00 pm – Orchestral Suite (M I) –strings and winds

7:20 pm – Cantata: ein fest Burg –strings and winds

8:35 pm short break to set re-set stage

8:45 -9:30 pm – Concerto for Two Keyboards –strings only

Schedule for Concert Day Tuesday (10/27) in Schlesinger

6:00 pm – Concerto for Two Keyboards –strings only

6:30 pm – Cantata: ein fest Burg –strings and winds

7:00 –7:15 pm Orchestral Suite (M I) –strings and winds

Concert starts at 7:30 pm
Concert will end around 8:45 pm

Substitute Choral Rehearsal

Friday, October 9th, 2015

From Fred: ALL NOVA Chorus singers are invited to a substitute choral rehearsal next Tuesday night, October 12, at 7:30 PM. ALL means our Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses are invited. Chris Hagan will lead the singing. We may use a CD player and talent in the chorus to help us learn to pronounce the German words.

This rehearsal will be held in the sanctuary of the John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA. at the corner of Whispering Lane and Columbia Pike; 2.5 miles from Baileys Crossroads; across from Belvedere elementary school. Please come 5 or 10 minutes early so we can get ourselves organized before starting this rehearsal.

It is a little tricky to get into the church’s parking lot entrance because it is right next to and parallel to Columbia Pike. If you are going west on Columbia Pike, toward Annandale, stay in the left hand lane as you approach the traffic light for Whispering Lane. When traffic permits make a complete left turn and immediately turn right toward Annandale to enter the service road. This road will take you into the parking lot.
The sanctuary entrance is on the lower level. There is a women’s meeting in another part of the church that also starts at 7:30.

There will be a collection to help pay for our use of this space.
Food and liquids are not allowed inside the sanctuary.
See you there.

Fred Wulff

Corrections: 1. The correct date for the next Tuesday rehearsal is October 13
2. It will be OK to have water in the sanctuary. There are bathrooms and a water fountain a short distance away.


Thursday, October 8th, 2015

From Chorister Grace: BCI (formerly Berkshire Choral Festival) will be accepted open registration applications for 2016 starting Wednesday, October 14. The 2016 season includes programs in Massachusetts, California, Rhode Island, and Austria. Following is information that explains the enrollment process.

1. Open enrollment lasts until December 31. Everyone who applies during that timeframe is considered in the selection.

2. The selection is made in January, and notifications are sent out by mid-month.

3. BCI tries to fit singers into the week of their choice, but achieving a proper voice balance can prevent this. Therefore, they encourage singers to list a first, second, and even third choice of weeks to optimize your chances of getting in.

4. Applications are accepted after December 31 based on voice part availability until all spots are filled.

5. Singers can get more information about each venue on the BCI website –

6. Any questions about registration, applying, and participating can be addressed to Chorister Services Director Cynthia Pease at or by calling 413-229-8526.

Warning – BCI can be addictive! There were 209 singers from 20+ states and several countries at the week I attended this year – 70+ had attended BCI between 20 and 30 years, and another 70+ had attended between 10 and 20 years!


Seventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Fall 2015!

Please sign in.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at]
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at]
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at]
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at]

Take some more Bach flyers. Start spreading the word.

We have tickets. See your Section Leader tonight. If every singer sells 5 tickets we will have a great crown and will pay the bills. Sell them or buy them and give them to you friends and family as gifts. Cash or check payable to NVCC Foundation.

NVCC Foundation – As you begin to think about your end-of the year charitable giving, please keep us in mind.Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make your tax-deductible checks toNVCC Foundation and give them to me at any time. Thanks.

Tonight- Chorus will rehearse until 9:15. Soloist and small groups will then rehearse in the followng order: 7, 3, 2, 6, 4

Be sure to check for more info, especially if you are new.

No rehearsal next Tuesday (Fall Break). However, I strongly encourage you to get together in groups and work.


Fifth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Fall 2015!

