Author Archive


Monday, April 11th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What a fabulous concert we had last night! You filled the room with such joy and beauty! Wonderful rhythym, wonderful smiles. We had only a couple of bobbles which will we fix tomorrow. Brava/o! to our soloists who were outstanding.
See you all tomorrow. Yours-DrW


Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire:
Dear Singers-

Here is a wonderful opportunity:

D.C. Lute Song Workshop (April-22-24). There will be a lecture on rhetoric, a masterclass, individual lessons and coaching, and a performance opportunity for students who are interested. Voice students will be paired with lute students and so they will get to learn to work together as a duo over the course of three days. More information can be found at the website: . The cost is low and includes lunches. If you have questions contact Laudon Schuett .

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Spring 2016! Please sign in.

Thanks for a great Dress Rehearsal. You sounded fabulous.

Please support the orchestra by selling your 5 tickets.
For our October concert we paid $3000.00 for an orchestra of 10 players. You can figure how much it would cost to hire and orchestra like the one we have for Springtime in Funen. It is very much in our interest to help keep them afloat. And what could be a more worthy cause? Sell your five tickets to your friends or buy them for gifts. Cash or check to WMPA.

This Saturday at 11:00 am isWomen. We will work mostly on Chichester Psalms.

This Sunday, April 10, is our 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO at Church of the Epiphany (1317 G Street, N.W., in Washington, D.C). Call is 2:00 p.m. It is important that everyone is on time so that we can find our places on the risers. In the event the traffic makes me run late, Ul will conduct the rehearsal.

This Thursday at 7:30 pm is NOVA Idol. Two members of our chorus – Bree Verrill and Matt Cook – are finalists! Come support them if you can.

Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday, May 14, 3:00 pm at the home of Judy and Fred Wulff
Good food, good company, good fun!
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany); Springtime in Funen, 2:00 pm call
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial) Springtime, 2:00 pm call
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger, 7:30 pm
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger: Chichester Psalms; 6:30 pm call

4/9 Women
4/16 Men
4/23 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/30 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)

Sing Well- DrW

Tenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Spring 2016! Please sign in.

A Wonderful concert coming up! Flyer is attached. E-mail your friends.

You should have 5 Tickets. If not, see your Section leader. They are half price. Sell your five tickets to your friends or buy them for gifts. Cash or check to WMPA.

This Saturday, April 2, is our very important Full Rehearsal here in the chorus room

This Sunday, April 3, is our 6:00 pm Dress Rehearsal at Immanuel Church on the Hill (3606 Seminary Road, Alexandria)
correction: This Sunday, April 3, our Dress Rehearsal is at our 5:00 pm.

Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday, May 14, 3:00 pm at the home of Judy and Fred Wulff
Good food, good company, good fun!

Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO (Immanuel Church on the Hill), 5:00 pm
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany); Springtime in Funen, 2:00 pm call
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial) Springtime, 2:00 pm call
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger, 7:30 pm
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger: Chichester Psalms; 6:30 pm call

4/2 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/9 Women
4/16 Men
4/23 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/30 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)

Sing Well- DrW


Monday, March 28th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Please publish the following:

NOVA – Alexandria Music Students to perform with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Orchestra

NOVA Community Chorus (Dr. Mark Whitmire, Director) will join the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Orchestra to present a concert of music to celebrate the arrival of Spring. The concert will in include Appalachian Spring Suite by Aaron Copland, Springtime in Funen by Carl Nielsen, and Spring Symphony by Robert Schumann. There will be two performances: Sunday, April 10 at 3:00 p.m. at Church of the Epiphany (1317 G Street NW, Washington DC) and Sunday, April 17, at 3:00 p.m. at George Washington Masonic Memorial (101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22301). This extraordinary opportunity for NOVA music students is made possible by a college/community partnership designed to give students experience performing with full orchestra. While tickets are $20 at the door, free tickets are available to NOVA students, faculty and staff. Phone: 703-845-6097 or e-mail:

NOVA Community Chorus is a one hundred-voice ensemble that combines singers from the NVCC Music Program and the surrounding community. The chorus has distinguished itself both locally and internationally, performing regularly with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic, as well as at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the National Theater, and the Kennedy Center. The chorus toured Spain and performed at the 1992 World’s Fair in Seville. Other international performances include Gloucester Cathedral (2003), Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral (2006), the Leipzig International Choral Festival (2008). Chartres Cathedral and Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris (2010) and St. Mark’s Basilica, Venice, and St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome (2013).

