From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Wow! Who could have imagined how wonderful you would sound last night? It was a truly beautiful performance.Thanks for your commitment, focus and hard work.
-If you missed the concert for any reason, please contact me immediately. If you have previously informed me of your absence, please contact me to remind me.
-Thanks to all who bought tickets. I know many of you wrote checks just to support the orchestra. It is certainly a worthy recipient of you generosity. If you have ticket money or donations, please turn them in tomorrow night, as the WMPO need to pay their bills.
-Tomorrow I will dismiss women at 8:45 pm and rehearse men only until 9:30 pm. Next Tuesday 4/15 I will dismiss men at 8:45 pm and rehearse women only until 9:30 pm.
-Here is our Saturday schedule (no changes)
4/12 Women
4/19 Men
4/26 All (last Saturday before Tuesday Dress Rehearsal)
5/3 All (last Saturday before Tuesday Concert)
See you tomorrow-DrW
Reminder: If you have a copy of Stomp your foot (Copland), please bring it tomorrow.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals