Dear Singers –
* Tonight is our 5th rehearsal of Spring 2009!
* We have only 3 Tuesday rehearsals before our March 22 Dress Rehearsal with the orchestra: 2/24, 3/3, 3/17
* Please note these changes in our Saturday schedule (posted 02/10): 3/7-women; 3/14-everyone (SATB)
* Choer d’enfants – As per the composer’s suggestion, the following sections will be sung by a small group of women (soprano or alto) who are able to make a child-like tone: III 34-36; VIII 93-94; IX until 101. Auditions will be this Saturday at 1:15 pm. If you cannot attend this Saturday, I will hear you after chorus on Tuesday.
* Attendance: Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Audition will be Tuesday, March 24.
* This Saturday at noon-women