From Dr. Whitmire

March 15th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers,

Brava/o on your wonderful performances this weekend! It was a treat to get to sit in the hall and hear you sing. Saturday was a good performance and Sunday was GREAT! You had an excellent tone-full of both strength and beauty-and a fine sense of ensemble-with clear entrances and good rhythm. You did all this despite the anxiety that was caused by that fact that the powers that be did not think though the seating arrangements. Thanks for your positive vibes, smiling faces and cooperation. Special thanks to our Stage Manager Fred Wulf and the sections leaders for their invaluable help.

Please don’t miss this week’s rehearsal. After an exhilarating performance it is tempting to take a day off. We have only 2 rehearsals until Ul James is here to work with you on March 29. We have only 3 rehearsals until our Dress Rehearsal with orchestra on April 3.

At this week’s rehearsal I will give you a copy of the Brahms Love Song Waltzes # 1-6.
You can find your notes at

This Saturday at 1 pm – Men

Next Tues. 3/22 – Auditions for solos in Ode to Joy (May 3 performance)


Calendar (.pdf)

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