Author Archive

[E] Vowel

Friday, November 21st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers – I have spoken many times about how to sing the unstressed [E] vowel. You may remember me saying “not eh and not uh, more like the French vowel in boeuf.” Here is a perfect example: Silent Noon sung by John Shirley Quirk. Listen at 3:25 when he sings”when two-fold silEnce was the song.”


PS- John Shirley Quirk, the great English baritone, gave premieres of several Britten operas. Beginning in 1991 he taught at Peabody, and for a time he lived in Fairlington. I once ran into him at Five Guys. He died on April 7 of this year.

Vocal Seminar Students

Friday, November 21st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

-This message is to all my Vocal Seminar students and those might want to join us.
-Miraculously, I am able to offer Vocal Seminar class again in the Spring (MUS 19801a, Sat 12:30-2:30 pm). It is one of my favorite course to teach. All I need now is lots of enrollments. Otherwise, they’ll shuffle me over to Basic Musicianship or some other class.
What is Vocal Seminar? you may ask. It’s a weekly opportunity for you to perform songs with a spectacular pianist (Chris Hagan) and receive instruction in vocal technique, style, diction, etc from me.
It is a very fun and rewarding class.
-Before Vocal Seminar you should take Class Voice (MUS 131, Mon/Tues 6:00-7:15 pm). There you will gain the solid vocal technique and musicianship skills you will need in Vocal Seminar. Also, lots of fun – ask around. Worth repeating if you took it before.
-The more choristers we can get into these classes, the better our chorus will sound.

See you tomorrow at 11:00 am.

PS – There will be a Voice Recital on Saturday, December 6, at 3:00 pm. Singers from my Vocal Seminar will sing. Come hear them.

PS- It would be great if some of my seniors could register as paying students. Otherwise I fear they might cancel us or reassign me before senior registration begins.

Also- 2 choristers, Tom Munger (bass) and Marty Maher (soprano), are in my Friday morning Music Appreciation (MUS12005a) class. This class has been redesigned to be be a world music course and I think this first semester has been really interesting. Check with them and see if they agree. We have had some fascinating and lively discussions.

Weekend Rehearsals

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Please don’t miss our
Saturday 11:00 am rehearsal at NOVA
or our
Sunday 5:30 pm rehearsal at Convergence

On Saturday I will have CDs of our October Mozart Concert. $10 cash or check payable to NVCC Foundation.


Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Fall 2014!

Please sign in.

This Saturday November 22 is a full SATB rehearsal at 11:00 am . Please plan to attend. This is our last Saturday rehearsal of the semester.

This Sunday November 23 is our 5:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with orchestra at Convergence (1801 N. Quaker Lane). Please note time change.

Tickets are here. See your Section Leader. Please sell your five tickets. We are selling them for $10–half off! Cash or checks made to WMPA.

Registration for Spring 2015 has begun. Please register for MUS 137 Chorus as soon as you are able.

Here are my other classes. I would love to see you in one or more of them. Please tell you friends about them, too.
Mus 131 Class Voice – learn to how to be the best singer you can be
Mus 121 Music Appreciation – learn about music from all over the world
Mus 163 Beginning Guitar – have fun learning to play guitar
Mus 164 Intermediate Guitar – have more fun learning to play guitar
Mus 198 Vocal Seminar – learn how to improve your solo singing

Help needed at Convergence this Sunday!

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Forwarded from Dr. Whitmire:

Dear Musicians and Singers;
To make room for our upcoming concerts at Convergence, we need to move the two large pews at Convergence. We will be able to do this on Sunday Nov 23rd. at 3:45pm and we need lots of help to move these large pews.

Please visit the sign up below if you can help. Please feel free to bring family and friends, but strong backs are a must – we don’t want anyone hurting themselves!

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2014!

Please sign in.

Next Tuesday is our last rehearsal before our November 23 Dress Rehearsal with orchestra.

Thanks to the fine group of men who came in on Saturday at 11:00 am. This coming Saturday I will see WOMEN.

The following Saturday November 22 is a full SATB rehearsal. Please plan to attend.

Registration for Spring 2015 has begun. Please register for MUS 137 Chorus assoon as you are able.

Here are my other classes. I would love to see you in one or more of them. Please tell you friends about them, too.
Mus 131 Class Voice – learn to how to be the best singer you can be
Mus 121 Music Appreciation – learn about music from all over the world
Mus 163 Beginning Guitar – have fun learning to play guitar
Mus 164 Intermediate Guitar – have more fun learning to play guitar
Mus 198 Vocal Seminar – learn how to improve your solo singing

Tomorrow night our friend John Kocur and his Jazz groups will be at the Carlysle Club. Come out and support music at NOVA:
Date: Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Carlyle Club; 411 John Carlyle Street; Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 548-8899

Facebook Event Postings

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

From Admin (also listed on the Performances section):
Sun 12/7 –
Tue 12/9 –
Sat 12/13 –

Learn Guitar

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I need your help spreading the word about my upcoming classes, starting with this one. Flyer attached (.pdf). Thanks-DrW


Sunday, November 9th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Attached is a flyer for our upcoming concerts with the WMPO.