Ninth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Spring 2016! Please sign in.

A Wonderful concert coming up! I rehearsed the orchestra on Springtime in Funen on Sunday. It sounded fabulous. This will be a wonderful concert.

Flyer is attached. E-mail your friends.

Tickets will be here tonight. See your Section leader. They are half price. Sell your five tickets to your friends or buy them for gifts. Cash or check to WMPA.

There will be no sectional or Vocal Seminar this Saturday. Enjoy the holiday weekend.

Saturday, April 2, is our very important Full Rehearsal.
Sunday, April 3, is our Dress Rehearsal.

Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday, May 14, 3:00 pm at the home of Judy and Fred Wulff
Good food, good company, good fun!

Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO (Immanuel Church on the Hill), 5:00 pm
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany); Springtime in Funen, 2:00 pm call
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial) Springtime, 2:00 pm call
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger, 7:30 pm
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger: Chichester Psalms; 6:30 pm call

3/26 Men
4/2 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/9 Women
4/16 Men
4/23 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/30 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)

Click image for Flyer PDF

Organist Marilyn Keiser in Concert

Friday, March 18th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Tonight at 7:30 pm there is a concert you might be interested. Wonderful organist, wonder organ, FREE.

Organist Marilyn Keiser in Concert
Friday, March 18, 2016
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Immanuel Chapel
Contact: Lifetime Theological Education

The public is invited to a recital by organist Marilyn Keiser. Dr. Keiser is Chancellor’s Professor of Music Emeritus at Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington.

She has appeared throughout the U.S. in concerts sponsored by churches, colleges, and chapters of the American Guild of Organists as well as playing internationally, and has been heard in performance on NPR. In May 1995, she was awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters (honoris causa) from Virginia Theological Seminary. Free admission. No tickets or registration required. This event is part of the Immanuel Chapel Dedicatory Year of Celebration.

Chorus Reunion

Friday, March 18th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I am thinking about the possibility of the first-ever NOVA Community Chorus Reunion. Wouldn’t that be fun? Peggy has put together a roster (attached to email) of more that 500 singers already!. I’d like everyone to think of anyone who is missing and send me or Peggy their name and contact information (this may take some work). I know some of my long-time choristers can fill in the years 1987-2003. I think this will be a helpful data base. I’ll need help putting together a distribution list and contacting former singers. If you are willing to help with this project, please let me know.

PS- I look forward to seeing WOMEM tomorrow at 11:00 am.

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Spring 2016! Please sign in.
I hope you enjoyed a nice Spring Break.

Absences- As you will recall, at our last rehearsal we had the highest number of absences of the semester.
Please do not be absent tonight. We have important work to do.

Please don’t forget to bring sheet music for Springtime in Funen and Chichester Psalms (in the bookstore).

Please focus on the Hebrew diction of Chichester Psalms. It is on your CD and at

This Saturday at 11:00 am – Women

Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday, May 14, 3:00 pm at the home of Judy and Fred Wulff
Good food, good company, good fun!
Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO (Immanuel Church on the Hill), 5:00 pm
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany); Springtime in Funen, 2:00 pm call
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial) Springtime, 2:00 pm call
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger, 7:30 pm
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger: Chichester Psalms; 6:30 pm call

3/19 Women
3/26 Men
4/2 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/9 Women
4/16 Men
4/23 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)
4/30 Full Rehearsal SATB (attendance required)

Spring Break

Friday, March 4th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,
Thanks for your good work on Tuesday. We accomplished a great deal on Springtime in Funen and got a good start on Chichester Psalms.
However, we had the highest number of absences of the semester. I was especially disappointed at the number of singers who did not notify me or their section leader on their absence. As you know, If you have missed more than twice this semester you will need to audition to perform with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic next month. I will announce addition times next week.