Please sign in.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Pleasenotify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at]
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at]
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at]
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at]

Thanks to all who Auditioned for Bach solos and small ensembles. Here are the results.
2. bass – David, Nick, Pete
sopranos – Puri, Peggy, Terri, Judy, Jennifer, Sarah Jane
3. bass solo – Pete
4. soprano solo – Sarah Jane
6. tenor solo – Francisco
7. altos – Elizabeth, Pat, Debbie, Carol P, Annette, Jane, Carol U
tenors – John, Larry, Kris, Bill, Francisco

Attached is our Bach flyer. Start spreading the word. I will have printed copies next week. We will also have tickets next week.
Our orchestra alone will cost $3200, so it is important that we all do our part.

Click image for Flyer PDF

NVCC Foundation – As you begin to think about your end-of the year charitable giving, please keep us in mind. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make your tax-deductible checks to NVCC Foundation and give them to me at any time. Thanks.

Be sure to check for more info, especially if you are new.

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Fall 2015!

Please sign in.

NVCC Foundation -Please keep in mind that we pay all our expenses from donations: riser transport, soloists and orchestra and most importantly our fabulous accompanist Chris Hagan. So, as you begin to think about your end-of the year charitable giving, please keep us in mind. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make your tax-deductible checks to NVCC Foundation and give them to me at any time. Thanks.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at]
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at]
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at]
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at]

Auditions for Bach solos and small ensembles will be tonight rehearsal. I will dismiss everyone else at 9:15 pm. Auditions for men can also be done following rehearsals this Sat. September 19 (men).Everyone is encouraged to audition.
2. bass solo & soprano chorus 3. bass solo 4. soprano solo 6. tenor solo 7. alto/tenor chorus

Tonight we will continue singing in German. The diction and translation is on Blackboard. Please be prepared.

Be sure to check for more info, especially if you are new.

Third Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 3rd rehearsal of Fall 2015!

Please sign in.

NVCC Foundation -Please keep in mind that we pay all our expenses from donations: riser transport, soloists and orchestra and most importantly our fabulous accompanist Chris Hagan. So, as you begin to think about your end-of the year charitable giving, please keep us in mind. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make your tax-deductible checks to NVCC Foundation and give them to me at any time. Thanks.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at]
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at]
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at]
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at]

Auditions for Bach solos and small ensembles will be next Tuesday September 15 following rehearsal. Auditions can also be done following rehearsals this Sat. September 12 (women) and September 19 (men). Everyone is encouraged to audition.
2. bass solo & soprano chorus 3. bass solo 4. soprano solo 6. tenor solo 7. alto/tenor chorus

Tonight we will begin singing in German. The diction and translation is on Blackboard. Please be prepared.

Be sure to check for more info, especially if you are new.


Friday, September 4th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I am afraid I have gotten a bad summer cold which has gotten the best of me. There will be no men’s sectional of Vocal Seminar tomorrow. I hope you all have a nice weekend. I’ll see you on Tuesday.

Error in the Fall schedule of classes

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Students- Several of you have brought it to my attention that there are “class notes” for MUS 137 that say:

“This class will not meet on either Monday, Nov. 7th and/or Tuesday, Nov. 8th. The classes will be made-up during Fall Break, on Monday, October 10 and/or Tuesday, October 11th, respectively.”

This is a message from last year when I went to Haiti and does not apply to this semester. As you have experienced, there have been many errors regarding the schedule of classes, and this is one of them.

Music Files

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

As rehearsal tracks, recordings and sheet music files become available, they are posted to the music files page, listed on the tab above.

Second Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 2nd rehearsal of Fall 2015! It is going to be a great season.

Please sign in.