Click image for Flyer PDF

Late Fall Schedule

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire:
Dear Singers- Here is our late Fall Schedule. See you tonight.

Sunday, 11/23/14, 5:00 pm
Dress Rehearsal 1 with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Convergence (1801 N. Quaker Lane, Alexandria)

Sunday, 11/30/14, 5:00 pm
Dress Rehearsal 2 with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Convergence (1801 N. Quaker Lane, Alexandria)

Tuesday, 12/02/14, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, 12/07/14, 3:00 pm concert; 2:00 pm call
Concert 1 with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Convergence (1801 N. Quaker Lane, Alexandria)
Olson: Peace to the World
Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs
Holst: Christmas Day

Tues 12/9/14, 7:30 pm; 6:30 pm call
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
Mozart: Dixit, Laudate Pueri
Olson: Peace to the World
Vaughan Williams: Rise heart, Let all the world
Christmas Day

Saturday, 12/13/14, 3:00 pm; 2:00 pm call
Concert 2 with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Church of the Epiphany
Olson: Peace to the World
Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs
Holst: Christmas Day

Music Comments From Dr. Whitmire

Saturday, November 1st, 2014

From Chorister Ellie:
Five Mystical Songs:

p. 6, no break between first and second notes, first measure last staff between spirit and bear.

p.8: Top staff, last note, turn into a dotted quarter instead of a half note, and an eighth rest and breath.

No. 5, Antiphon: “Seeeng” not “sihng”. “Let All the World” is marcato, “My God And King” has real gaps between the words. We worked on the crescendos, from pppp to ff in eleven beats if you count 1&2&3&. This happens a lot.
p. 13, first measure: we are observing the 16th note, e-ve-ry, unlike “ev’ry” on the first page.

p. 14, 4 after J, short note because the tempo picks up.
p. 15, at L, strong consonants to end GoD anD King.
p. 15, last staff, first measure: BIG breath after corner sing.

Christmas Day:

The text has been changed back to Christian MEN.
All women may sing this also line. p 1.
Pronounce it Chrih sTien (no SH sound)
Sing it in two-bar phrases, legato, no flopping, no break (for example) after “Rejoice” in measure 30, or after “”bow” in measure 37.
p. 5, unison meldoy, very legato
p. 10, all women may sing the soprano line. Altos go back to our own line on p. 11. Watch those two-bar phrases.
p. 16: is RAY el, not Is RAH el.

Peace to the World
Pronounce it HA nuh KA (not noo)
Sim is “SEEM”
p. 4, top staff, big breath after the last measure “la im”
p. 14 nes gadol is NAYS gadol

Concert Program

Saturday, November 1st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hi Lisa- Attached is our program (.pdf) and roster for our Tuesday, Dec. 9 concert.

NOVA Survey

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

From Peggy: Dear current chorus members;
Here’s something I found in my NVCC email account. Opine away!!!!

Sorry to say, I’m told, this link won’t work for others. But I do encourage you to check your NVCC email account, which you can access through MY NOVA.


Dear Student,

As you know, NOVA implemented six policy changes starting in the Fall 2014 Semester, which included on-time registration. We would like to understand your experiences and get your feedback with this process. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

Your input is very important and will be kept confidential. Your responses will be combined with all other responses.

We estimate that it will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the survey.

We would appreciate your response by November 3, 2014.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
Link deleted.

Thank you very much for your time.

Ninth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 9th rehearsal of Fall 2014!

Please sign in.

I hope you enjoyed the recording of Dixit Dominus that I sent. I will bring complete CDs soon.

Mozart is back! We will reprise 1. Dixit and 4. Laudate Pueri at our Tuesday, December 9 Band Chorus Concert.

Thanks to the fine group of Men who came in on Saturday. This coming Saturday I will see WOMEN.

Sing Well-DrW

Mozart Recording

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Here is a recording (.mp3) of Dixit Dominus from our Mozart concert. I will make CDs of the concert available soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy.

New Dominion Chorale

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

From Chorister Annette,
Peggy, could you share this concert announcement with the NOVA chorus. Note that tickets are only $5. for students. The concert is in Schlesinger next Sunday, Oct. 26, at 4 p.m.

Concert flyer (link)

Post Rehearsal

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Maestra Chris reports that you had a good rehearsal last night. Thanks to all!

My day entailed 7 hours of rehearsal (no kidding) followed by a concert. I wish I had been at NOVA!

I look forward to seeing the MEN at 11:00 am on Saturday.

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

Monday, October 20th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2014!

Please sing in.

Once again, thanks for a spectacular concert last Tuesday. It was all I had hoped and more.

I am away conducting the All- County girls Choir in southern Virginia. Chris will be in charge. She will lead you through Five Mystical Songs, Christmas Day, and A Song for Peace. There will be copies of A Song for Peace.