Basses will meet tomorrow at 11:00 am. Tenors have not reached a quorum and will not meet tomorrow.

Everyone- Please work on you own or (preferably) with others in your next over break. I next concerts will be here before you know it.


PS- Here is a event that you may be interested in.

The College Music Society

CMS Presents:
A talk with Chris Betts
Tuesday 3/15, 2pm AT 130
What is it like being a professional organist and musician?
Come and learn from Washington Cathedral’s organist from 2012- 2015, Christopher Betts, who will be talking about his 20+ years of experience in the U.K and U.S performing concerts, directing, recording, and playing organ for church services.

Before coming to Washington National, he directed the 5,000-member First United Methodist Church in Lubbock, Texas, where he served for eleven years, overseeing the church’s extensive and acclaimed music program. Originally from the United Kingdom, Christopher graduated from Oxford University. He also studied the organ at Magdalen College, Lichfield Cathedral and St.
Alban’s Cathedral. He has appeared in concerts and on recordings, radio, and television in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

Seventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 7th rehearsal of Spring 2016! Please sign in.

Bravo! Last Tuesday’s Black History Month Celebration was over-the-top! Far and away the best ever! Thanks to everyone for the hard work. The Ellington Sacred Concert came took shape at just the right moment. You sounded wonderful.

Please do not be absent tonight. We have important work to do.

Please don’t forget to bring sheet music for Springtime in Funen and Chichester Psalms (in the bookstore).

This Saturday at 11:00 am -Men

Next week is Spring Break. No Rehearsal. Please rehearse with your CD, preferably with other singers in your section. Focus on the Hebrew diction of Chichester Psalms. It is on your CD and at

Women Tomorrow

Friday, February 26th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I look forward to seeing Women tomorrow at 11:00 am. We would work on Springtime in funen and Chichester Psalms.

ALSO- I’d like to put together a roster of NOVA Community Chorus Alums for possible use this Fall. Peggy is already starting to compile recent rosters. We need your help in gathering names and contact numbers. Put your thinking caps on.


Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Performers-
Last night’s Black History Month Celebration was over-the-top! Far and away the best ever! Thanks to everyone for the hard work. The Ellington Sacred Concert came took shape at just the right moment. You sounded wonderful. Our readers were excellent. Our guest artists Lisa Edwards Burrs, Wade Beach and Roxanne King and her dance company, each gave world-class performances. BRAVO!

I see WOMEN at 11:00 am this Saturday. Bring your Chichester Psalms and Springtime in Funen.

Rehearsal Review

Friday, February 19th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Saturday 2/20
Tomorrow at 11:00 am we have a Full rehearsal SATB. It is our last rehearsal before Tuesday’s concert, so I hope everyone will be there.

Tuesday 2/23
Call is 6:00 pm in the Choir Room for Under 30s to rehearse Come Sunday and Singer about Love. (If you are in Music Theory, Dr. Kolm has excused you to attend rehearsal)
Call is 6:30 pm for everyone to be on the risers in Schlesinger.

If you missed last Tuesday’s dress rehearsal for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have already explained your absence, please remind me.

I’ll have more printed posters tomorrow. Here is another digital copy as well. Spread the word. Let’s have a great crowd on

Click image for Flyer PDF

Technical Notice

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

From Admin: Updates will be temporarily delayed until further notice. Thank you for your patience.

Dress Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
As you know, tonight is our Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Please arrive early, sign in, pick up and program and take your seat on the stage. If you arrive at 7:30 pm you are late and will be disruptive.
This is going to be great!!! Spread the word!
Please check out this great summer opportunity (link) (or .pdf) for singers. After the weather we’ve had, Italy sound pretty good, right?

BHM Celebration Program Draft

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Again All,
We had a fabulous rehearsal with the Jazz Ensemble and Chorus yesterday. What a show this is going to be!
Attached is the near-final BHM Celebration program (.pdf). As you see, I have decided to place texts in a separate document (.pdf). Please look it over carefully and let me know if you see any errors or omissions.
I trust that you are all doing EVERYTHING possible to help us have a great crowd.

Berkshire Choral

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

From Chorister Grace: From Berkshire Choral Facebook page – application deadlines for paid apprenticeship and scholarships are coming up fast —

Calling all undergrad and professional-track graduate music students! BCI has PAID APPRENTICESHIPS and SCHOLARSHIPS available for this summer, including positions in VIENNA, AUSTRIA! Application deadlines are March 1st and April 1st. For more information, please visit…/young-adult-programs/, email, or call 413.229.8526.

Lift Every Voice

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: We will rehearse Lift every voice tonight. Be sure to bring your copy or print one from nova or Blackboard.

Fifth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Spring 2016!

7:30 pm All
9:10 pm Women
9:20 pm Cantanti sotto i trent’anni (>30)

This Saturday 2/13 we will have the Jazz Ensemble with us. While it is scheduled as a Men’s Rehearsal, I encourage Women to join us.
Vocal Seminar will begin 30 minutes later than normal- at 1:00 pm.

This Tuesday 2/16 is our Dress Rehearsal in Schlesinger. Do not be absent.

Tuesday 2/23 is our Black History Month concert. Please invite your friends and family. We want to have a great crowd for a great show.

Sing Well- DrW

Fourth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Spring 2016!

Please sign in.

Thanks for the great turn-out at our Reh 3 make-up session on Saturday.
I was especially pleased that the following Cantanti sotto i trent’anni (>30) attended:
Sarah Jane Scott, Bree Verrill, Luise Krebel, Francisco Robles, Rexford Boteng, William McCarthy,

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert,
you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness.

Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy Harrison, peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Alto-Debbie Peetz, peetz [at] rand [dot] org
Tenor-Larry Goldschmidt, lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray Lombardi, rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net

Women- Please bring Still I rise sheet music tonight. If you don’t own a copy, print it from

7:30 pm All
9:00 pm Women
9:20 pm Under 30

This Saturday 2/6 at 11:00 am- Women

Sing Well- DrW

Saturday Rehearsal

Friday, January 29th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 11:00 am. Vocal Seminar singers- We will have class at the church immediately following rehearsal (12:30 pm). The college will have reopened, but let’ s keep it simple.

Community Sing-Along: Now THIS Sunday

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

From Chorister Jane:

Works by Mozart and Handel
View this email in your browser

Get out of the house and sing!
Feeling cooped up from this crazy blizzard week? Ready to stretch your musical muscles and sing some fantastic music?

Join us THIS Sunday, January 31, 7:30 p.m. for Cathedral Sings: Music for Kings and Queens. Don’t forget: we moved this event from last Sunday due to the weather. The sing-along is still on!

We’ll be singing grand works written for coronations: Handel’s Zadok the Priest and The King Shall Rejoice and Mozart’s Mass in C Major, “Coronation.”

Singers of all abilities are welcome at this community sing-along. Tickets are just $10, which includes score rental. Buy now online or by phone (202-537-2228).

Saturday 01/30 11:00 am Full SATB make-up rehearsal at Immanuel Church on the Hill

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Our Saturday 01/30 11:00 am Full SATB make-up rehearsal will be at Immanuel Church on the Hill at 3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria (corner of Seminary Rd. and Quaker Ln). We will have the rehearsal at the church even if the college is open on Saturday. PLEASE plan to attend. I will be driving 225 miles for this rehearsal. That’s how important it is.

Black History Month Poster

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Here is our beautiful Black History Month poster. Spread the word!

Click image for Flyer PDF