Senior Registrations-As you know the college likes each class to have a least 10 paying students. Concerned about the viability of our Saturday rehearsal class (MUS 237), I asked if some of my seniors would register as paying students. And abracadabra! 23 seniors registered. What’s more, it appears that almost all my seniors registered for Tuesday Chorus (MUS 137) as paying students. This is good news for the college. However, it leaves us in a bit of a bind as regards paying expenses that have previously been covered by donations from seniors- mainly compensation for our fabulous accompanist Chris Hagan. So, as you begin to think about your end-of the year charitable giving, please keep us in mind.Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make your tax-deductible checks toNVCC Foundation and give them to me at any time. Thanks.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at]
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at]
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at]
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at]

Auditions for Bach solos and small ensembles will be Tuesday September 15 following rehearsal. Auditions can also be done following rehearsals on September 12 (women) and September 19 (men). Everyone is encouraged to audition.
2. bass solo & soprano chorus 3. bass solo 4. soprano solo 6. tenor solo 7. alto/tenor chorus

Be sure to check for more info, especially if you are new.

First Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 1st rehearsal of Fall 2015! It is going to be a great season.

Please sign in. If you are new, give your phone and e-mail. Be sure to write clearly.

Senior Registrations-Thanks to all who registered as paying students. If you are registered as a non-paying senior, please consider making a donation to NVCC Foundation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.
Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at]
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at]
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at]
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at]

In the Bookstore (Please have your music at all rehearsals)
Bach: Cantata 80, Ein feste Burg
Handel: Messiah

Take a handout from the table (unless you downloaded from Backboard)

Rehearsal CDs for Bach and Handel ($5 total, cash or check to NVCC Foundation)

Be sure to check for more info, especially if you are new.

After rehearsal get-together tonight! I’ll dismiss early so can go to Clydes for a refreshing beverage. If you are a new member, your first beverage is on my tab.

Senior Registration Info

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

From Peggy: For seniors who are registering for free classes, here is info as a reminder. If you need assistance in person, go to campus on the Friday before classes start, August 21. The day for senior registration is SUNDAY, August 23, which is the day before the August 24 SESSION starts. If you stay up late Saturday night, you can register 12:01 am. You have until 11:59 PM on Sunday to complete your registration and submission of tuition waver form. If you don’t have computer access, or you anticipate any problem, do go to campus tomorrow for assistance. After you register, give the system time to know you’re there, and you should be able to get your free parking pass online.

Peggy Harrison
Senior Citizen Registration Info:

* Credit Courses for Audit (receive no credit) — eligible regardless of income
* Regardless of income, you may audit up to three credit courses per term for free using the tuition waiver.
* Sixty years of age or older.
* If you haven’t registered in three years, or have never registered, Apply online to the College.
* As soon as possible, make sure your NVCC password is current. It takes some time for the change to “take”, so recommend you do this at least two days prior to Sunday.
* Per college policy for on-time registration, you may register online for any open course the day before the session starts between the hours of 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.
* Link to Registration Procedures, where you register for the class. Make sure to select that you are auditing the class, or option for non-credit.
* 1 Submit the tuition waiver form immediately after registering.
* For verification purposes the College reserves the right to ask for proof of income and/or photo identification (ID).
* Tuition waiver form link:
* The Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver will not be applied if the class is closed.
* Registration is not complete until the senior tuition waiver form has been successfully completed and submitted within this same timeframe as registration. Submit the tuition waiver form immediately after registering.

Link to “myNOVA”:

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Senior Singers,
If you are able, it would be great if you could go to campus tomorrow (Friday) and ask to register. since it’s the last business day before classes start, they should accommodate. According to Peggy they did last year.

From Peggy: A note from Bernie Cohen who smarmy to campus today and said assistance is offered in person on MONDAY. Thanks Bernie.
Good luck.

From Bernie: You got bad information, which is in keeping with NOVA data dissemination. Went to get help registering first thing this a.m. Was informed that Seniors who need help in registering have to do it on Monday, 8/24. I was also told (the person seemed competent and assured) that we are to go to Room 252 (Liberal Arts), that Sam Rodriguez was in charge of this function.