From Peggy to the (old) Yahoo Groups mailing list:
Dear NOVA Community Chorus member:
We are likely going to move the NOVA Chorus email list from Yahoo Groups to Google Groups. This is because of some changes Yahoo made that will make it harder to add new chorus members to the mailing list.
I have added all of last semester’s chorus members to the Google Groups list and have sent a message with TEST in the subject line.
1. If you sang with us last semester and did NOT get the Test message, please check your spam filter and make sure the new email address ( is on your approved senders list.
2. If you did NOT get the test email and want to be added to the new list, please reply to this message and say you want to be added to the Google Groups list mailing and I will add you.
3. We will add new Fall Semester NOVA Community Chorus members to the Google Groups mailing list only.
3. For a short period Dr. Whitmire will send chorus messages to both the Yahoo and Google Groups mailing lists. However, once we’re confident the new list is working properly, chorus messages will be sent only to the Google Groups list.
From Peggy to the (new) Google Groups mailing list:
Dear NOVA Chorus member:
This is a test of the new google groups email list. If there are any problems please email me directly at the address below.
Between now and the first week of the semester, Dr. Whitmire may send emails to both the new list and the old list, until we’re sure all chorus members are on the new list. We apologize in advance for the duplication, but promise it won’t last long!
Please make sure this email ( is on your spam filters approved senders list.
See you next week!