Thanks to the fine group of women who came in on Saturday. This coming Saturday I will see MEN.


Saturday, October 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Colleagues-

Thanks to all who were able to attend our Mozart concert on Tuesday. We had a great crowd that filled the donation bowls.
The Mozart Effect must include generosity!

If you missed it, try to come to hear Lisa and the Alexandria Band present their Halloween Concert this Thursday at 8.

Click to enlarge

Bluegrass Mass

Saturday, October 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- I thought some of you might enjoy this.
Skip over the churchy part and listen to the music.

Hanukkah piece

Saturday, October 18th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Here is a Hanukkah piece (incorrect .pdf) will will do with the WMPO Next month. Please print if you are able.

Dear singers- Here is Peace to the World, Part I (.pdf). Part II to follow. Please print if you are able.

Peace to the World, Part II (.pdf)

Peace to the World, all pages .pdf, collated by admin.

Berkshire Choral International

Friday, October 17th, 2014

From Chorister Grace: For those singers who would love to sing the Mozart Vespers again (!), you can do so with Berkshire Choral International (formerly the Berkshire Choral Festival) in Portland, Oregon. The Portland week next year is from June 21 – 28 and will also include Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas with Karen Thomas conducting. Ms. Thomas is the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Seattle Pro Musica. Other Berkshire programs offered in 2015 include a week in Ireland at the National University of Ireland campus in the village of Maynooth, outside Dublin, performing Haydn’s Creation with Julien Wachner conducting. And there are three weeks to select from in the original Berkshires of western Massachusetts – Britten’s War Requiem, July 11 – 19 with Jane Glover conducting; the music of Duke Ellington and his era, July 19 – 26 with Philip Brunelle conducting; and Dvorak’s Stabat Mater, July 26 – August 2 with Erin Freeman conducting.

Each week rehearsals are held mornings and evenings with most afternoons free for local sight-seeing and with the concert – with orchestra – on Saturday night. BCF usually offers organized local trips for the afternoons and also offers some programs for the non-singing partners of members of the chorus.

BCF also has a paid apprentice program for professional-track undergrad and grad students, and the Berkshire Scholar program for college undergraduate music students. More information on both of these programs can be found at There are also limited partial scholarships available for singers of any age.

Having vacationed with BCF almost every year since 2004, I heartily recommend the experience. For anyone interested, following is additional information about the registration process.

The online registration site is now available at Following is some information that explains the enrollment process.

1. Open enrollment lasts until December 31. Everyone who applies during that timeframe is considered in the selection.

2. The selection is made in January, and notifications are sent out by mid-month.

3. We do our best to fit singers into the week of their choice, but achieving a proper voice balance can prevent this. Therefore we encourage you to list a first, second, and even third choice to optimize your chances of getting in. (And keep in mind, if you attend one season, you may apply early for the next season!)

4. Applications are accepted after December 31 based on voice part availability until all spots are filled.

5. When you do apply, be sure to read the admissions page on the website. There is much important information, especially for those who are new to BCF.

8. Any questions about registration, applying, and participating can be addressed to Chorister Services Director Cynthia Pease at or by calling 413-229-8526.

Come talk to me if you want to know more!


Friday, October 17th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- As you may have heard, I am home today getting over a stomach bug. but I will definately be in tomorrow and hope see Women at 11:00 am and Vocal Seminar at 12:30 pm. See you then.

Chorus (Women)- 11:00 am – 12-15 p.m.
Vocal Seminar 12:30 pm- 2:30 pm


Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Thanks for a great concert last night. You were amazing. Clear articulation, beautiful tone, great rhythm and lovely smiling faces. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Soloists- You were all outstanding. And how about Sean Ganous and Chris and David! Brilliant!

Permanent Schedule Change for Chorus and Vocal Seminar. I would like to move our Saturday schedule up and hour so that I can make a train home.
Chorus- 11:00 am – 12-15 p.m.
Vocal Seminar 12:30 pm- 2:30 pm

Your schedule says no rehearsal this Saturday. However, I would like to rehearse WOMEN this Saturday at 11:00 am. Come if you can. UL wants to do an additional piece so I’d like to get started.

I will be away next Tuesday conducting the Chesterfield All-County Women’s Chorus next Tuesday. Chris will be in charge. I know you will be on your best behavior. She’ll take you through Five Mystical Songs and Christmas Day. Be sure to have your music.

Saturday rehearsal

Friday, October 10th, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

Tomorrow-I look forward to seeing everyone at 12 noon for our final rehearsal before our Tuesday concert. Try to sing through your music before then.
Please turn in ticket money to your Section Leader tomorrow. You can still sell more tickets though!

On Tuesday we will rehearse at 6:00 pm in Schlesinger. Please be in your place on the risers at that time.

Vocal Seminar Students- We will meet from 1:30-2:50 pm tomorrow. I have to catch a 3:25 pm train.

See you soon-DrW